Дилетант (журнал). Дилетант журнал википедия
Дилетант (журнал) — Википедия
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исторический журнал | |
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Виталий Дымарский | |
ООО «Образование 21 век» | |
Россия | |
21 декабря 2011 | |
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«Дилетант» — российский познавательный исторический журнал для семейного чтения[1]. Издаётся с января 2012 года.
История названия[править]
Главный редактор радиостанции «Эхо Москвы» Алексей Венедиктов рассказал историю происхождения названия[2]:
Был мозговой штурм без мозгов. На седьмом часу обсуждения Дымарский уже от бессилия что-то такое сказал. Он решил оскорбить меня, он сказал — ты дилетант. О-о, сказали мы…
С 1 июля 2015 года издание приостановлено в связи с финансовыми трудностями.[3][4] С октября 2015 года - владельцем журнала является Алексей Венедиктов[5].Постоянный эпиграф журнала — афоризм Сократа «Я знаю, что ничего не знаю».
Сами авторы журнала часто в своих заметках в шутку называют себя «дилетантами» или делятся своим «дилетантским мнением»[6]. По словам Виталия Дымарского, редакторы относят к дилетантам «не столько авторов, сколько — читателей»[7].
Как правило, в каждом номере журнала проходит центральная, сквозная тема, с которой так или иначе связаны статьи. Проект «Дилетант» за время своего существования выпустил два альманаха, в которых собраны наиболее интересные материалы, отобранные читателями из двенадцати номеров предыдущего года. Читатели голосуют за материалы на сайте журнала[8].
Журнал содержит несколько постоянных рубрик:
- Кадр. В рубрике представлена одна фотография — красочная деталь из истории. Кадр сопровожден кратким описанием и предысторией изображенного события.
- Новости. Рубрика представляет собой короткие сводки из мира археологии, генетики и других около исторических наук: современные находки и исследования, изучения ДНК, судьба исторических экспонатов сегодня и т. п.
- Параллель. Исторические сравнения, параллели и совпадения отмечены в анализе одного события, одной эпохи или в контексте одного исторического эпизода.
- История от Андрея Бильжо. Авторская заметка на свободную тему. Как правило, представляет собой рассуждения автора на злободневные темы или рассуждения из разряда «а знаете ли вы?». Рядом с каждой заметкой представлена карикатура художника А. Бильжо.
- Тема номера. Значительную часть выпуска занимает масштабный исторический материал, соединяющий несколько сюжетов в рамках одной темы. В материале собраны мнения, цифры, факты, фотографии, анализ.
- Вооружение. В рубрике показы модели военной техники, её характеристики, знаменитые конструкторы, исторические эпизоды, связанные с ней.
- Картина. В этой рубрике представлено историческое полотно и справка к изображенному на нем сюжету. На картине выделены отдельные элементы, каждому из которых дано описание.
- Фискал. В рубрике рассказывается о налоговых системах в разных странах мира в определенный период, и об исторических последствиях налоговых законов для государств.
- Экспонат. В рубрике представлена крупная фотография одного вещественного экспоната, его описание и история, связанные с ним традиции и легенды, судьба и «музейное» прошлое.
- Почтовый ящик. Письма читателей в редакцию относительно статей прошлых номеров. Здесь же авторы лично отвечают читателям на их замечания, вопросы и дополнения.
- Детская площадка с Алексеем Венедиктовым. Интерактивная рубрика, в которой читателю задается несколько вопросов об историческом деятеле (или событии) с вариантами ответов «да» и «нет». В конце журнала даны правильные ответы.
- Посмотреть. Почитать. Посетить. Поиграть. Рубрика рекомендует читателям фильмы или сериалы, книги и компьютерные игры, а также выставки, фестивали, музеи по исторической или научно-популярной тематике.
- Портретная галерея Дмитрия Быкова. Авторская колонка с описанием жизни и судьбы исторического или литературного деятеля.
- Кроссворд.
- Мой герой в истории. В рубрике современные политики, журналисты, деятели искусства и общественные деятели выбирают «своего» человека в истории, который, по их мнению, внес наибольший вклад в историю человечества.
Авторы журнала[править]
- Алексей Венедиктов, рубрика «Детская площадка с Алексеем Венедиктовым»
- Алексей Нарышкин;
- Андрей Позняков;
- Алексей Соломин;
- Андрей Сорокин;
- Дмитрий Быков, рубрика «Портретная галерея с Дмитрием Быковым»;
- Андрей Бильжо, рубрика «История от Андрея Бильжо» и карикатуры.
