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hi_jack's Journal

Friday, November 19th, 20041:36 am Sunday, October 31st, 200411:21 pm heya hoy bitches! shlululu! hmmmmmms! I no gona ever knows what House of Shock was like! *sad face of death and doom* fucking fuck fuck! unlesssssss it stayz open for another few days. lizator gators! If you have this name shtill mwah ha! It's a privy club it tis! hah to bitches who dun haves it! ri. I'm out.-Jack


Current Mood:


Monday, September 20th, 200411:19 pm hmmm Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.

- Abraham Lincoln: Speech in the Illinois House of Representatives, Dec 18, 1840.

cred to this for Tomz big bro who is gona be gone soon *sad face* good luck 2 u sweetie

Current Mood: disappointed

10:55 pm mleh bleh (don't pay attention to me) Jack wantz to be somebodyz bitch! I really need to be roughed up and stuff ri now! gaaaaaah! heha Would be nice. Only if they like me tho.*winks at 2 people only one able to do that tho*love your -Jackoff hehe I mean Jack hehe *naughty mind*

Current Mood: devious

Sunday, July 25th, 20049:27 pm Lala. Jack is bored. Jack is sad. Jack is sick. Jack is lonesome. Jack has bad girl stuff ri now. Jack needs to cuddle with Bunny more. bye-bye -Jack

Current Mood: drained

Friday, July 16th, 20041:55 am hmmmmmmmm reminds me of the chic in the porn mag thingy at Jeff n Coryz house sept all 80's awesome like lol she is goin bye-bye tho cuz i want a the cure one -jack

Current Mood: happy

12:06 am Thursday, July 15th, 200412:48 am mmmmmmmm go to this site.

You Should Consider Going Lesbian

If you think you're straight, you're fooling yourself!

You're at least bi - and there's a good chance you may find yourself a lesbian.

Don't be shy about liking women. It may lead you to the best sex of your life.

As you may know, some say that no one can please a woman like another woman... :-)

Should You Go Lesbian?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Au Natural

Your Seduction Stye: "Au Natural"

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it

That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!

The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world

Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in

You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways

Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you

As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Current Mood:


Wednesday, July 14th, 20041:43 am weeeeeee! Jack is back! Sorry Jack was in a coma for a while it was maybe a car hittin me, fallin off my sk8board or ksw(martial arts) that put Jack in a coma 4 a while. But Jack is back. Weird Goldie is not with the Cory anymore but is tinkin bout Tay but still not sure. Jack wants to wear a cape 2morow when goes with them. Must wake up early 2 morow. *YAWNS* I so sleepy. Silly Jack. I have barbie knee pads on my two fingers. bi-bi -Jack!

Current Mood: confused

Saturday, July 10th, 20048:07 pm *sigh* Jack is lonesome n bored Hmmmmmmmmmmm I know what to do! *runs and gives lap dance to *beeeeeeeeeep*. hehehehehehe That was nice. Jack is horny. Jack is bored. Jack does crazy stuff when bored. You will never guess whom Jack just did that 2 in her mind. *drools* hehehe Now if only they would do that back. You know a guy givin a girl a lap dance is awesomeness (unless big yucky muscle guys)! I seen Cory give John one. kind of. lol *jealous of John* John gets more affection than Goldie from Cory lol Goldie can change that! (evil happy grin) Only if he wants to tho. *sigh* I can't pressure people. gona go do something. *giggles* Goldie and Jack are virgins that have never even pleased themselves. just thought should know that. love -jack

Current Mood: amused

Friday, July 9th, 20042:40 pm WEEEEE! JACK HAPPY FOR GOLDIE! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Jack is happy for Goldie! She is so happy! Very happy! *picks goldie up and spins her round* Ok that was very hard to do! Not that Goldie is heavy jus that sharing a body thing makes that stuff kind of hard to do. WEEEEEEEE! http://www.songbirdocarina.com/zelda_songs.html yea! yeaness! Jack loves tha cory for makin goldie feel that way! -Jackness
Wednesday, July 7th, 200410:58 pm Wooooo de woooo! I am bored. And I think Goldie is stupidness. She din call the Cory. Bad and dumb girl. lol She is. Jack is 2 horny for her own good. And she does not please herself or even try. No interest in that. And she is a virgin. Hard to believe huh? Must go shower with Goldie now. hehehehe bibi -Jack


