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Редакция Fragrantica. Парфюмерный журнал

Парфюмерный журнал, парфюмерная энциклопедия, описание ароматов и online-сообщество Фрагрантика — Fragrantica.ru

Новые ароматы 03/25/18 13:27

  Весной 2018 Anna Sui запускает Fairy Dance Sparkle, новый аромат коллекции Secret Wish, которая уже включает оригинальный Secret Wish 2005 года и фланкер Secret Wish Fairy Dance 2012 года. Новое издание представляет сказочный мир, полный счастья и радости; "мир, полный надежд, света и мечтаний, которым правят Радость и Дружба"; нарисованный воображением прекрасный секретный сад рядом с волшебной рекой, где часто гостят феи. (via) Fairy Dance Sparkle - яркий цветочный аромат с фруктов... (больше)

Новый аромат коллекции Secret Wish от Anna Sui.

История 03/25/18 13:26 (5 мнения)

Восьмидесятые годы – это время перемен. От брежневской эпохи застоя до падения Берлинской стены, от Московской Олимпиады и её бойкота до перестройки и развала Советского Союза, от Продовольственной программы до дефицита и расцвета барахолок. Выпущен первый сотовый телефон, появились компакт-диски, Интернет, персональные компьютеры – началась информационная эпоха. Обнаружены первые случаи СПИДа, появились и первые компьютерные вирусы. Начало вещания MTV и расцвет музыкальных жанров: новая в... (больше)

Авторы Фрагрантики погружаются в историю и вспоминают ароматы 80-х.

События 03/25/18 11:04

Яна Андреева, парфюмер     Парфюмерный проект: MAGMA Ароматы MAGMA можно купить на сайте magmaperfumes.ru     О СЕБЕ И ПАРФЮМЕРИИ: Особый интерес к запахам я начала проявлять еще в детстве. Тогда лишь обращала на них внимание, а сейчас они ассоциируются с дорогими сердцу моментами. Когда я была маленькой, каждое мое лето проходило на дачном участке с бабушкой. По вечерам она заваривала ароматный чай, нарвав листочков малины, черной смородины и мелиссы. Запах приковывал меня к... (больше)

Представляем российских парфюмеров!

Нишевые ароматы 03/24/18 16:30 (2 мнения)

  В марте 2018 итальянский нишевый бренд Nobile 1942 представил эксклюзивное издание, созданное специально для Campomarzio 70. Аромат Il Capricci del Maestro посвящен жизни и личности Джакомо Пуччини.   "Он любил убегать. Ленивый и блестящий, нервный, высокомерный и застенчивый, голиардический и примитивный: он любил быть со своими друзьями и в то же время чувствовал потребность в уединении; он был почти патологически привязан к туманам своего озера в Лукке... он любил опустошать фл... (больше)

Эксклюзивное издание Il Capricci del Maestro, посвященное Джакомо Пуччини.

Обновления энциклопедии

Prada Luna Rossa Black: свет и тени

Обзоры ароматов 03/24/18 15:23 (3 мнения)

Новая интерпретация Luna Rossa - тонкая игра более темных элементов в оригинальной композиции.

Ramon Monegal Don't Touch My Ouds Collection

Новые ароматы 03/24/18 12:23 (Один комментарий)

Новая коллекция ароматов с удом от испанского парфюмера Рамона Монегаля.

Cerruti 1881 Essentiel

Новые ароматы 03/23/18 14:24 (4 мнения)

Новый древесно-пряный аромат для мужчин линии Cerruti 1881.

Bvlgari Le Gemme Reali: Nylaia, Rubinia, Veridia

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 18:38 (4 мнения)

Gemme Reali is a luxurious dialogue where the color and historic symbolism of each stone is literally embodied in the fragrances’ rare ingredients...

The Society of Scent: новый парфюмерный манифест!

Интервью 03/22/18 15:42 (11 мнения)

Интервью с Жан-Клодом Дельвиллем и Фредериком Жаком об упадке парфюмерного рынка и о том, каким образом они хотят вдохнуть в него новую жизнь.

Bvlgari Omnia Pink Sapphire

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 14:26 (6 мнения)

Новый аромат коллекции Omnia, вдохновленный редким розовым сапфиром.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Gotas de Color Happy Smile

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 13:34

Лимитированное издание аромата Gotas de Color, созданное, чтобы дарить ощущения счастья и удовлетворения, создавать приятную атмосферу и хорошее настроение.

Mancera Paris Wild Python

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 10:07 (3 мнения)

Опасный и соблазнительный белоцветочный аромат от Mancera.


ЛУЧШИЕ АРОМАТЫ 2015 года ~ Fragrantica

Традиционно, перед Новогодними праздниками, мы публикуем рейтинг самых популярных ароматов, которые были выпущены в уходящем году, а также самых любимых ароматов вне зависимости от года выпуска.

Конечно, результаты могут не совпадать с вашим личным вкусом, но все же показывают, какие ароматы можно считать ароматами нашего времени. Интересно сравнить рейтинг российской Фрагрантики с результатами на англоязычном сайте. Сразу бросается в глаза обилие т.н. фланкеров (обновленных версий известных ароматов). Видимо, люксовый сектор не спешит сходить с накатанной дорожки, максимально используя известность однажды созданных ароматов. Поэтому, если хочется чего-то новенького, стоит заглянуть в магазин с более богатым выбором, где можно встретить селективную парфюмерию и большое количество новых ароматов.

ЛУЧШИЙ ЖЕНСКИЙ АРОМАТ 2015(выпущенный в 2015 году)

TOP 10

Старые добрые, кажущиеся вечными, Tresor и Chanel No5, в своей свежей реинкарнации от 2015 года снова любимы. Их главные козыри - большое имя и наша ностальгия. Россияне очень долго дорожат однажды полюбившимися брендами, к ним относится Yves Rocher. Кстати, все, кроме одного L’EXTASE Nina Ricci - фланкеры.

ЛУЧШИЙ МУЖСКОЙ АРОМАТ 2015(выпущенный в 2015 году)

TOP 10

Классика. Tom Ford, который выпустил свой первый аромат всего 10 лет назад и не скрывал своей агрессивной парфюмерной стратегии по быстрому "выстраиванию бренда, чтоб был не хуже", прочно в нее включился. Посмотрите, абсолютно все 10 ароматов - новые версии старого. Даже неловко за нас, покупателей, и за них, производителей. 

ЛУЧШИЙ АРОМАТ UNISEX 2015(выпущенный в 2015 году)

TOP 10

Вот это уже интереснее, в смысле новизны. Hermes прочно будет ассоциироваться с эпохой нулевых и десятых, начиная с замечательных Садов...

ЛУЧШИЙ НИШЕВЫЙ ЖЕНСКИЙ АРОМАТ 2015(определяя нишу в этом рейтинге, мы исходим из того, что дом был основан как парфюмерный)


Сложно отделить нишу от не-ниши. Предвижу критику, но все-таки допускаю, что Герлен, успешный парфюмерный дом, можно таковым считать. Хотя бы формально.

ЛУЧШИЙ НИШЕВЫЙ МУЖСКОЙ АРОМАТ 2015(определяя нишу в этом рейтинге, мы исходим из того, что дом был основан как парфюмерный)


В моде "классикообразие" и свежесть, и пусть Амбра в списке вас не смущает, это все равно легко и не-тепло.

ЛУЧШИЙ НИШЕВЫЙ АРОМАТ UNISEX 2015(определяя нишу в этом рейтинге, мы исходим из того, что дом был основан как парфюмерный)


Соревнование количества и качества. Радостно, что качество, в основном, побеждает.

Выбор самых лучших ароматов вообще, с высоты нашего уходящего 2015 года, говорит о том, что мы не хотим поспевать за маркетологами. У них, конечно, производство, а у нас - любовь.


CHANEL Coco Mademoiselle   и   Fahrenheit Christian Dior

Coco Mademoiselle, действительно, слышна повсюду. Несомненно, аромат нашего времени. Пахнуть элегантной кожей (или огурцами, как кому нравится) предпочитает большинство мужчин.


Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille

Уже второй год Tobacco Vanille наслаждаются все, мужчины и женщины. Женщины все-таки больше.


Shalimar Guerlain    Yatagan Caron    Serge Lutens Chergui

Shalimar может поспорить по полярности с люксовым Coco Mademoiselle. Меня радует, такой классический выбор мужчин, а Serge Lutens всегда и везде был и остается признаком хорошего парфюмерного вкуса. Кстати, вы заметили, как мало стало уда?

Желаем всем хорошего настроения и удачных парфюмерных подарков!


Новости из категории Новые ароматы

Новые ароматы 03/25/18 13:27

  Весной 2018 Anna Sui запускает Fairy Dance Sparkle , новый аромат коллекции Secret Wish, которая уже включает оригинальный Secret Wish 2005 года и фланкер Secret Wish Fairy Dance 2012 года. Новое издание представляет сказочный мир, полный счастья и радости; "мир, полный надежд, света и мечтаний, которым правят Радость и Дружба" ; нарисованный воображением прекрасный секретный сад рядом с волшебной рекой, где часто гостят феи. ( via ) Fairy Dance Spa... (больше)

Новый аромат коллекции Secret Wish от Anna Sui.