Также, пишут/писали:
- Георгий Александров
- Евгений Анисимов
- Лариса Аэрова
- Андрей Дубровский
- Илья Кабанов
- Юлия Кантор
- Пётр Корягин
- Алексей Кузнецов
- Алексей Лещенко
- Александр Локшин
- Сергей Нечаев
- Александр Починок
- Алексей Ромашкин
- Татьяна Сизова
- Елена Съянова
Сайт «Дилетант»[править]
Сайт diletant.media — это познавательный проект, посвященный истории[9]. Сайт позиционирует себя как легкий и интересный для восприятия ресурс, на котором каждый человек может обогатить свои знания. Все статьи и заметки написаны доступным, негромоздким языком.
Читателю предоставляется возможность самому создавать часть контента: каждый может сам написать эссе на историческую тему или сочинить рецензию на фильм, книгу или театральную постановку. Также каждый читатель может сам создать свой личный блог на сайте журнала и использовать его по своему усмотрению.
К 2014 году на сайт ежемесячно заходило более 400 тыс. посетителей. Ежедневно сайт просматривало от 10 до 20 тыс. пользователей. За все время существования сайта его увидело более 16 миллионов пользователей. Посещаемость сайта постоянно росла[10][11]. С июля 2015 года сайт стал «недоступен в связи с приостановкой деятельности СМИ». Сейчас деятельность сайта возобновлена.
Совместные программы[править]
Радиорубрика «96 страниц»[править]
Каждый месяц журналисты радиостанции «Эхо Москвы» анонсируют выход нового номера журнала «Дилетант» в рубрике «96 страниц». Время выхода в эфир не регламентировано.
Рубрику ведут посменно Виталий Дымарский, Сергей Бунтман, Ольга Бычкова, Алексей Венедиктов. Ведущие рассказывают о том, что можно будет прочитать в новом журнале, называют темы материалов, проводят игру со слушателями на исторические темы[12].
Телепередача «Дилетанты»[править]
На телеканале Дождь в 2013—2014 годах, выходила совместная программа телеканала, журнала «Дилетант» и радиостанции «Эхо Москвы» — «Дилетанты»[13]. Выпуск программы был приостановлен[14] в феврале 2014 года после проведения на телеканале Дождь опроса «Надо ли было сдавать Ленинград?», вызвавшего шквал критики[15][16], во время трансляции программы «Дилетанты» (подробнее см. Скандал вокруг опроса в программе «Дилетанты»).
Радиопередача «Дилетанты»[править]
С февраля 2014 года на «Эхе Москвы» еженедельно выходит историческая программа «Дилетанты», совместная программа журнала Дилетант и радиостанции «Эхо Москвы», посвящённая связям истории и современности. В студию приходят гости — люди, чьи трактовки истории кажутся свежими и актуальными авторам программы. Программа часто делает отсылки к материалам журнала, темы программ нередко основываются на статьях «Дилетанта»[17].
- Валерия Новодворская: «Эхо Москвы запустило интереснейший проект: журнал Дилетант, который уже семь номеров подряд подтачивает, как мебельный жучок, советскую мифологию. Конечно, если советские историки — профи, то куда престижней слыть дилетантом.»[18]
- Игорь Яковенко: «Ниша популярных исторических журналов заполнена достаточно слабо. Есть явное несоответствие между широко распространенным интересом к истории и сравнительно маленькими тиражами и аудиторией имеющихся на рынке популярных исторических журналов. У „Дилетанта“ есть шанс заполнить эту нишу, поскольку он продвигается с опорой на миллионную аудиторию „Эха Москвы“. Если „Дилетант“ этот шанс не использует, вполне вероятно появление в этой нише новых игроков».[19]
- Людмила Полякова: «Честно сказать: я была потрясена дружным наскоком на канал „Дождь“, который позволил себе в порядке дискуссии задать вопрос: „А что было бы, если бы немцы заняли Ленинград?!“ Что в этом криминального, если Даниил Гранин в своей последней книге „Мой лейтенант“ пишет о том, что немцы выжидали? Они бы могли пройти в Ленинград, если бы захотели. По-моему, некоторые высокопоставленные чиновники ждали некой зацепки, чтобы закрыть не ангажированный канал. Ведь я и многие мои коллеги смотрим только „Дождь“ и „Культуру“. […] Я сейчас собираю все журналы „Дилетанта“, чтобы доказать своим детям, как по всем направлениям широким потоком идет фальсификация исторической правды. Мне уже надоело жить в мифах и во лжи. Я хочу правды, понимая, что правда — жестокая вещь, и она не всем приятна».[20]
- ↑ Дымарский В. Между нами, дилетантами…. // «Российская газета», 25 января 2012.