Current Mood: chipper

Monday, July 5th, 2004
8:07 pm LALALALALALA! Heya! I had funs 2day. Mommy 1 knited Jack a hat! It's a bunch of diff colorz! I got to feel my best friend up. lmao I really did. I can say quite nice. *falls on the floor laughing* I bit her leg. I almost bit her booby! We were wrestleness it was funny. I pinned her twice. Jack is horny today. Super horny! *giggles* well i gogo play wit something bibi! love Jack

Current Mood: amused

1:55 am I'm OK now. Ok here is how it goes. Mommy 1 = Manders. Mommy 2 = Nise. Daddy = Tay. I know mommy 1 loves me now. But Jack needs some lovin, lovin lol. *sigh* Jack is lonesome n want someone 2 love. OK Jack gonna go hug momma 1 n go sleepness 2 dream about a very pretty guy. *giggles* ahh I am glad 4 those dreams very.

Current Mood: lonely

Sunday, July 4th, 20049:47 pm I'm home. Jack is bored. *sigh* Jack likes tha Cory. Jack thinks Cory is hott! Jack is bored. Jack made Cory bored. Jack feels bad now. Jack mom 1 dun love her. Jack gona go kill a mailbox. Jack loves to blow stuff up. fireworks r fun. bi bi Saturday, July 3rd, 200410:53 pm my age. NOYZBOYZ2000: i love u mommy Tinuviel2008: I love you too Jack NOYZBOYZ2000: *hugs* Tinuviel2008: *huggles back* Tinuviel2008: wait....how old is Jack anyways? Tinuviel2008: same age as you? NOYZBOYZ2000: umm more than a few hours huh Tinuviel2008: yea NOYZBOYZ2000: i duno NOYZBOYZ2000: maybe 2morow i can turn 1 tho NOYZBOYZ2000: lol Tinuviel2008: lol Tinuviel2008: but you can talk already NOYZBOYZ2000: and so on lol i duno how should Jack age Tinuviel2008: ask tay what she thinks your age should be NOYZBOYZ2000: ok NOYZBOYZ2000: Supah Tay: Jack is..um.. Supah Tay: 4 hours and forty minutes old. Tinuviel2008: ok Tinuviel2008: ? NOYZBOYZ2000: NOYZBOYZ2000: Wow whos brains did I get that Jack can talk so young Tinuviel2008: lol NOYZBOYZ2000: NOYZBOYZ2000: r u an alien daddy? Supah Tay: I'm a Tay, darling. Tinuviel2008: lmao Tinuviel2008: !!!!!!

Current Mood: bouncy

10:46 pm me n mu mommyor 1 of em Daddy is so bad NOYZBOYZ2000: who is mu daddy Tay maybe lol NOYZBOYZ2000: not much i guess Tinuviel2008: tay would want to be the Daddy NOYZBOYZ2000: lol NOYZBOYZ2000: supatay quote& i'm a daddy &quote NOYZBOYZ2000: lol NOYZBOYZ2000: yur right Tinuviel2008: who'se the Mommy? NOYZBOYZ2000: I guess both u n Denise NOYZBOYZ2000: lol Tinuviel2008: naw Tinuviel2008: one has to be the mommy, the other one can be having an affair with Tay Tinuviel2008: and we all get along NOYZBOYZ2000: he

NOYZBOYZ2000: Supah Tay: Would be fitting, since both of them are my wives. NOYZBOYZ2000: Supah Tay: You're our lovechild! Supah Tay: How fitting. Tinuviel2008: lmao Tinuviel2008: she is married to me Tinuviel2008: and having an affair with Denise Tinuviel2008: so thats that NOYZBOYZ2000: i guess so lol Tinuviel2008: wait...whose child are you then? Tinuviel2008: are you ligit? NOYZBOYZ2000: well Tay is mu daddy Tinuviel2008: you could be adopted NOYZBOYZ2000: so r u mu mom or Nise NOYZBOYZ2000: NOOOO! NOYZBOYZ2000: HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT 2 ME! Tinuviel2008: who do you want to be your Mom? NOYZBOYZ2000: *giggles* NOYZBOYZ2000: funny Tinuviel2008: well pick one Tinuviel2008: you want to be ligitimate or not? NOYZBOYZ2000: u r so mean 2 me Tay must have messed wit Denise n knocked her up thas yu so mean 2 me huh?! Tinuviel2008: lol Tinuviel2008: so you are denise's baby? Tinuviel2008: or is it going to remain a mystery??? NOYZBOYZ2000: i duno will hafta ask her NOYZBOYZ2000: well they both kinda named me but u said hi_jack so i duno Tinuviel2008: lol Tinuviel2008: I have a ring from Denise and Tay NOYZBOYZ2000: all I know was that daddy said i wasur love child NOYZBOYZ2000: so it is a threesome thingy lmno! Tinuviel2008: ok...so you are mine and your dad is having an affair with Denise? NOYZBOYZ2000: ok so thas why u r so mean ur just piussed at daddy is that it? Tinuviel2008: lol Tinuviel2008: sure..why not Tinuviel2008: Tay has her harem now NOYZBOYZ2000: i need to put this in my hi_jack journal NOYZBOYZ2000: who? Tinuviel2008: Tay...Daddy Tinuviel2008: my husband..lol NOYZBOYZ2000: uh huh