Новые ароматы 03/24/18 12:23 (Один комментарий)

  Парфюмерный дом Ramón Monegal из Барселоны был основан Рамоном Монегалем, потомственным парфюмером, чьи предки были известны и почитаемы. После плодотворной карьеры в компании Myrurgia , Рамон открыл свой бренд в 2009 году чтобы сконцентрироваться на собственных парфюмерных проектах. "Меня захватила идея наконец-то работать для себя, быть совершенно свободным в творчестве," - так объясняет свой смелый шаг Рамон Монегаль. С того времени в его коллекции появилось... (больше)

Новая коллекция ароматов с удом от испанского парфюмера Рамона Монегаля.

Обновления энциклопедии

Cerruti 1881 Essentiel

Новые ароматы 03/23/18 14:24 (4 мнения)

Новый древесно-пряный аромат для мужчин линии Cerruti 1881.

Bvlgari Le Gemme Reali: Nylaia, Rubinia, Veridia

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 18:38 (4 мнения)

Gemme Reali is a luxurious dialogue where the color and historic symbolism of each stone is literally embodied in the fragrances’ rare ingredients...

Bvlgari Le Gemme Reali: Nylaia, Rubinia, Veridia

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 17:32

  The first LE GEMME collection inspired by precious gemstones was presented by the high end jewerly house  BVLGARI in 2014 with six fragrances that fascinate......

Bvlgari Omnia Pink Sapphire

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 14:26 (6 мнения)

Новый аромат коллекции Omnia, вдохновленный редким розовым сапфиром.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Gotas de Color Happy Smile

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 13:34

Лимитированное издание аромата Gotas de Color, созданное, чтобы дарить ощущения счастья и удовлетворения, создавать приятную атмосферу и хорошее настроение.

Mancera Paris Wild Python

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 10:07 (3 мнения)

Опасный и соблазнительный белоцветочный аромат от Mancera.

Azzaro Wanted by Night

Новые ароматы 03/22/18 07:55 (2 мнения)

"Azzaro Wanted by Night – аромат современного обольстителя."

Valentino Donna Rosa Verde

Новые ароматы 03/20/18 17:24 (4 мнения)

Зелёная зарисовка на тему Valentino Donna.

Cacharel Agua de Amor Amor

Новые ароматы 03/19/18 14:07 (Один комментарий)

Новая летняя версия аромата Cacharel Amor Amor, принадлежащая коллекции Fiesta Cubana.

Juicy Couture Glistening Amber

Новые ароматы 03/18/18 14:56 (2 мнения)

Третий аромат коллекции Regal посвящен теплому амбровому аккорду.