- ↑ Новый исторический проект «Дилетант». // «Эхо Москвы», 3 января 2012.
- ↑ Дымарский объявил о временной приостановке выпуска журнала "Дилетант" // Независимая газета, 24.06.2015.
- ↑ «Дилетант» приостанавливает выпуск печатной версии // Медиановости, 22.06.2015.
- ↑ Александр Белановский. «Я могу делать всё, что хочу» "Йод", 18.12.2015
- ↑ История от Андрея Бильжо («Во всяком случае на мой дилетантский взгляд») // Журнал «Дилетант», выпуск № 5 (29), май 2014
- ↑ Виталий Дымарский. Ноев ковчег строили дилетанты, а "Титаник" — профессионалы.
- ↑ Дилетант. Избранное. Выпуск II. — Дилетант, 2014. — С. 264.
- ↑ О проекте. Дилетант.
- ↑ Рейтинг сайтов.
- ↑ Статистика сайтов.
- ↑ 96 страниц - Представление нового номера журнала «Дилетант».
- ↑ Раздел программы «Дилетанты» на сайте телеканала «Дождь»
- ↑ «Дождь» приостановит выпуск программы «Дилетанты». // Lenta.Ru, 3 февраля 2014.
- ↑ Ольга Жигулина. Дилетанты на Дожде (26 января 2014 года).
- ↑ Дымарский В. «Надо ли было сдавать Ленинград?» Комментарий одного из авторов программы «Дилетанты». // Блог В. Дымарского на сайте телеканала «Дождь», 27 января 2014.
- ↑ Последний выпуск.
- ↑ Новодворская В. Путешествие с «Дилетантом» // Грани.ру, 14 августа 2012
- ↑ Яковенко И. А. Рынок научно-популярных журналов. Аналитический обзор. // Национальная тиражная служба, 2012.
- ↑ Не хочу жить во лжи и мифах. // «Трибуна», 12.02.2014.
Публикации о журнале[править]
Дилетант (журнал) - это... Что такое Дилетант (журнал)?
«Дилетант» — российский познавательный исторический журнал. Проект редакции Эхо Москвы. По определению учредителей — первый в России исторический журнал для семейного чтения[1]. Издаётся с января 2012 года.
История создания
«Дилетант» был задуман как более популярная, познавательная альтернатива научным историческим журналам. Одной из целей издания ставилась: привлечь к историческим темам более широкий круг читателей, вернуть к ним интерес.
Автор идеи журнала Алексей Венедиктов в эфире «Эха Москвы» рассказывает о пустующей, по его мнению, нише в научно-популярной исторической журналистике:
Давно хотелось запустить исторический журнал, ещё до всяких социальных сетей, прочих интернетовских изысков. Ещё где-то году в 95-м, когда Виталий мне показывал наличие замечательных исторических журналов во Франции, я завидовал, что в РФ нет такого журнала, имея в виду не научный журнал, а журнал познавательный, развлекательный. Я очень жалел, что когда я учился в школе, когда я учил в школе, подобных вещей ни я, ни мои ученики не имели. С 1995 года тянулась эта вялотекущая идея.— [1]
Первый номер вышел в январе 2012 года с центральной темой: «Опричнина: от Ивана Грозного до Владимира Путина».[2]
- главный редактор журанала — проф. МГИМО Виталий Дымарский
- редактор: Наталья Морозова
- главный редактор сетевой версии diletant.ru — журналист Алексей Дурново
- генеральный директор: Алексей Ромашкин
- Параллель
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- Портретная галерея Дмитрия Быкова
- Гастрономия
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- Мой герой в истории
Обвинения в нарушении авторских прав
Обозреватель журнала Родина Влад Поскрёбышев обвинил сайт diletant.ru в воровстве материалов[3].