Current Mood: bouncy

6:31 pm i was born 2 day my name is jack i was born at 6ish ttyl bi bi

Current Mood: bouncy


jack's Journal

just some shit   
09:54am 02/06/2005
  This seems to happen to me about the same time of year everyyear, right around may and june. i find myself losing a wonderful relationship and again out of school. and i could swear to it that the clock ticks faster as it moves on because as i look ahead at my life the light that once shown brightly illuminating my path is now dimming and the path has narrowed. 21 years-old huh, and it'll be the last time.  
isn't it crazy   
11:30am 10/05/2005
  The way people change, how they act with each other, feel toward each other, even live in proximity to each other. life is such a strange damn thing. to spend it trying to figure it out would be so anticlimactic because by the time you actually had it figured out theres no celebration or anything you probably just die, and by that time you'd probably be happy to after all the shit you been through trying to figure something out. well i'm off to figure out less confusing aspects of life like, what to eat for lunch, and what to do with myself, oh wait forget the second one that might get a bit hairy.  
Where did i go wrong   
11:20am 05/05/2005
  I think the question should probably be where didn't i go wrong and if you can figure that one out i would sure like to hear it. i look at the lives of my friends, aquaintences and even strangers and i can't help but wonder how did i "the kid with so much potential" fuck it up that bad. just in case you didn't know, if there is anyone out there at that. i live at home doing nothing failing miserably in life.  
     Read 1 - Post
10:03am 21/02/2004
mood: creative
so it began in the girls' bathroom where princess sheena the sexiest person alive was getting ready for her date with the pimp daddy alcoholic jim, and then out of nowhere alcoholic jim with his pink stiletto's and humongous ears stormed over to the bar demanding a sex on the beach. upon receiving his drink alcoholic jim, with his pink stiletto's, gracefully strutted away, tossing his hair aside with one remark, i can get anything with these looks. when princess sheena the sexiest person alive was finished getting ready for her big date she realized she had forgotten one thing, her garnet dildo with the solid gold tip. with her tool in hand princess sheena left the bathroom and approached her date, alcoholic jim, and together they went to the local goat farm and preceeded to give them the pleaseure of their lives. before leaving the farm they noticed a goat with a name tag that read "amanda" after staring at it for a few moments wondering why it was the only one with a name tag amanda turned to them and burped this response "i drink too much, i smoke too much, and they put me in this pen so i don't stumble and such...take me out, take me out, give me another beer cuz if you do i swear to it i won't be so damn queer. so the two of them set out for the grocery store where they bumped into Tad Winslow the Albertson's stocker who was blankly staring at some cans. "pretty cans", he said then he picked a can off the shelf "hmm, fifty cents, huh, great sale". Tad Winslow only stopped admiring the cans when princess sheena the sexiest person alive said she would give him the best sex of his life, and all he would have to do is kill her arch nemesis, Robert the bruce®. Tad Winslow the measly albertson's stocker now knew his purpose in life, in order to get the girl he will have to kill Robert the Bruce® who is the powerful emperor of Rome and commander of their legions of death, well at least that was the case before being run out of his country by his kin for acts unknown to laymen types which forced him to live life disguised as a Hooters girl.Alcoholic jim was gettin perterbed by his girls preoccupation with Tad Winslow the albertson's stocker so he wanted to devise a plan not to let him get his girl, but instead he bitch smacked Princess Sheena upside the head. Tad Winslow wouldn't stand for this so with his new sense of pride and confidence he couldn't allow alcoholic jim to out do him, so he turned to Princess Sheena and bitch smacked her upside the head as well. After the slapfest Tad Winslow decided to take Princess Sheena to Hooters where they got on the bar and started dancing naked! Everyone was so impressed with Sheena's tits that she was crowned the queen of Hooters...so now she is not only a princess but a queen as well.
just in need of writing   
05:49pm 18/02/2004
mood: confused
i don't really have a reason for writing well i mean a topic to write about so i am just going to start typing but be prepared people because when i do this i tend to get a little out of control so hang in there with me and please put your seat backs and trays in an upright and locked postion and keep your seatbelts fastened until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. lately my life has been miserbale actually its been very extremely horrible but i don't really want to go into detail about it because i am kind of sick of thinking about it and dealing with it and everything i'm sure you know what i mean. its actually wierd how i use these journal thingys. most people just write because they need to get it out but me on the other hand i am thirsty for attention so i am just kind of putting my straw out into the maintstream hoping to suck up some interested observants who knows maybe some of you will even write back, uh oh thats dangerous territoty. contact with other humans, thats uncharted lands. well my random writing has proved to be unmotivational and i still have no reason to continue, maybe later, until then. PEACE Y'ALL
Can i   
08:30pm 27/01/2004
mood: enraged
you know ever since this whole thing happened i have been saying that i have forgiven her and i will be able to move on and change back to me and treat her well like it didn't ever happen, but can i. i try harder than i try at anything to be me again and not to let it effect me, but what really pisses me off and sets me back is that she isn't even paying for it. i mean i don't want her to be miserable and hurt like i did but it seams like she suffered no repercussions for what she did. i mean her mom looks at me like i did something wrong when the entire time our troubles were because of her infidelity. why the hell should i have to go out of my way to try to get on someones goodside when i wasn't the one to get me on the bad side. this whole thing is soo fucked up. i love her beyond beleif yet theres nothing i can do to ever clear my name because it was dirtied on her behalf. now i know why most relationships just end when this shit happens, but i know i am stronger than that, i can fight through the bullshit, just not sure how and when that will happen. you know she tried telling me tonight that in a weak if i'm not treating her better then its over. what the fuck is that i mean if your in a serioius relationship, ENGAGED, and you can't stick by someone who has given you the single biggest break ever whats that say. yet i stay. i wish she would see that I am the one taking shit, i am the one being treated in a way that doesn't reflect how i should be, but once again I STAY. i love her what can i say. you know my whole life is like this, just fucked. i bet i could get a job, be a good man, tons of good shit. WHY THE FUCK AREN'T I. thank god for this damn journal cuz my friends don't need to have to listen to this shit everyday and without that i think my tighrope act on sanity would go to hell. thinkin about just running away to wisconsin and jumpin on the farm with dad. but what the hell does that solve, NOTHIN. i would be running away from everything, yea thats the easy way out. i can't do that shit. you know i hate to admit it but i need a job you know some stereotypical nine to five bullshit and just file in with the rest of society until i can rebuild and mount up another rebellion. yea thats it. i'll be back though world. you best fuckin be ready for me.