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(4)Aaron Way

(18)Abderrazzak Benchaâbane

(57)Abdul Karim Al Faransi

(10)Abdulla Ajmal

(8)Abdullah Mohsen Bin Shaya

(12)Abdulwahab Mohammed Al Refai

(16)Adam Gottschalk

(7)Adilson Rato

(1)Adlen Moumene

(1)Adolphe Saalfeld

(12)Adriana Medina

(1)Agnes Mazin

(10)Agnieszka Burnett

(2)Agusti Vidal

(1)Agustin Francisco Reyes

(12)Ahmed Mohammed Al Refai

(5)Aidan Cave

(5)Aime Guerlain

(1)Aina Pashko

(9)Aistis Mickevičius


(4)Akiko Kamei

(3)Al Manlé

(5)Alain Alchenberger

(1)Alain Alion

(21)Alain Allione

(17)Alain Astori

(4)Alain Muraour

(1)Alain Verjus

(1)Alan Alchenberger

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(1)Alan Hochberg

(1)Alan Touati

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(291)Alberto Morillas

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(2)Amandine Marie

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(1)Anastasia Denesenkova

(10)Anastasia Denisenkova

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(1)Andre Fromentin

(23)Andrea (Thero) Casotti

(8)Andrea Casotti

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(15)Andreas Wilhelm

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(116)Aurelien Guichard

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(41)Beatrice Piquet

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(2)Bent Angelo Jensen

(1)Bernard Blanc

(1)Bernard Bourjois

(15)Bernard Chant

(1)Bernard Duchaufour

(48)Bernard Ellena

(3)Bertrand Duchafour

(162)Bertrand Duchaufour

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(1)Camille Leguay

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(135)Carlos Benaim

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(2)Caroline Dumur

(1)Caroline Ivanica

(25)Caroline Sabas

(4)Casey Coyle

(4)Catherine Selig

(1)Catherine Walsh

(28)Cecile Hua

(6)Cecile Krakower

(33)Cecile Matton

(1)Cecile Matton i Serge Majoullie

(38)Cecile Zarokian

(15)Celine Barel

(18)Celine Ellena

(1)Celine Guivarch

(3)Celine Martin

(18)Celine Ripert

(2)Charles Caruso

(29)Charna Ethier

(13)Chris Bartlett

(1)Chris Buccellato

(1)Chris Collins

(4)Chris Cullen

(53)Chris Maurice

(6)Christelle Laprade

(51)Christi Meshell


(1)Christian Astuguevieille

(1)Christian Biecher

(3)Christian Bousidan

(36)Christian Carbonnel

(32)Christian Louis

(6)Christian Mathieu

(5)Christian Plesch

(77)Christian Provenzano

(1)Christian Rostain

(1)Christian Truck

(1)Christian Vacchiano

(12)Christian Vermorel

(2)Christiane Celle

(1)Christiane Gautror

(16)Christiane Plos

(1)Christianne Plos

(1)Christine Baillifard

(18)Christine Malcolm

(110)Christine Nagel

(5)Christoph Hornetz

(5)Christophe Hornetz

(2)Christophe Jouany

(23)Christophe Laudamiel

(91)Christophe Raynaud

(1)Christophe Reynaud

(67)Christopher Brosius

(3)Christopher Gordon

(58)Christopher Sheldrake

(7)Christopher Valiante

(2)Claire Cain

(3)Claire Chambert

(5)Claude André Héber

(1)Claude Chaubert

(1)Claude Delville

(37)Claude Dir

(1)Claude Fraysse

(5)Claudette Belnavis

(7)Claudia Scattolini

(1)Claudine de Vogel

(3)Cláudio de Deus

(2)Cleber Bozzi

(42)Clement Gavarry

(1)Clement Salva

(1)Clementine Humeau

(2)Clito Hoedicke

(3)Constance Georges-Picot

(1)Constant Michaux

(2)Cord Coen

(1)Corine Cachen

(36)Corinne Cachen


(5)Creations Aromatiques

(2)Cristiano Canali

(7)Crystelle Darchicourt

(2)Cyrill Roland

(8)Cyrill Rolland

(2)Cyrille Carles


(1)Dan Morgan

(5)Dana El Masri

(1)Dani Zenobi

(15)Daniel Barros

(22)Daniel Gallagher

(2)Daniel Hoffmann

(17)Daniel Josier

(5)Daniel Maurel

(12)Daniel Moliere

(2)Daniel Paillasseur

(3)Daniel Vaudd

(1)Daniel Visentin

(93)Daniela (Roche) Andrier

(2)Daniela Roche Andrier

(12)Danielle Fleming

(3)Danielle Maniquant

(5)Dannielle Sergent

(2)Daria Pronina

(1)Dario Volpones

(1)Darryl Do

(30)David Apel

(5)David Benedek

(3)David Bothello

(1)David Chieze

(8)David Falsberg

(1)David Graber

(2)David Jourquin

(15)David Magalhães

(6)David Maruitte

(1)David Moltz

(13)David Seth Moltz

(251)Dawn Spencer Hurwitz

(19)Delphine Jelk

(35)Delphine Lebeau

(15)Delphine Lebeau-Krowiak

(33)Delphine Thierry

(42)Denise Estrada

(2)Desmond Knox-Leet

(9)Dhaher Bin Dhaher

(1)Diana Rafael

(2)Didier Gaffet

(1)Dirk Braun

(1)Dirk Louwen

(6)Djorda Fato

(1)Domingos Caruccio

(15)Dominique Dubrana

(1)Dominique Gindre

(27)Dominique Monlun

(19)Dominique Preyssas

(157)Dominique Ropion

(54)Domitille Bertier

(9)Domitille Michalon

(10)Donna Ramanauskas

(25)Dora Baghriche

(2)Dora Baghriche-Arnaud

(2)Doris Brugger

(32)Dorothee Piot

(2)Douglas Little

(1)Dr. Giovanni Di Massimo

(1)Dr. Prakesh

(1)Dr. Sebastian Reuter




(1)E. Giron

(16)Eddy Blanchet

(17)Edmond Roudnitska

(15)Edouard Flechier

(1)Edouard Hache

(4)Edward Bodenham

(1)Edward Johnson

(1)Eglija Vaitkevice

(6)Egon Oelkers

(20)Ekaterina Siordia

(1)Eleanor Jane

(6)Eliam Puente

(1)Elie Roger

(48)Elina Arsenieva

(1)Elisabeth de Feydeau

(1)Elisabeth Maier

(1)Elisabeth Meier

(11)Elisabeth Vidal

(2)Elise Bena

(12)Elise Benat

(16)Elise Juarros

(12)Elise Pearlstine

(4)Elizabeth Barrial

(33)Ellen Covey

(12)Ellen Molner

(66)Emilie (Bevierre) Coppermann

(22)Emilie Bouge

(1)Emilie Coppermann

(1)Emilie Sabas

(9)Emilio Valeros

(6)Emily Lape

(4)Emily Pienaar

(88)Emma Jane Leah

(2)Emma Wiklund

(14)Emmanuel Levain

(1)Emmanuelle Juilliard

(22)Emna Doghri

(13)Emrys Au

(3)Emy Cesaroni-Rodriquens

(1)Ennio Capasa

(33)Enrico Buccella

(4)Enrico Scartezzini

(58)Enzo Galardi

(1)Eric Fracapane

(1)Eric Gigodot

(10)Erik Kormann

(1)Ermano Picco

(16)Ernest Beaux

(28)Ernest Daltroff

(3)Ernesto Sanchez Bujanda

(11)Erwin Creed Seventh Generation

(28)Esmail Firoz

(1)Etienne Barre

(1)Etienne Bouckaert

(20)Eugene Au

(37)Eugene Firsanov

(2)Eugenio Alphandery

(1)Eurico Mazini

(7)Eurico Mazzini

(2)Eva Henriksson

(2)Eve Miralles

(2)Evelyn El Koubi

(2)Evelyn Lauder

(37)Evelyne Boulanger

(32)Expressions Parfumees Grasse

(9)Ezra Woods


(13)Fabiano JS

(2)Fabienne Bourcier

(12)Fabienne Christenson

(3)Fabienne Coupaye

(3)Fábio Condé

(24)Fabio Luisi

(2)Fábio Navarro

(5)Fabrice Olivieri

(117)Fabrice Pellegrin

(8)Fahran S Ali

(7)Fanny Bal

(6)Fanny Grau

(3)Federica Isoardi

(1)Felipe Peixoto


(1)Flavien Laurandeau

(4)Florence Fouillet Dubois

(3)Florence Idier

(3)Florent Jubert

(1)Fragrance Resources


(4)Francesca Bianchi

(2)Francesca Casiraghi

(7)Francesco Vitelli

(1)Francis Bocris

(18)Francis Camail

(8)Francis Deleamont

(12)Francis Fabron

(3)Francis Kurdjian

(186)Francis Kurkdjian

(1)Francis Pickthall

(2)Francisco Carbonnel

(1)Francisco e Rafael Marano

(5)Francisco Marano

(1)Francisco Olympio de Oliveira

(4)Francisco Pereira

(5)Franck Salzwedel

(3)Franck Voelkl

(9)Francois Coty

(157)Francois Demachy

(1)Francois Maurin

(8)Francois Merle-Baudoin

(23)Francois Robert

(1)Francois-Raphael Balestra

(49)Francoise Caron

(1)Francoise Donche

(17)Frank Jammes

(60)Frank Voelk

(60)Frank Voelkl

(1)Frederic Cohen

(21)Frederic Haldimann

(37)Frederic Munoz

(2)Frederick Hass

(1)Fredrik Dalman


(7)Gabriel Abraham

(2)Gabriela Chelariu

(6)Gabriela Hernandez

(1)Gabriella Chieffo

(15)Gauri Garodia

(1)Gaye Straza Rappaport

(1)Geir Ness

(30)Geoffrey Nejman

(1)George Darzens

(8)George Korres

(1)George Salovich

(5)Georges Darzens

(16)Gerald Ghislain

(1)Geraldine Howard

(1)Geraldo Caruccio

(42)Gerard Anthony

(6)Gerard Bertrand

(7)Gerard Goupy

(4)Gerard Lefort

(8)Germaine Cellier

(56)Geza Schoen

(6)Giacomo Valentini

(1)Gianni Mastrocola

(4)Gil Clavien

(1)Gilbert Apollon

(2)Gilbert Parker

(9)Gilles Romey

(3)Gino Percontino

(59)Giovanni Di Massimo

(4)Giovanni Festa

(4)Giovanni Rancé

(7)Giovanni Sammarco

(9)Giuseppe Imprezzabile



(10)Greg Wharton

(27)Guillaume Flavigny

(9)Gustave Alphonse Fragrifert

(2)Guy Bouchara

(16)Guy Robert


(4)Habib Al Soweidi

(22)Hamid Merati-Kashani

(9)Hans Hendley

(63)Hany Hafez

(1)Harry Cuttle

(108)Harry Fremont

(1)Heartbreakers Fragrances

(6)Heather Kaufman

(1)Heinz Gottschalk

(1)Helder Machado

(1)Henning Biehl

(17)Henri Almeras

(5)Henri Bendel

(21)Henri Bergia

(2)Henri Giboulet

(5)Henri Robert

(1)Henri Roger

(6)Henrik Lestréus

(5)Henry Creed Fourth Generation

(7)Henry Creed Third Generation

(1)Hernan Edmundo Figoli

(3)Herve Gambs

(64)Hilde Soliani

(6)Hiram Green

(6)Holladay Saltz

(69)Honorine Blanc

(25)Howard Jarvis

(16)Hubert d'Ornano

(2)Hubert Givenchy

(4)Hubert Maes

(18)Hugh Spencer

(6)Hugo Lambert

(7)Huynh Hai Yen