i dunno   
01:23pm 26/01/2004
mood: bored
well same shit different day. woke up made some calls about work and now i am sitting here with absolutly nothing to do. can't wait till lindsay gets out of school hopefully she'll just come right over and nothing comes up. seems like whether its her or me something has been coming up latly. we had a good couple of talks though and hopefully they sink in and i don't mean just her, i know i need to change some to but hey its not easy bein me. the ACT is coming up for her in a few days and i think i am more nervous about them than she is. theres nothing i want more then to go back to FSU and be with everyone where i love, but if she doesn't do well on this test i don't know what i'm gonna do. thats one more choice i will have to make. life was soo simple when i was there, all i had to do was do my work and i would have been fine, why couldn't i have realized that i had it made and just got it done. oh well i complain about it everyday i guess its about time to do suttin about it huh, but what? i guess i could just be a rapper and write about how my life is hell but i'm gonna raise up to riches through my rap game, lol. those guys are such assholes.
04:39pm 24/01/2004
mood: distressed
i feel like there is some kind of countdown going on in my life. like there is something that is going to happen, kind of like an impending doom. i know i have to do something to stop it from happening but i'm not so sure what. and usually with countdowns you can see the timer or you know how much time you have left, but with me i'm not sure i have no idea other than the erie feeling within me thats telling me "hurry, your almost too late". whatever this countdown is for hopefully i can figure it out before too late. i've become something, no i havn't made myself this way but instead i have simply let it happen. that has to be one of the worst ways to form yourself just by letting it happen. thats got to be what it is, i need to start making myself not just letting myself be whatever it is i am becoming. sanity is a thin line but sometimes you have to ask yourself can you sanely lose your sanity on the inside while preserving the aspects of saneness on the outside. if so i am a living, breathing, ball of walking sane insanity. if you figure me out, let me know i'll be here doing just what i'm the best at. NOTHING!
05:38am 14/01/2004
  oh yes its true i am an insomniac for sure but this time it is much more interesting something like a dream happened but for some reason i don't think it was a dream but because of the tangled web i weave with the ways i decieve i must pretend that everything is a dream. is it realy a dream or is this reality. what is reality anyways i guess i will never know. but for the people who understand this entry i am really really left out of this one and i am soo really upset about that, but i am happy for you its a good thing that i helped it happen, have fun kids, bye  
what the fuck   
11:34pm 12/01/2004
  How exactly do you change yourself. i mean like who you are deep down the things that make you tic. i fucked up majorly i let things get away from me to the point where i had and maybe have no control over the near future but i caught it. i realized every mistake i made and i realized them everyday yet i kept making them and no matter how much i knew what i had and have to do i made no changes the motivation just wasn't and isn't there. i'm home now i left this place that i loved more than anything i left a life that i always wanted to have, i wanted to have friends, to be well known, and for the most part liked. i had that at least enough of that to make me happy enough that i had never had before but because of my own decisions and actions i had to leave that. i'm not sure everyone understands why but i had no other way. if i hadn't gotten out the cycle would have continued. so step one has been taken but how many step ones have i taken for fuck sake. i'm like a bad song that you just keep hearing on the radio and every four songs it comes back on again and your like fuck man didn't i already hear this. and it gets old let me tell you. so hear i am knowing whats wrong with me or what can be fixed knowing the things i could do to make things better knowing where i want to be but not knowing how to do it. well not true i know how but i don't have the motivation how do you get that motivation where does it come from. i need an instance one life defining changing event. please nothing tragid i have seen enough of that. by the way while i am writing a place in my heart goes out to kathy and her entire family i'm sorry your life had to end prematurly but i hope that wherever you are your life is much less painful than it was. and jess pull through don't let this change you, well do let it but in the right ways. i am here for you and kathy i could never mean more deeply rest in peace true peace.  
No Folks i'm not hatin on anyone this time   
08:26pm 08/01/2004
  WEll i am back home from Florida State on business i guess you could say. i've got a banged up life, a banged up relationship (no pun intended), and i've done a real bangup job at puttin myself in shitty predicaments. i know pretty much only james reads these but to all my friends back home(FSU), funny how i call it home, i miss you guys like whoa. i honestly have never had such a kickass group of friends that range in different ways as you guys. i mean it goes from one extreme to the other. on one hand you got LaDouche who hey you have to admitt yourself LaDouche you are a commical character, and by the way on spike TV on that crazy MXC mosr extreme elimination show there is a guy named after you. ok and on the other hand you got people like showtime who no matter how you try to critisize hime he is just a straight out sitcom family guy straight from TV land. but anyway heres to all of you guys who made me me for the last two years and this isn't in any particular order. " i love james playin tony hawk, doug when he gets pissed off, LaDouche always wackin off and Twiiiiiins.i love parrison maniGOAT, neema who thinks hes the hulk, and todd frieburger who really loves god, and.......and... twins and i love junghoon and i love Fratties tooo

i love the italian stalian brett, his car better than a vette, and brian the KAaaaaai love watchin joni walk, god liz that looks like it hurt and what does that make meand i love jaret moore and i love reggie tooo

i love greg the buffalo bill eating RFOC to my fill, and twinsi love breakfast for a buck marias redneck truck and those twinsand i love guthriees and i love FAMUHERES TO TALLYif i left anybody or any detail out its because i got soo stupid that i didn't feel like goin on would really do you justice, i'm out yall PEACE

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been a while   
01:21am 21/10/2003
  ahhh folks its been a while but that doesn't mean i havn't had thigns to bitch about soo bee ready because i am back and i can't wait to once again misuse this wonderful free service. i fuckin hate liars there is one thing that i hate worse then them and thats myself because i am one, kinda strange huh, well fuck them anyway they fuck everything up. and women, oh boy don't get me started you are a real bunch of winners, just wait until the day one of them runs the country then we're fuckin in for it, i say we bring back slavery except no feilds no plantations just one big fuckin kitchen in africa where they can be sent to and cook all the food, i'd call it the SAHARA DESERT, oh wait thats taken! anyways to all you wonderful ladies out there who have ever broken a heart, FUCK OFF AND BURN IN HELL, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. TROGDOR STIKES AGAIN!that was for you james.  