(4)Ian Fitzgerald


(73)Ilias Ermenidis

(1)Ilse Kuhlmann

(28)Ilyas Salim

(15)Ineke Ruhland

(2)Irene Farmachidi

(14)Irina Adam

(7)Irina Burlakova

(7)Irina Vaganova

(4)Irina Zhurikhina-Nesa

(17)Isaac Sinclair

(1)Isabelle Abram

(16)Isabelle d'Ornano

(38)Isabelle Doyen

(1)Isabelle Gellé

(3)Isabelle Maillebiau

(7)Isabelle Michaud

(5)Isabelle Ramsay-Brackstone

(1)Ivan Orluyk

(15)Ivan Sanchez


(1)J. Auvray

(1)J.H. Tindel


(1)Jack Agran

(6)Jacque Vogel

(5)Jacqueline Clemens

(1)Jacqueline Couturier

(5)Jacqueline Steele

(2)Jacques Artarit

(1)Jacques Bercia

(141)Jacques Cavallier

(3)Jacques Chabert

(1)Jacques Courtin-Clarins

(1)Jacques Fiori

(3)Jacques Fleury

(15)Jacques Flori

(1)Jacques Fraysse

(33)Jacques Guerlain

(31)Jacques Huclier

(1)Jacques Jacoglu

(1)Jacques Jantzen

(1)Jacques Lions

(2)Jacques Morel

(69)Jacques Polge

(1)Jacques Rouche

(1)Jacques Villiger

(8)Jalaine Sommers

(1)James Atkinsons

(3)James Bell

(3)James Heeley

(10)James Henry Creed Fifth Generation

(1)James Henry Creed First Generation

(1)James Johnson

(13)James Krivda

(4)James Peterson

(44)Jane Cate

(6)Janna Sheehan

(49)Jarekhye Covarrubias

(4)Jean Amic

(8)Jean Carles

(2)Jean Charles Mignon

(3)Jean Charles Niel

(1)Jean Christophe Herault

(22)Jean Claude Astier

(4)Jean Denis Saisse

(1)Jean Desprez

(3)Jean François Latty

(20)Jean Guichard

(62)Jean Jacque

(60)Jean Jacques

(8)Jean Kerleo

(3)Jean Martel

(4)Jean Niel

(1)Jean-Charles Mignon

(8)Jean-Charles Niel

(32)Jean-Christophe Herault

(123)Jean-Claude Astier

(52)Jean-Claude Delville

(1)Jean-Claude Deville

(80)Jean-Claude Ellena

(23)Jean-Claude Gigodot

(1)Jean-Claude Niel

(10)Jean-Francois Cabos

(25)Jean-Francois Laporte

(9)Jean-Francois Latty

(2)Jean-Jacques Diener

(10)Jean-Louis Grauby

(13)Jean-Louis Sieuzac

(44)Jean-Marc Chaillan

(5)Jean-Marc Henriot

(4)Jean-Marie Santantoni

(35)Jean-Michel Duriez

(1)Jean-Michel Zenhausern

(62)Jean-Paul Guerlain

(16)Jean-Paul Millet Lage

(34)Jean-Pierre Bethouart

(2)Jean-Pierre Grivory

(6)Jean-Pierre Mary

(8)Jean-Pierre Subrenat

(1)Jean-Yves Leroy

(3)Jeanette Price

(1)Jeanne Gladkova

(19)Jeanne Sandra Rance

(7)Jeanne-Marie Faugier

(16)Jeannine Mongin

(5)Jehanne Rigaud

(4)Jennifer Auspitz

(9)Jennifer Botto

(17)Jennifer Bove

(7)Jennifer Jambon

(5)Jennifer McKay Newton

(1)Jennifer Mullarkey

(3)Jennifer Riley

(14)Jerome Di Marino

(78)Jerome Epinette

(1)Jerry Caiazzo

(9)Jessica Buchanan

(2)Jessica Hannah

(4)Jim Krivda

(1)Jimmy Boyd

(1)Jimmy Studer

(6)JK DeLapp

(27)Jo Malone

(2)Joachim Correl

(1)Joan Bruses

(62)JoAnne Bassett

(1)João Carlos

(8)Jocelyn Fullerton

(1)Joëlle Lerioux Patrix

(6)Johann Maria Farina

(2)Johannes Feser

(6)John Biebel

(2)John Curran

(2)John Gamba

(1)John Grossmith

(4)John Lipscomb Grossmith

(1)John Mastracola

(15)John Pegg

(16)John Stephen

(1)John Varvatos

(4)John Verde

(5)Jonathan Savoie

(5)Jórdi Fernandez

(1)Jordy Fernandez

(36)Jorge Lee

(2)Joseph Rubino

(3)Josephine Ademi

(4)Josephine Catapano

(19)Josh Lobb

(22)Josh Meyer

(6)Joshua Smith

(1)Josue Quesada

(9)Juan Perez

(1)Judith Cross

(15)Julia Zangrilli

(79)Julian Bedel

(35)Julie Masse

(1)Julie Pluchet

(1)Julie Wray

(44)Julien Rasquinet

(1)Juliette Karagueuzoglo

(33)Juliette Karagueuzoglou

(1)Juliette Karaguezoglou

(24)Julio Burko

(2)Justin Frederico

(4)Justine Brivet


(5)Kai Hughes

(5)Kalani Hughes

(6)Kamila Aubre

(1)Kaoru Morishita

(1)Karima Bethaoui

(10)Karina Shishkina

(2)Karine Bezard

(12)Karine Chevallier

(78)Karine Dubreuil

(14)Karine Vinchon

(14)Karine Vinchon Spehner

(2)Karl Mann

(1)Karoline Vieth

(4)Karyn Khoury

(6)Kate Jennings

(8)Kavi Moltz

(27)Kedra Hart

(1)Keiko Mecheri

(16)Kelly Jones

(2)Ken Grand

(5)Kenji Tanaka

(1)Kevin Dastis

(5)Kevin Peterson

(6)Kevin Verspoor

(16)Killian Wells

(3)Kim Spadaro

(3)Kim Weisswange

(28)Kimberley McGovern

(9)Kitty Shpirer

(1)Klara Ravat

(1)Koichi Shiozawa

(3)Kristen Michele

(8)Kristen Vartan


(1)Lana Leonis

(2)Larry Murrison

(5)Laszlo Lengyel

(2)Laura Santander

(74)Laura Tonatto

(2)Laure Santantoni

(7)Laure-Leta Jacquet

(31)Laurent Bruyere

(49)Laurent Le Guernec

(1)Laurent Marrone

(32)Laurent Smal

(2)Laurice Rahme

(30)Laurie Erickson

(18)Laurie Stern

(8)Lena Korres

(1)Lena Pierottie

(6)Lesli Wood Peterson

(1)Leslie Girard

(4)Lev Glazman

(20)Libertin Louison

(4)Liliana Pagnotta

(2)Liliya Osipova

(22)Lily Lambert

(1)Linda Kramer

(9)Linda Sivrican

(1)Linda Song

(1)Lino Vidal

(1)Lionel Shaw

(9)Lisa Brodar

(1)Lisa Fleischmann

(1)Lisa Fong

(1)Lisa Wallos

(9)Liz Cook

(4)Liz Moores

(64)Liz Zorn

(1)Liza Kwan

(51)Loc Dong

(1)Loic Bisceglie

(2)Lois Evans

(3)Loredana Beschi

(8)Lorenzo Dante Ferro

(4)Lorenzo Vidal

(30)Lorenzo Villoresi

(1)Louis Monnet

(1)Louis Truc

(2)Louis Turner

(2)Louis-Toussaint Piver

(39)Louise Turner

(1)Louise Zingeser

(13)Luca Gritti

(70)Luca Maffei

(32)Lucas Sieuzac

(1)Luciana Bergamasco

(3)Lucien Ferrero

(2)Lucien Piquet

(9)Ludmila Bitar

(14)Lyn Elizabeth Ayre

(43)Lyn Harris

(6)Lynn Emmolo

(1)Lynn Harris


(74)lias Ermenidis


(1)M.L. Quince

(1)M.M.Fragrance Group

(2)Maarten K.J. Shoute

(4)Maarten Schoute

(1)Mackenzie Reilly

(1)Madame Zed

(7)Madeline Scott

(3)Magali Lara

(1)Magali Senequier

(11)Magdalena Maria

(5)Maggie Mahboubian

(1)Maggie Peng

(8)Mahran S Ali

(47)Mahsam Raza

(3)Maïa Lernout

(29)Mandy Aftel


(1)Mane USA

(1)Manolo Barrado

(10)Manuela Pfannes-Völkel

(17)Marc Antoine

(3)Marc Blaison

(4)Marc Chaillant

(1)Marc Chevrier

(2)Marc Fanton d'Andon

(5)Marc Gignoux

(1)Marc Heimgartner

(6)Marc Villaceque

(11)Marc vom Ende

(14)Marc-Antoine Corticchiato

(1)Marcel Billot

(1)Marcel Carles

(1)Marcel Rochas

(1)Marcus Betzer

(10)Marcus McCoy

(11)Margaret Strug-Guzowska

(72)Margot Elena

(20)Maria Candida Gentile

(16)Maria McElroy

(3)Maria Strazdas

(4)Maria Tereza Belotti

(57)Marie Duchene

(11)Marie Le Febvre

(1)Marie Patricia Hurel

(109)Marie Salamagne

(10)Marie-Aude Couture-Bluche

(1)Marie-Caroline Symard

(4)Marie-Helene Rogeon

(48)Marie-Jeanne Combredet

(6)Marina Barcenilla

(1)Marina Jung Allegret

(2)Marina Jung-Allegret

(29)Marina Nikitina

(2)Marina Somova

(1)Marina Stepanova

(1)Marine Jacolin

(1)Mário Santiago

(25)Marion Costero

(1)Marion Fabre

(107)Mark Buxton

(27)Mark Constantine

(1)Mark Earnshaw

(10)Mark Evans

(1)Mark Knitkowski

(1)Mark Rosen

(17)Marlen Harrison

(1)Marlene Stang

(1)Marrypierre Julien

(11)Martin Gras

(1)Martin Heiddenreich

(2)Martin Koh

(6)Martine Denisot

(4)Martine Pallix

(2)Marvel Fields

(5)Mary Eleftorea Behlar

(18)Mary Salim

(18)Marypierre Julien

(58)Massimiliano Torti

(1)Mathias Werner

(35)Mathieu Nardin

(31)Mathilde Bijaoui

(44)Mathilde Laurent

(1)Mathilde Thomas

(2)Matilde Laurent

(2)Matthew Decker

(3)Matthew Schaefer

(5)Maurice Blanchet

(4)Maurice Maurin

(2)Maurice Remond

(3)Maurice Roger

(120)Maurice Roucel

(1)Maurice Shaller

(115)Maurizio Cerizza

(13)Maurizio Lembo

(1)Maurus Bachmann

(15)Max Gavarry

(1)Max Perttulan

(1)Meelda Gulbe

(1)Megan Virtanen

(17)Melanie Leroux

(1)Melissa Elia

(9)Meredith Smith

(3)Mert Guzel

(8)Mesha Munyan

(3)Mi-Soon Jeong

(1)Michael Almairac

(46)Michael Boadi

(1)Michael Carby

(11)Michael Coyle

(1)Michael Evans

(4)Michael Forster

(1)Michael Knudson

(56)Michael Loring Probst

(4)Michael Pickthall

(7)Michael Storer

(2)Michel Adam

(126)Michel Almairac

(8)Michel Bija

(1)Michel Garnero

(39)Michel Girard

(6)Michel Gouges

(4)Michel Hy

(1)Michel Mane

(10)Michel Morsetti

(14)Michel Roudnitska

(10)Michele Marin

(10)Michele Saramito

(2)Michelle Michini

(2)Michelle Nemcek-Lobo

(1)Michelle Saramitot

(1)Mira Takla

(1)Mirella Pomina

(2)Miriam Mirani

(7)Miriam Vareldzis

(4)Mirko Buffini

(3)Miroslav Petkov

(1)Miuccia Prada

(17)Miya Shinma

(25)Mohammed Neemah


(15)Mona di Orio

(2)Monica Miller

(1)Montserrat Moline

(1)Morgane Colliot

(18)Moses Salim

(3)Murat Katran

(1)Murray Moscona

(28)Mustafa Firoz

(10)Mylene Alran


(4)Nadege le Garlantezec

(10)Nadège Legarlantezec

(20)Nadia Zuodar

(3)Nancy Meiland

(7)Nannette Pallrand

(9)Napoleão Bastos

(4)Nasim Al Muhairi

(2)Natalia Svetlaya

(1)Natalie Gracia-Cetto

(1)Natalie Lorson

(1)Natalie-Gracia Cetto

(7)Natasha Cote

(16)Nathalia Svetlaya

(9)Nathalie Benareau

(44)Nathalie Feisthauer

(51)Nathalie Gracia-Cetto

(168)Nathalie Lorson

(1)Nathalie Zagigaeff

(27)Nazir Ajmal

(1)Neal Harris

(10)Neal Peters

(2)Neide Albano

(72)Neil Morris

(28)Nejla Barbir

(1)Nelly Hachem Ruiz

(2)Nelly Hachem-Ruiz