Журнальный зал: Новая Юность, 2000 №1(40) -

Джек Керуак Jack Kerouac 

Рим в белом цвете Белая поэма, белая, непорочнаябезупречная поэмапрозрачная поэмабесплотная поэмапоэма нонпоэмабессонная чистотасеребряный рассвет ясностимолчание птицпруд — захлебывающийся вздор-жаворонокпрозрачныйсмешки деревьевиглы сосенскала прудпесчаный берегухоженность собакилягушкиинепорочная белизнабез изъянаоглаженнаямедовая земляблюз.

Перевод Юрия Сорокина 

Хайку Вскорми молоком мой умВзбей его в сметануИ выпей меня, когда созреешь

Перевод Михаила Тростникова


Прикольщики Давай приколемся. Давай как-нибудь приколемся. Давай кататься по городу и забрасывать краской опьяненных счастьем людей и кидаться совками в громадные стекла витрин.Давай приколемся. Прикинемся кем-нибудь отчаянно смелым. Пойдем все вместе в Центральный парк и полностью разденемся... А потом будем cсать на всех, с кем столкнемся.Давай приколемся. Прикинемся кем-то страшно сексуальным ... это как забраться в постель совсем одетым ... даже в пальто и перчатках ... и постараться трахнуться сквозь все эти покровы и наградить того счастливца, кто первым кончит, ни к кому не прикасаясь.Давай приколемся. Прикинемся чем-то ужасным. Ты будешь Гитлер и ты будешь Муссолини ты будешь Сталин и ты будешь Тоджо ты будешь Стридж из Южной Африки а я буду губернатор Фобу. Хоп! Что за парад нечисти! Ага, давай приколемся именно так!Давай приколемся. Давай как-нибудь приколемся. Приколемся, что мы из богемы, и будем носить черт знает какую одежду и отпустим бороду и отрастим мышиный хвостик, будем жить в Гринвич-Вилладж, снимать хату за двести косых в месяц и бродить по Вашингтонскому парку с грустной на вид телкой.Давай приколемся. Приколемся, что мы из вестерна для недоумков. Что у нас четыре спонсора-враля на ТВ ... и давай забросим лошадей и кольты, вооружимся психологией и ночью оседлаем женщин в прериях квартир.Давай приколемся. Прикинемся высоколобыми университетскими умами из Новой Англии с бляхами на подкладке. На любой подкладке. И на носках. И на галстуках.Давай приколемся, что мы подонки. Приколемся, что мы тусуемся с извращенцами 42-й улицы и днями просиживаем в вонючих киношках и мочимся на пол под кресла.Давай приколемся, что мы БЛАГОПОЛУЧНЫЕ. Приколемся, что служим с 9 до 5 и стараемся внести взнос за эту одноэтажную развалюху в Вестчестере и за ковер во всю комнату; вся эта нескончаемая плата за показушную машину, цветной ТВ, стереосистему, стиральную машину, морозильную камеру и всю-эту-как-у-Смитов-лабуду.Давай приколемся. Давай как-нибудь приколемся. Приколемся, что мы полисмены, и будем называться легавыми. Приколемся, что мы политики, и будем называться продажными. Приколемся, что мы из балета, и будем называться тронутыми. Приколемся, что мы поэты, и будем называться битники. Приколемся, что мы художники, и будем называться сдвинутыми. Приколемся, что мы Буржуазные Светские Протухшие Американские Самки.Давай приколемся. Давай как-нибудь приколемся. Приколемся, что мы хипстеры ... духовно вовлеченные в жизнь, и раскопаем все творящее ... и переспим с прорвой разных ... и найдем счастье в поэзии и искусстве ... и проедем по всему миру, все просекая, возлюбив каждую свингующую душу, западая на любой джаз, переживая кучу встрясок, становясь котярами и цыпочками без предрассудков, исповедуя правду, расплевываясь с кретинами, докапываясь до свободы, и сыграем миру cool.