(3)Nicholas Calderone

(19)Nicola Bianchi

(19)Nicolas Beaulieu

(9)Nicolas Bonneville

(8)Nicolas de Barry

(14)Nicolas Malleville

(8)Nicolas Mamounas

(6)Nicole Mancini

(3)Nicole Mayu

(2)Nicole Miller

(37)Nikolay Eremin

(18)Nina Judin

(1)Nina Zeyskaya

(2)Noëlle Dorenbos

(5)Norbert Bijaoui

(21)Nouf Al Qahtani


(2)Odette Breil-Radius

(1)Odile Bongi

(32)Oleg Grabchuk

(11)Olga Gosina

(1)Oliver Creed

(1)Oliver Cresp

(15)Oliver Valverde

(54)Olivia Giacobetti

(2)Olivia Jan

(14)Olivia Larson

(3)Olivier Biedermann

(47)Olivier Creed

(41)Olivier Creed Sixth Generation

(146)Olivier Cresp

(6)Olivier Durbano

(36)Olivier Funel

(31)Olivier Gillotin

(1)Olivier Glotin

(81)Olivier Pescheux

(114)Olivier Polge

(2)Olle Hemmendorff

(5)Ömer Ipekçi


(1)orenzo Dante Ferro


(1)Paloma Picasso

(1)Paolo Borgomanero

(91)Paolo Terenzi

(6)Paolo Vranjes

(1)Parid Cefa

(38)Pascal Gaurin

(1)Pascal Giraux

(1)Pascal Guarin

(7)Pascal Rolland

(1)Patrice Martin

(5)Patrice Revillard

(8)Patricia Bilodeau

(19)Patricia Choux

(47)Patricia de Nicolai

(2)Patricia Hurel

(1)Patricia Namm

(13)Patrick Bodifee

(6)Patrick Kelly

(4)Patrick Paquet

(1)Patty Hidalgo

(5)Paul Emilien

(17)Paul Kiler

(3)Paul Leger

(2)Paul Mathieu

(3)Paul Parquet

(4)Paul Schütze

(7)Paul Vacher

(4)Paula Pulvino

(1)Paulette Iaropoli

(2)Pauline Bertail

(1)Pauline Zanoni

(1)Pavel Ivanov

(1)Penny Ellis

(1)Perrine Scandel

(22)Persephenie Lea

(1)Peter Bohm

(2)Peter Jacobs

(3)Philip Kraft

(37)Philippe Bousseton

(5)Philippe Collet

(1)Philippe Paparella-Paris

(28)Philippe Romano

(21)Philippe Roques

(9)Philippine Courtière

(2)Phillippe Romano

(1)Pia Long

(7)Pier Luigi

(2)Pierre Armigeant

(2)Pierre Aulas

(1)Pierre Balmain

(1)Pierre Blaizot

(115)Pierre Bourdon

(20)Pierre Constantin Gueros

(1)Pierre Gueros

(2)Pierre Guilaume

(101)Pierre Guillaume

(2)Pierre Kurzenne

(162)Pierre Montale

(42)Pierre Negrin

(26)Pierre Wargnye

(3)Pierre Wulff

(1)Pierre-Francois-Pascal Guerlain

(1)Pierre Bourdon

(2)Piotr Czarnecki

(7)Pissara Umavijani

(4)Povo Carioca

(27)Prin Lomros

(27)Prudence Kilgour



(19)Quentin Bisch

(5)Quest International


(7)Rafael Marano

(22)Rajiv Sheth

(28)Ralf Schwieger

(3)Rami Mekdachi

(69)Ramón Béjar

(26)Ramon Monegal

(2)Ramón Monegal Maso

(11)Randa Hammami

(7)Rania Jouaneh

(2)Raphael Ammar

(26)Raphael Haury

(9)Rasei Fort

(8)Rayda Vega

(27)Raymond Chaillan

(9)Raymond Matts

(1)Reese Witherspoon

(4)Remi Barbier

(4)Rene Morgenthaler

(7)Renee Griffith

(25)Ricardo Penafiel Malta

(4)Richard Asfour

(24)Richard Fraysse

(58)Richard Herpin

(24)Richard Ibanez

(3)Richard Loniewski

(1)Richard Melchio

(1)Richard Wirtz

(8)Rob Denton

(3)Robert Berra

(2)Robert Bienaime

(5)Robert Elder

(9)Robert Gonnon

(1)Robert Johnson

(9)Robert Romanille


(12)Roberth Sertório

(7)Roberto Dario

(10)Rodney Hughes

(1)Rodolfo Gros

(1)Rodrigo Flores - Roux

(99)Rodrigo Flores-Roux

(1)Roger Broudoux

(8)Roger Pellegrino

(1)Roger Szmulewicz

(41)Rogério Rubini

(95)Roja Dove

(7)Roland Tentunian

(2)Roland Theil

(7)Romano Ricci

(3)Ron Winnegrad

(16)Rosa Vaia

(70)Rosendo Mateu

(1)Rosine Courage

(22)Roxana Villa

(1)Ruhi Patel

(3)Russell Newell

(11)Russian Adam

(8)Ruth Mastenbroek

(2)Ryan T. Chadwick


(3)Sabine De Tscharner

(5)Sam Rader

(6)Sanae Barber

(4)Sandra Casagrande

(4)Sandrine Giordanengo

(1)Sandrine Malin

(2)Sandrine Videault

(9)Santi Burgas

(1)Sarah Barton-King

(1)Sarah Burri

(51)Sarah Horowitz

(57)Sarah McCartney

(1)Sassy AyR

(20)Satori Osawa

(1)Saul Klabin

(11)Scipione Zanella

(3)Sebastien Martin

(75)Serena Ava Franco

(1)Serge Bensimon

(2)Serge de Olivera

(9)Serge Duval

(7)Serge Kalouguine

(3)Serge Lutens

(25)Serge Majoullie

(22)Serge Majoullier

(1)Serge Marjoulier

(1)Sergey Gubanov

(6)Sergey Karov

(7)Seth Kornegay

(3)Shaneela Rowah Al-Qamar

(6)Sharif Laroche

(55)Sharra Lamoureax

(7)Shawn Maher

(2)Shelagh Foyle

(29)Shelley Waddington

(5)Sherod Marquez

(7)Sherri Sebastian

(1)Shinta Judana

(5)Shirley Brody

(2)Shuji Suzuki

(2)Shyamala Maisondeau

(32)Shyamala Maisondieu

(1)Sidonie Grandperret

(50)Sidonie Lancesseur

(50)Sileno Cheloni

(19)Silvana Casoli

(8)Silvia Monti

(2)Silvio Levi

(20)Simon Constantine

(5)Simone Andreoli

(4)Simone Scaglietti

(25)Simone Schmelzer

(4)Simonetta Giurlani Pardini

(131)Sonia Constant

(1)Sonia Espelta de Carbonnel

(3)Sonia Godet

(62)Sophia Grojsman

(1)Sophia Koronaiou

(5)Sophie Chabaud

(1)Sophie Truitard

(12)Spyros Drosopoulos

(1)Stefania Albanese Lucci

(12)Stefania Marzufero Boni

(12)Stefano Frecceri

(1)Stefano Gabbana

(28)Stéphane Humbert Lucas

(5)Stephanie Bakouche

(16)Stephanie de Bruijn

(12)Stephanie de Saint-Aignan

(1)Stéphanie d'Hauteville

(1)Stephanie Hakes

(4)Stephanie Poulage

(7)Stephen Dirkes

(25)Stephen Nilsen

(1)Stephen V. Dowthwaite

(32)Steve Demercado

(4)Steven Claisse

(1)Steven Demercado

(15)Stéphanie de Bruijn

(22)Suhad Al-Qenaei

(34)Sultan Pasha

(2)Supriya Jindal

(2)Susan D. Owens

(1)Susan Kenward

(3)Susannah Compton

(23)Susanne Lang

(7)Suzy Larsen

(18)Sven Pritzkoleit

(1)Sylvain Cara

(7)Sylvain Fourre

(24)Sylvaine Delacourte

(16)Sylvie Fischer

(8)Sylvie Jourdet

(1)Sylvie Robin




(14)Tammy Frazer

(1)Tania Bochnig

(4)Tania Reuben

(22)Tanja Bochnig

(9)Tanwi Nandini Islam

(13)Tanya Kuznetsova

(5)Tara Pelletier


(68)Teone Reinthal

(14)Terri Bozzo

(4)Theodoros Kalotinis

(1)Theresa Roudnitska

(1)Thierry Bernard

(5)Thierry Bessard

(4)Thierry Blondeau

(1)Thierry Dessard

(10)Thierry Romeo

(1)Thierry Wasse

(155)Thierry Wasser

(1)Thomas d'Hauteville

(39)Thomas Fontaine

(8)Tilemachos Zeis

(2)Timothy Han

(2)Tom Daxon

(4)Tomas Hempel

(42)Tomislav Vrbanec

(1)Tomoo Inaba

(6)Trevor Nicholl

(5)Tristan Brando

(11)Trudi Loren




(1)Ulrich Lang

(1)Ungerer & Company

(1)Urs Castelletti

(18)Ursula Wandel

(1)Uwe Schaar


(4)Valentina Zananyants

(2)Valentine Pozzo di Borgo

(1)Valerie Andre

(8)Valerie Demars

(3)Valerie Garnuch Mentzel

(8)Valerie Garnuch-Mentzel

(3)Valerie Grant

(18)Valerija Karmanova

(9)Valery Mikhalitcyn

(1)Van Regteren Altena

(7)Vanessa Prudent

(3)Vanessa Somerset

(12)Vanina Muracciole

(4)Vera Lakotkina

(2)Vera Vanore

(1)Vera Vanori

(16)Vero Kern

(12)Veronica Casanova

(107)Verônica Kato

(1)Veronica Nyberg

(1)Veronique Dupont

(57)Veronique Nyberg

(1)Vicent Schaller

(1)Victor Rouchou

(16)Victoria England

(1)Victoria Merkulova

(5)Viktoria Fisch

(4)Viktoria Minya

(8)Vincent Kuczinski

(3)Vincent Marcello

(13)Vincent Micotti

(22)Vincent of Dreamhouse

(26)Vincent Ricord

(9)Vincent Roubert

(1)Vincent Salaire

(39)Vincent Schaller

(1)Vincente Marcello

(19)Viola Pompili

(21)Violaine Collas

(4)Violaine David

(1)Virginie Armand

(10)Vito Lenoci

(1)Vlad Rekunov


(7)Wiji Lacsamana

(1)Wilhelm Muelhens

(2)Will Andrews

(3)William Carius

(2)William Eadon

(1)William Fraysse

(1)William Penhaligon

(3)William Thomson


(1)Xavier Renard

(5)Xavier Torre


(63)Yan Froloff

(9)Yana Andreeva

(6)Yanina Yakusheva

(62)Yann Vasnier

(1)Yasushi Akiyama

(17)Yasuyuki Shinohara

(1)Yogesh Kumar

(11)Yosh Han

(15)Yuri Gutsatz

(28)Yves Cassar

(1)Yves Coueslant

(7)Yves de Chirin

(2)Yves Tanguy

(1)Yvo Van Regteren Altena


(1)Zarko Ahlmann Pavlov

(5)Zoe Coste


Fragrantica Team - About Us

Fragrantica is an online encyclopedia of perfumes, a perfume magazine and a community of perfume lovers. Fragrantica informs their readers about new perfume launches, about famous fragrances and less-known but wonderful scents. Together we travel in time and space, where perfumes are the shining stars we use to navigate. We learn about their history, we discover far-away places and respectfully explore the life we see around us, always taking time to be amazed by Nature. Fragrantica is a place to learn from each other and relax in the company of your soul mates.

Fragrantica is an independent magazine, based in San Diego (California, USA). Fragrantica is available in several different languages and is open to everybody. You are welcome to contribute your reviews, read our articles and other content for your individual information, and to take part in our forum discussions as well. We only ask you to be considerate of each other to enable everyone to enjoy their experience.

Press Relations

If you are a perfume brand, no matter big or small, we want to hear news from you! We prefer email contact (feel free to email [email protected] or any of the team members directly). The more comprehensive your material is, the easier it will be for our editors to include your creations into our encyclopedia or announce them in the News section. You can send samples and press materials to the following postal address:

FRAGRANTICA 3830 Valley Centre Drive Suite 705-123 San Diego, CA 92130 United States P:+1-858-876-2290 *

* Note: Fragrantica is a perfume review website,we do not sell perfumes. 


Our Team

Our team members are from different countries, and we are delighted to introduce ourselves to you:

Elena Knezhevich Co-founder & Editor-in-Chief

Elena Knezhevich founded Fragrantica together with Zoran Knezevic in 2007. Since then Elena has taken care of its design and content as the Editor-in-Chief. Elena was born in Russia, studied Slavic languages and literature in Moscow, and lived in Sarajevo and Belgrade, where the idea of Fragrantica was born. Now she resides in California.

Zoran Knezevic Co-founder & CTO Zoran Knezevic is the co-founder of Fragrantica with Elena Knezhevich. He studied mechanical engineering at Sarajevo University. He has a software development work background and vast dot-com web technology experience. Zoran's main focus is on the development and maintenance of the technology of Fragrantica. Zoran also is a very active participant in Fragrantica's community life. Zoran supports a vegan lifestyle and enjoys travel and fitness.

Sandra Raicević Petrović Executive Editor, Writer and Designer Sandrina started her work at Fragrantica from its very beginning of the site. She is a perfume expert and writer, responsible for the majority of articles and encyclopedia records at Fragrantica. Along with her everyday work, Sandrina reports from perfume events from different parts of the world. She adores sunny and blissful perfumes that represent her inner spirit.

Dr. Marlen Elliot Harrison Managing Editor & Columnist Dr. Marlen Elliot Harrison’s journalism in the fragrance industry has appeared in international print and online publications such as Playboy, Men’s Journal, Men’s Health and the New York Times. Marlen is also a regular contributor to BeautyAlmanac.com and works as a graduate professor, thesis advisor and faculty supervisor for MA programs in TESOL, Education, Writing and Literature. Learn more about Marlen by visiting www.MarlenHarrison.com.

Bella van der Weerd Editor, Writer & Translator Bella van der Weerd studied Communications at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and joined the Fragrantica team in May 2012 to start up the Dutch sister site of Fragrantica.com. She assists in designing, editing articles and contributes as a writer.

Sanja Pekić Editor, Writer & Translator Sanja Pekic is a Fragrantica editor from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has joined the team in 2008 to update and maintain encyclopedia information, as well as work on perfume news. Sanja is passionate about fashion and martial arts.

Marina Milojević Editor, Writer & Translator Marina Milojević is a graduated philosopher and she has been contributing to Fragrantica since 2010. She works as an editor, translator and writer. She especially enjoys investigating perfume notes and raw materials, and she is excellent in representing them through her texts. It is certainly safe to say that she is a beauty connoisseur and a luxury expert, especially for fine watchmaking. You can read her articles, news and exclusivities from the world of haute horlogerie at luxois.com

Raluca Kirschner Editor, Writer & Translator Raluca Kirschner studied Fine Arts and Art History. She has a wonderful little daughter and enjoys family life. Her devotion to the art of perfume led Raluca to the Fragrantica team. Raluca has breathed life into Fragrantica.ro—our source in Romanian. She translates and maintains the content on the site.

Svetlana Zavgorodneva Database Manager Svetlana Zavgorodneva is dedicated to making Fragrantica the most reliable and up-to-date resource on fragrance. She is also fond of music, art and literature. Svetlana was born in Russia, studied sociology at Lomonosov Moscow State University, and now lives in Virginia, USA.

Yi Shang (怡 商) Editor, Writer & Translator Yi Shang, known as Sofia by friends, studied Biochemistry, Humanities & Social Sciences at the postgraduate level (University of Melbourne). Her interest in fragrance began at a young age when she became curious about her mum's perfume while growing up in China. Now residing in Melbourne, she enjoys the lively arts and cultural scene and beautiful beaches. The discovery of Fragrantica has led her on an olfactive journey of discovering what both the Oriental and the Western worlds can offer.

Jodi Battershell Editor & Writer Jodi Battershell (NebraskaLovesScent or "NLS") is a recent transplant to Philadelphia but remains a Nebraskan at heart. An appreciator of fine fragrances since childhood, she self-studied natural perfumery and created fragrance blends and handmade toiletries for a number of years, before hanging up her lab coat and approaching the fragrance industry from a different angle. She loves oakmoss, jasmine, cats, "Mr. NLS" and the color purple.

Elena Vosnaki Writer Elena Vosnaki is an historian and perfume writer from Greece and a Writer for Fragrantica. She is the founder and editor of Perfume Shrine, one of the most respected independent online publications on perfume, containing fragrance reviews, industry interviews, essays on raw materials and perfume history, a winner and a finalist in numerous blog awards contests. Her writing was recognized at the Fifi Awards for Editorial Excellence in 2009 and she contributes to publications around the world.

Emir Imamović Developer Emir Imamović has joined the Fragrantica team in 2012. Emir works as a developer to maintain Fragrantica functionality and new technical features.

John Biebel Writer John Biebel (johngreenink) is a painter, musician, writer and software designer currently living and working in Boston, MA. He is a graduate of the Cooper Union in New York City where he studied fine art, and he currently works as a software and web interaction designer specializing in human factors. He is a student of the scent sciences and takes particular interest in the history and chemistry of perfumes, and created his first perfume in 2015 under the name January Scent Project.

Lucia Remigi Editor, Writer, Translator Lucia joined the Fragrantica team in 2013 as an editor and translator for the Italian site. Her interest in fragrances started very early and blossomed after falling for some 90s fragrant gems during her high school years, turning later into an authentic passion thanks to the discovery of Fragrantica in 2011. A qualified lawyer, she’s a great fan of metal and hard rock music and enjoys reading about psychology and astrology.

Miguel Matos Editor, Writer, Translator Miguel is a Portuguese journalist obsessed with art and perfume. Miguel likes to see himself as a fragrance curator, investigating the possibilities of perfume as contemporary art in exhibitions and other multimedia projects. He directs his own cultural magazine, Umbigo, besides contributing with texts for museums and art galleries. He is a perfume collector and specializes in vintage perfumery, organizing monthly talks called Vintage Perfume Sniffing in Lisbon.

Naran Zorigt Editor, Writer, Translator Naran joined Fragrantica team in 2016 to start up the Mongolian sister site of Fragrantica.com. She holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration but her passion is perfume. With aspiration to spread perfume culture to her community she has founded Mongolian Fragrance Institute. She loves to travel, read and attend perfume workshops and events.

Nayeli Cano Editor, Writer, Translator Nayeli joined the Fragrantica team in 2016 as an editor for the Spanish website. She studied biology in México and currently works in the education field. She's a gourmand lover but likes to sniff all kinds of fragrances. Nayeli loves cats, baking and horror movies.

Rouu Abd El-Latif Editor, Writer, Translator Rouu is a financial analyst who holds a PhD in Economics. A winter creature who loves cooking, baking, photography, reading, new language learning, and fitness, she is also crazy about collecting perfumes. She started reviewing for Fragrantica.com in 2008,and in early 2014 became a contributor http://www.fragranticarabia.com

Sergey Borisov Writer Serguey Borisov has been known in the Internet world of perfume under the nickname moon_fish for more than 10 years. Now he writes about perfumes for GQ.ru and Vogue.ru, and contributes on the subject for glossy magazines.