Перевод Михаила Тростникова Свободный дух большого кайфа 1 

Памяти Джека КеруакаДжек в черно-красном дождевикеСкользящий вдоль покинутыхразбросанных по Северной Америке улицДжек в тертых джинсахи унылом свитере улыбокМечущийся по странекак сбрендившее лезвие бритвыДжек в болтающейся рубахе и курткепереполненный хохмамиПолуночный ангел, распевающийМексико-сити блюзв толпе негров-хипстерови музыкантов,Преследуемый белым легиономджазменов-кайфоловщиковЖители поэзиии дарители стиховБледнолицый вождь,разрывающий прошлое

мотор поколенияконец           наконецJK приветствует JCт.е. Джона Колтрейнавот так; а это

Тед Джоанс22 октябряГарлем 1969 2 

Перевод Михаила Тростникова 

ПИТЕР ОРЛОВСКИPETER ORLOVSKY Где в сердцеи по какому праву гудит Шмелиная страна?. Конец радугипойман в паутинуповезло пауку

Крошечная радуга над ручьемИюньский жук летит над нимСкоро и мой черед. Лунный свет

в поилке для птицы и для меня

Но и моя голова это кокосовый орехс млечным соком для техкто мне по душеКошка Кошка шатается по всем комнатам

Это ли мой рай — смывать блевотину?Так! Здесь — в городе щекочущих этажейТанцы Параноики танцуют своими глазамишизики танцуют полустеп-полувальскататоники сидят и дремлют танцуя мозгом жигу

Перевод Юрия Сорокина 

ЛЕРУА ДЖОУНСLEROY JONESЗагеренный3 Запад Открыть глаза.Как просто. Всего лишьвещи. Ты постепенно проникаешь в них.

Утро: какая-то слеза разбитао деревянные ступениглаз моей госпожи. Засильезелени. Листы. Все времявяжутся. Как постаревшиегероинщики с площади Шеридана, глазаобледенели и округлились. Есть одна песня.Ее поет Нат Коул... Город& лабиринт чехардывремен года.

Мутит от всяческих абстракцийНапример, от времени.

Закрыть глаза. Какпросто. Ты поплыл.

Перевод Михаила Тростникова 

ДЖОН ФЛЕСJOHN FLES Утреннее Никак не могу приноровиться к погодеОсень, а я все в этих долбаных шортах.

Сегодня утром, например, ноги совсем закоченели(хотя ночью холод пробудил череду приятных снов)а у меня всего одно одеяло

зимы всегда невесть откуда падают на наследяными глыбамине готов я к этому

ИЛИ я утепляюсь, а на улице пекломожет, они все-таки определятся?

В любом случае, лежа в постели по утрам, таким, как это утроя пригнездил радио к изголовью (прямо в кровати)чтобы во сне достать до кнопки...Час классической музыки (Карло Чавес & Гектор Вила-Лобос)

Поэт назвал бы это пиком сезонаученый — переходным периодом

благословение вам всемнадеюсь, неприятностей у вас поменьше моего

Перевод Михаила Тростникова

ЛОУРЕНС ФЕРЛИНГЕТТИLAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI Плавно темнеет зима в Париже. Когда чуть больше солнца в Провансе когда невзначай натыкаюсь на стихи Рене Шараснова вижу Воклюзы лето с кузнечиками родники опадающие лепестками их потоки наклонно летящие сквозь все выгоревшие закоулки миндального края и поля роняющие тишину меж стрекотаньем сверчков звенящих лапками и в гулком поэтическом сновидении вижу не Лорелею на Роне не ангелов высадившихся в Марселе а двоих входящих нагими в печальную воду в глубину похотливой весны в алгебру лиризма которую до сих пор разгадываю

Перевод Юрия Сорокина 

МАРВИН КОЭНMARVIN COHENСтихотворение в прозе Я пробудил чувство того, что так хорошо не бывает. И это было моей первой ошибкой.Я зевнул и мощным толчком воздуха сдул потолок спальни, пока живущая этажом выше леди не упала на меня со страшным любопытством желания.На следующий день я женился на ней, дабы способствовать росту нашей дружбы. Это был удобный брак, поскольку она была невыносимо состоятельна, а я достаточно беден.Она заставила меня переехать к ней. Мы терлись телами друг об друга, держа в руках сырое мясо с овощами, и так готовили еду. Эффект потрясал. Тепло живого тела в качестве источника энергии, хотя и доселе не исследованное, содержит неограниченные возможности. Мы подумывали о том, чтобы продаться правительству: но это проституция.Увы, конец этой истории печален: мы долюбились до дезинтеграции. Даже наши могилы невидимы.

Перевод Михаила Тростникова 

ГРЕГОРИ КОРСОGREGORY CORSO“Весна” Боттичелли Ни весточки весны!Флорентийские стражникина ледяной колокольнеждут вести —Лоренцо во сне пробуждает синицуАриосто сосет палецМикеланджело садится в кровати... проснувшись от нехватки переменДанте прячется под бархатным капюшономглаза глубоки и печальныего громадный дог плачетНи весточки весны!Леонардо мечется по опостылевшей комнате...смотрит свысока нане желающий умирать снегРафаэль ступает в горячую ванну... его длинные льняные волосы сухиот недостатка солнцаАретино вспоминает Весну в Милане, свою матькоторая спит среди прекрасных миланских холмовНи весточки весны! Ни вести!О! Боттичелли открывает дверь своей мастерской.