Sophie Normand Editor, Writer, Translator Sophie Normand has always been a perfume enthusiast, ever since she was 13. One day, she smelled Habanita for the first time and fell in love with the world of perfumes. A few years ago, while working as a web copywriter, she decided to share her passion on a blog called MyBlueHour where she writes about perfumes that she likes or that feels are original enough to be mentioned. Today, she is a perfume freelance writer, but most of all, she remains a perfume lover who likes to share her crushes on the internet.

Stefanie Jähn Editor, Writer, Translator Stefanie has been interested in fragrance since her early childhoodwhen she collected samples together with her best friend and enjoyed happy little clouds of Samsara and Ysatis. When she's not putting her nose in fragrances, you can find her hiking with her dog in the woods of Germany.

Violetta Majevska Editor, Translator Violetta Majevska is an editor, translator and moderator for fagranticaukraine.com since 2014. She graduated Ostrog Academy with a degree in Roman-Germanic languages. Perfumery appeared in her life when she was 21 and discovered niche fragrances. Since that time she has ventured deeper and deeper into perfumery, discovering new fragrances and new emotions. She adores her perfume collection and it grows all the time. She also likes old music, art, literature, philosophy, & travel.

Zoran Cerar Writer Zoran Cerar (aka Hieronimuss) has loved delicate and natural fragrances since his childhood. He is also an incurable astrology addict since 1984. With his astrological insight, he helped many restless souls with advice related to personal growth, relationships, and career choices. He holds a PhD in German Literature and teaches at a few colleges in New York. His web site astroknowlogy.com is a portal for sharing astrological experiences and knowledge, and here he offers his astrological readings and reports.


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Список названий брендов, начинающихся с букв - c

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или по владельцу лицензии:Выберите владельца лицензии Ach. Brito (1) Acque del Parco S.r.l.s. (1) ACS Beaute SRL (2) Adidas (1) Al Battash Concepts (5) Ales Groupe (1) Alexandre.J (1) Alliance Boots (1) Almon (1) Alter Duo S.r.l. Unipersonale (2) Althea Group (1) Alticor (1) Amazing Brands of Sweden (1) AmorePacific Group (2) AMP Group (1) Angelini (1) Aqua Cosmetics (1) Aria Cosmetics (1) Armaf Inc. (1) Arnoway Srl (3) Ars Parfum (1) Artware Editions (1) Arval (1) Asim Abdullah (1) Aspects Beauty Company (2) Australian Gold (1) Avon (1) Baylis & Harding (1) Beaute Marketing (1) Beaute Prestige International (5) Beauty Brand Development (1) Beauty Contact (3) Beauty Innovations (1) Beauty Licensing Unlimited (1) Beauty San S.p.A. (2) Béjar Signature (3) Belcorp (3) Benetton Group (1) BillyXClub (1) Bolton Group (2) Boom LLC (1) Boots (1) Borghese Inc (1) Bourjois (1) Brands With Purpose (1) Brocard Group (3) Brosvil (1) BRUNO ACAMPORA PROFUMI B.A.P. S.R.L. (1) Burberry Group (1) CBBeauty (1) CCA Industries (1) Cereria Terenzi Evelino S.R.L. (3) CFFC Fragrances (2) Chanel (2) Charabot (1) Clarins Fragrance Group (5) Clas Company (2) Clas Compony (1) Cloudbreak (2) Cofinluxe (8) Colomer Group (1) Colorevolution (1) Colorful Licenses (1) Comme des Garcons (1) Cortefiel Group (2) Cosmoprod (1) Cosval Group (1) Coty (53) Createurs de Beaute (5) Creation Beaute International (5) Creative Fragrances Inc. (1) CVS (1) Dana (4) Danny Seo (1) Davis Empresas (2) De Ruy Perfumes (1) Delta Parfum (1) Designer Fragrances (1) Designer Parfums (8) Diamond International (1) Distimex Group (1) dm (1) Douglas (3) Drom (1) Dumesnil Group (1) Dutal (1) E. T. Browne Drug Co (1) Ecover Group (1) Eden Parfums (2) Edgewell Personal Care (1) Elizabeth Arden (31) Estee Lauder (24) Eurocosmesi (12) Euroitalia SRL (6) European Designer Productions (6) Evelyn Avenue (1) Exclusive Brands (1) Falic Fashion Group (4) Fast Innovations (1) First American Brands (23) Fit Corporation (1) Five Star Fragrances (4) Flax (1) Flori Roberts (1) Fortune Hills International, Inc (1) Fragluxe (1) Fragrance & Emotion (1) Free Farma Europa (1) Gemini Cosmetics (2) Genesis International (2) Genomma Lab (1) Geparlys (2) Gida Profumi (3) Gradient (1) Groupe Arthes (4) Groupe Panther SA (1) Grupo Boticario (1) Grupo Twenty S.A. (1) Guangzhou Xuelei Cosmetics Co. LTDA (1) Guylond (1) H&M (1) Hanorah (2) Hardouin-Finez (1) Harrahs (1) Hatch Beauty (1) Health & Beauty Focus (1) Hescanas SPA (1) HOSC (1) House of Luxury Perfumes LLC. (1) House of Sillage (1) HSN (5) HTI Collection (1) Hypermarcas (1) I-Sensis (1) Iconix Brand Group (3) ID Perfumes (2) Idesa Parfums (10) IFF (1) INCC Group (7) Indigo Wild (1) Inter Parfums (19) Intercosma West (4) International Cosmetics & Perfumes (1) Intertrade Europe (2) Intidex (1) IPD Fragrance (1) Irma Shorell (1) Italart Co. (1) ITF Cosmetics (4) Jacques Bogart Group (6) Jahwa 上海家化 (1) Jigsaw esl (2) Johnson & Johnson Inc. (2) JT Brands (1) Just Scents Private Limited (1) Kao (2) Kaon (1) KEMWAN (1) Klas (1) Kohl's (1) KSV-Brand (1) L'Etoile (1) L'Oreal (22) La Maison Simons (1) La Prairie Group (1) Laboratoire Odysud S.A.S. (Laurence Dumont Group) (1) Lalique Group SA (5) LaSCAD (1) Lattafa Perfumes Industries L.L.C. (1) Laurence Dumont (1) Laurice & CO (1) Le Bistro de la Beauté (1) Lecorps (1) Lemahieu Design (1) Lentheric (1) Lifestyle Distribution GmbH (2) Lighthouse Beauty (2) Limited Brands (2) Liz Claiborne (1) Liz Zorn Perfumes (1) Lorience (2) Lornamead (2) Lux Diversity SA (1) Luxe Brand Design (2) Luxess (3) Luxury Perfumes (1) LUZ Limited (3) LVMH (12) Lyrique Parfums (1) M.Micallef (1) Maesa (1) Mann & Schröder (1) Mansfield (1) Manzanita Capital (4) Marcoccia Profumi di Lusso (4) Margotta Capital (1) Mark Crames (1) Maurer & Wirtz (13) Mavive SpA (9) Maxim Markenprodukte (1) Mendittorosa (1) Micys Company Spa (1) Mille Centum Parfums (1) Morris Profumi (2) My Perfumes (8) Myrurgia (2) Nanjing Prestige 南京巴黎贝丽丝香水有限公司 (2) NBI company (1) Nippon Kodo Group (1) O Boticario Group (1) Officina Profumiera Sarda Srl (1) Omega Ingredients (1) Onivo Cosmetics (4) Orchide Afshane Pars (1) Orobianco (1) PAC Paris (1) PANCHO MUSIC INC (1) Panouge (4) Parfico (1) Parfum Gallery (1) Parfumologie (1) Parfums & Beauté (1) Parfums Berdoues (6) Parfums Corania (3) Parfums de Coeur (1) Parfums Jean Jacques Vivier (3) Parfums Parour (4) Parfums Weil & Cosmetics Jean D`Aveze (1) Paris Bleu Parfums (3) Paris Gallery (1) Parlux (20) Parour (2) Per-Scent (1) Perfume Atelier Artistic Firenze Srl (1) Perfume Holding (13) Perfumer's Workshop (3) Perfumery Solutions LLC (1) Perfumes y Diseño (4) Perlier (1) Prada S.p.A. (1) Prestige International Distribution (1) Prestige Parfums (5) Primavera (1) Procter & Gamble (13) Profumitalia (9) Promoparf (1) PSI Paul Sebastian Inc (1) Puig (26) PVH (1) Quintessence (1) QVC (2) Revelations (1) Revlon (2) Rivoli Parfums (3) Romane Fragrances (1) Romella (3) RonRobinson (1) Ronzak Art Perfume & Cosmetics (1) Royal Sanders (2) RSS Enterprises (2) S-RAQAI Group (1) S.I.R.P.E.A S.p.A (1) SA Fragrances (1) SA.G GROUP (1) Safe Natura sas della Dott.ssa Russo Corrado Fernanda & C (1) San Histoire (1) Sangaus srl (1) Sangi Stil (1) SAPG (3) Sarantis Group (1) Sarbec Cosmetics (1) SAS La Tubéreuse de Grasse (1) Satinine (1) Scandinavian Cosmetics (2) ScentStory (1) Schwarzkopf & Henkel (1) Selectiva SpA (3) Shanghai ChongGuang (1) Shiseido (2) Simon James London (3) SIRPEA SPA (1) Six Scents (1) Sodip (3) Soho House (3) Soupergroup (1) SPPC Paris Bleu Company (2) Straub Cosmetics (1) Suite K (1) Swiss Arabian Perfume Group (1) Target (1) TechnicoFlor (1) The Body Shop (1) The First SpA (5) The Fragrance Group (1) The Stephan Co (1) TPR Holdings (1) Tru Fragrance (1) Tupperware (1) UGIT Fragrances (4) Une Nuit Nomade (2) Unilever (3) Urakas (3) Uroda Polska (1) VAG (2) Valeur Absolue Group (1) Vapro International (2) Verdun Trading DMCC (4) Victory International (2) Village Lighthouse (1) Vorwerk (1) Weruska & Joel (8) Wholistic (1) WienerBlut (1) Wilde Cosmetics (1) Womo (1) Worldgate Group (1) Xianghai Cosmetics Factory Shanghai China 上海香海化妆品销售有限公司 (2) Zenith Parfums Paris (3)