Перевод Михаила Тростникова

Самоубийство в Гринвич-Вилладж Руки раскинутыЛадони плоско протянуты к окнамОна глядела внизДумая о Бартоке, Ван ГогеИ комиксах в журнале “Нью-Йоркер”Она кинулась внизОни увезли ее, прикрыв лицо “Ежедневными новостями”И хозяин склада плеснул горячей водой по тротуару

Перевод Юрия Сорокина

Пума в зоопарке Чапультепек Длинная мягкая медленная спорая спокойная кошкаПо какой партитуре, в чьей постановке ты танцевала,когда дали последний занавес?Разве может сохраниться такая тяжеловесная грацияздесь, одна, на сцене 9 х 10?Интересно, тебе разрешат еще хоть разпротанцевать, ну, например, на Сьеррах?Ты кажешься печальной. Глядя на тебя,Я вижу УлановуВтиснутую в крохотную меблирашку:Нью-Йорк, Восток, 17-я улицаПуэрториканский квартал.

Перевод Михаила Тростникова

Триада1 Больной уличный певецприсел у двери хватаясь за сердцеОдной песней меньше в гомонящей ночи2 Около стеныпостаревший садовник посадил черенкиего преемник молодой человекпришел подрезать живую ограду 3 Плачет и смерть ибо Смерть это женщинапросидевшая весь день в кинотеатре когда умер ребенок

Перевод Юрия Сорокина   Размышленияпо поводуяпонского кинофильма Давайте сразу и вместе возлюбим эту сущностьсущность киновари

Ее откровенность предельна и уйма оттенковосыпалась под каштаном

Давайте туда и пойдемты станешь моей невестой

Мне хочется броситься в киноварь сквозь твои волосы

Перевод Юрия Сорокина

Вернулся домой Стою на темной улице под почерневшим светоми смотрю на окно.Я здесь родился.Горит лампа; чужие люди ходят по дому.На мне дождевик, сигарета во рту,шляпа надвинута на глаза, рука на револьвере.Перехожу улицу и открываю дверь.Внутри знакомой вони от мусорных ведерподнимаюсь на второй этаж;кто-то из грязноухихноровит метнуть в меня нож...Доверху налито возвращение затерявшимся временем

Перевод Юрия Сорокина 

На стенах убого меблированной комнаты Развешиваю старые детские фотографии моих дочерей —в разорении сердца сижу, упершись локтями в стол,Подбородком — в ладони, вглядываюсьв заносчивые глаза Хеленбезвольный рот Джейнзолотые волосы Сьюзен

Перевод Юрия Сорокина 

Крушеньице на севере Как-то ночью пятьдесят мужчин уплыли прочь от ГосподаИ утонулиПоутру брошенный БогОкунул палец в море,Поднял души этих пятидесятиИ указал путь к вечности.

Перевод Юрия Сорокина

 . P.S. Я могу сказать о поэзии и поэтике только одно: напускай тумана в конце строки, когда мысль уже выдохлась, но что-нибудь добавить необходимо в силу каких-то иррациональных причин, поскольку рациональный подход обречен: поэзия — НЕ наука. Ритм “подачи” идеи определяет ритм самого стихотворения, вне зависимости от того, разделено оно на стихи или написано “в строчку” с главками, подделывающимися под прозу.Так что давай без экивоков относительно идеи, и если ты считаешь, что это не трудно, — попробуй. Уверяю тебя, обнаружишь, что вранье перевешивает благие начинания. А твои признания легковесны для Небес.А иначе кто все это будет читать?Что до меня, то скрывать собственное гребаное вранье становится все труднее.

Джек Керуак. Письмо Дону Аллену.Осень 1959 г., перевод Михаила Тростникова.

1 The Wild Spirit of Kicks.Сравните следующее высказывание поэта: “Animals are not wild, they are free”.

2 Стихотворение написано на следующий день после смерти Керуака. Годы его жизни: 1 2.03.1922 — 21.10.1969.

3 Загеренный (сленг) — находящийся под воздействием героина или другого сильного наркотика; в оригинале стихотворение называется “Way Out West”. (Прим. перев. )


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