Список названий брендов, начинающихся с букв

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или по владельцу лицензии:Выберите владельца лицензии Ach. Brito (1) Acque del Parco S.r.l.s. (1) ACS Beaute SRL (2) Adidas (1) Al Battash Concepts (5) Ales Groupe (1) Alexandre.J (1) Alliance Boots (1) Almon (1) Alter Duo S.r.l. Unipersonale (2) Althea Group (1) Alticor (1) Amazing Brands of Sweden (1) AmorePacific Group (2) AMP Group (1) Angelini (1) Aqua Cosmetics (1) Aria Cosmetics (1) Armaf Inc. (1) Arnoway Srl (3) Ars Parfum (1) Artware Editions (1) Arval (1) Asim Abdullah (1) Aspects Beauty Company (2) Australian Gold (1) Avon (1) Baylis & Harding (1) Beaute Marketing (1) Beaute Prestige International (5) Beauty Brand Development (1) Beauty Contact (3) Beauty Innovations (1) Beauty Licensing Unlimited (1) Beauty San S.p.A. (2) Béjar Signature (3) Belcorp (3) Benetton Group (1) BillyXClub (1) Bolton Group (2) Boom LLC (1) Boots (1) Borghese Inc (1) Bourjois (1) Brands With Purpose (1) Brocard Group (3) Brosvil (1) BRUNO ACAMPORA PROFUMI B.A.P. S.R.L. (1) Burberry Group (1) CBBeauty (1) CCA Industries (1) Cereria Terenzi Evelino S.R.L. (3) CFFC Fragrances (2) Chanel (2) Charabot (1) Clarins Fragrance Group (5) Clas Company (2) Clas Compony (1) Cloudbreak (2) Cofinluxe (8) Colomer Group (1) Colorevolution (1) Colorful Licenses (1) Comme des Garcons (1) Cortefiel Group (2) Cosmoprod (1) Cosval Group (1) Coty (53) Createurs de Beaute (5) Creation Beaute International (5) Creative Fragrances Inc. (1) CVS (1) Dana (4) Danny Seo (1) Davis Empresas (2) De Ruy Perfumes (1) Delta Parfum (1) Designer Fragrances (1) Designer Parfums (8) Diamond International (1) Distimex Group (1) dm (1) Douglas (3) Drom (1) Dumesnil Group (1) Dutal (1) E. T. Browne Drug Co (1) Ecover Group (1) Eden Parfums (2) Edgewell Personal Care (1) Elizabeth Arden (31) Estee Lauder (24) Eurocosmesi (12) Euroitalia SRL (6) European Designer Productions (6) Evelyn Avenue (1) Exclusive Brands (1) Falic Fashion Group (4) Fast Innovations (1) First American Brands (23) Fit Corporation (1) Five Star Fragrances (4) Flax (1) Flori Roberts (1) Fortune Hills International, Inc (1) Fragluxe (1) Fragrance & Emotion (1) Free Farma Europa (1) Gemini Cosmetics (2) Genesis International (2) Genomma Lab (1) Geparlys (2) Gida Profumi (3) Gradient (1) Groupe Arthes (4) Groupe Panther SA (1) Grupo Boticario (1) Grupo Twenty S.A. (1) Guangzhou Xuelei Cosmetics Co. LTDA (1) Guylond (1) H&M (1) Hanorah (2) Hardouin-Finez (1) Harrahs (1) Hatch Beauty (1) Health & Beauty Focus (1) Hescanas SPA (1) HOSC (1) House of Luxury Perfumes LLC. (1) House of Sillage (1) HSN (5) HTI Collection (1) Hypermarcas (1) I-Sensis (1) Iconix Brand Group (3) ID Perfumes (2) Idesa Parfums (10) IFF (1) INCC Group (7) Indigo Wild (1) Inter Parfums (19) Intercosma West (4) International Cosmetics & Perfumes (1) Intertrade Europe (2) Intidex (1) IPD Fragrance (1) Irma Shorell (1) Italart Co. (1) ITF Cosmetics (4) Jacques Bogart Group (6) Jahwa 上海家化 (1) Jigsaw esl (2) Johnson & Johnson Inc. (2) JT Brands (1) Just Scents Private Limited (1) Kao (2) Kaon (1) KEMWAN (1) Klas (1) Kohl's (1) KSV-Brand (1) L'Etoile (1) L'Oreal (22) La Maison Simons (1) La Prairie Group (1) Laboratoire Odysud S.A.S. (Laurence Dumont Group) (1) Lalique Group SA (5) LaSCAD (1) Lattafa Perfumes Industries L.L.C. (1) Laurence Dumont (1) Laurice & CO (1) Le Bistro de la Beauté (1) Lecorps (1) Lemahieu Design (1) Lentheric (1) Lifestyle Distribution GmbH (2) Lighthouse Beauty (2) Limited Brands (2) Liz Claiborne (1) Liz Zorn Perfumes (1) Lorience (2) Lornamead (2) Lux Diversity SA (1) Luxe Brand Design (2) Luxess (3) Luxury Perfumes (1) LUZ Limited (3) LVMH (12) Lyrique Parfums (1) M.Micallef (1) Maesa (1) Mann & Schröder (1) Mansfield (1) Manzanita Capital (4) Marcoccia Profumi di Lusso (4) Margotta Capital (1) Mark Crames (1) Maurer & Wirtz (13) Mavive SpA (9) Maxim Markenprodukte (1) Mendittorosa (1) Micys Company Spa (1) Mille Centum Parfums (1) Morris Profumi (2) My Perfumes (8) Myrurgia (2) Nanjing Prestige 南京巴黎贝丽丝香水有限公司 (2) NBI company (1) Nippon Kodo Group (1) O Boticario Group (1) Officina Profumiera Sarda Srl (1) Omega Ingredients (1) Onivo Cosmetics (4) Orchide Afshane Pars (1) Orobianco (1) PAC Paris (1) PANCHO MUSIC INC (1) Panouge (4) Parfico (1) Parfum Gallery (1) Parfumologie (1) Parfums & Beauté (1) Parfums Berdoues (6) Parfums Corania (3) Parfums de Coeur (1) Parfums Jean Jacques Vivier (3) Parfums Parour (4) Parfums Weil & Cosmetics Jean D`Aveze (1) Paris Bleu Parfums (3) Paris Gallery (1) Parlux (20) Parour (2) Per-Scent (1) Perfume Atelier Artistic Firenze Srl (1) Perfume Holding (13) Perfumer's Workshop (3) Perfumery Solutions LLC (1) Perfumes y Diseño (4) Perlier (1) Prada S.p.A. (1) Prestige International Distribution (1) Prestige Parfums (5) Primavera (1) Procter & Gamble (13) Profumitalia (9) Promoparf (1) PSI Paul Sebastian Inc (1) Puig (26) PVH (1) Quintessence (1) QVC (2) Revelations (1) Revlon (2) Rivoli Parfums (3) Romane Fragrances (1) Romella (3) RonRobinson (1) Ronzak Art Perfume & Cosmetics (1) Royal Sanders (2) RSS Enterprises (2) S-RAQAI Group (1) S.I.R.P.E.A S.p.A (1) SA Fragrances (1) SA.G GROUP (1) Safe Natura sas della Dott.ssa Russo Corrado Fernanda & C (1) San Histoire (1) Sangaus srl (1) Sangi Stil (1) SAPG (3) Sarantis Group (1) Sarbec Cosmetics (1) SAS La Tubéreuse de Grasse (1) Satinine (1) Scandinavian Cosmetics (2) ScentStory (1) Schwarzkopf & Henkel (1) Selectiva SpA (3) Shanghai ChongGuang (1) Shiseido (2) Simon James London (3) SIRPEA SPA (1) Six Scents (1) Sodip (3) Soho House (3) Soupergroup (1) SPPC Paris Bleu Company (2) Straub Cosmetics (1) Suite K (1) Swiss Arabian Perfume Group (1) Target (1) TechnicoFlor (1) The Body Shop (1) The First SpA (5) The Fragrance Group (1) The Stephan Co (1) TPR Holdings (1) Tru Fragrance (1) Tupperware (1) UGIT Fragrances (4) Une Nuit Nomade (2) Unilever (3) Urakas (3) Uroda Polska (1) VAG (2) Valeur Absolue Group (1) Vapro International (2) Verdun Trading DMCC (4) Victory International (2) Village Lighthouse (1) Vorwerk (1) Weruska & Joel (8) Wholistic (1) WienerBlut (1) Wilde Cosmetics (1) Womo (1) Worldgate Group (1) Xianghai Cosmetics Factory Shanghai China 上海香海化妆品销售有限公司 (2) Zenith Parfums Paris (3)



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