Валерия Новодворская:
«Эхо Москвы» запустило интереснейший проект: журнал «Дилетант», который уже семь номеров подряд подтачивает, как мебельный жучок, советскую мифологию. Конечно, если советские историки — профи, то куда престижней слыть дилетантом[4]. |
Дилетант (журнал) - WikiVisually
1. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians
2. Международный стандартный серийный номер – An International Standard Serial Number is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication. The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title, ISSN are used in ordering, cataloging, interlibrary loans, and other practices in connection with serial literature. The ISSN system was first drafted as an International Organization for Standardization international standard in 1971, ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC9 is responsible for maintaining the standard. When a serial with the content is published in more than one media type. For example, many serials are published both in print and electronic media, the ISSN system refers to these types as print ISSN and electronic ISSN, respectively. The format of the ISSN is an eight digit code, divided by a hyphen into two four-digit numbers, as an integer number, it can be represented by the first seven digits. The last code digit, which may be 0-9 or an X, is a check digit. Formally, the form of the ISSN code can be expressed as follows, NNNN-NNNC where N is in the set, a digit character. The ISSN of the journal Hearing Research, for example, is 0378-5955, where the final 5 is the check digit, for calculations, an upper case X in the check digit position indicates a check digit of 10. To confirm the check digit, calculate the sum of all eight digits of the ISSN multiplied by its position in the number, the modulus 11 of the sum must be 0. There is an online ISSN checker that can validate an ISSN, ISSN codes are assigned by a network of ISSN National Centres, usually located at national libraries and coordinated by the ISSN International Centre based in Paris. The International Centre is an organization created in 1974 through an agreement between UNESCO and the French government. The International Centre maintains a database of all ISSNs assigned worldwide, at the end of 2016, the ISSN Register contained records for 1,943,572 items. ISSN and ISBN codes are similar in concept, where ISBNs are assigned to individual books, an ISBN might be assigned for particular issues of a serial, in addition to the ISSN code for the serial as a whole. An ISSN, unlike the ISBN code, is an identifier associated with a serial title. For this reason a new ISSN is assigned to a serial each time it undergoes a major title change, separate ISSNs are needed for serials in different media. Thus, the print and electronic versions of a serial need separate ISSNs. Also, a CD-ROM version and a web version of a serial require different ISSNs since two different media are involved, however, the same ISSN can be used for different file formats of the same online serial
3. История – History is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. Events occurring before written record are considered prehistory and it is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians and their works continue to be read today, and the gap between the culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In Asia, a chronicle, the Spring and Autumn Annals was known to be compiled from as early as 722 BC although only 2nd-century BC texts survived. Ancient influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries, the modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, the word history comes ultimately from Ancient Greek ἱστορία, meaning inquiry, knowledge from inquiry, or judge. It was in that sense that Aristotle used the word in his Περὶ Τὰ Ζῷα Ἱστορίαι, the ancestor word ἵστωρ is attested early on in Homeric Hymns, Heraclitus, the Athenian ephebes oath, and in Boiotic inscriptions. History was borrowed from Latin into Old English as stær, and it was from Anglo-Norman that history was borrowed into Middle English, and this time the loan stuck. In Middle English, the meaning of history was story in general, the restriction to the meaning the branch of knowledge that deals with past events, the formal record or study of past events, esp. human affairs arose in the mid-fifteenth century. With the Renaissance, older senses of the word were revived, and it was in the Greek sense that Francis Bacon used the term in the sixteenth century. For him, historia was the knowledge of objects determined by space and time, in an expression of the linguistic synthetic vs. analytic/isolating dichotomy, English like Chinese now designates separate words for human history and storytelling in general. In modern German, French, and most Germanic and Romance languages, which are synthetic and highly inflected. The adjective historical is attested from 1661, and historic from 1669, Historian in the sense of a researcher of history is attested from 1531. Historians write in the context of their own time, and with due regard to the current dominant ideas of how to interpret the past, in the words of Benedetto Croce, All history is contemporary history. History is facilitated by the formation of a discourse of past through the production of narrative. The modern discipline of history is dedicated to the production of this discourse. All events that are remembered and preserved in some authentic form constitute the historical record, the task of historical discourse is to identify the sources which can most usefully contribute to the production of accurate accounts of past. Therefore, the constitution of the archive is a result of circumscribing a more general archive by invalidating the usage of certain texts and documents
4. Журнал – A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published. Magazines are generally published on a schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a price, by prepaid subscriptions. At its root, the magazine refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written publication, it is a collection of written articles and this explains why magazine publications share the word root with gunpowder magazines, artillery magazines, firearms magazines, and, in French, retail stores such as department stores. By definition, a magazine paginates with each issue starting at three, with the standard sizing being 8 3/8 ×10 7/8 inches. However, in the sense a journal has continuous pagination throughout a volume. Some professional or trade publications are also peer-reviewed, an example being the Journal of Accountancy, academic or professional publications that are not peer-reviewed are generally professional magazines. That a publication calls itself a journal does not make it a journal in the technical sense, magazines can be distributed through the mail, through sales by newsstands, bookstores, or other vendors, or through free distribution at selected pick-up locations. The subscription business models for distribution fall into three main categories. In this model, the magazine is sold to readers for a price, either on a basis or by subscription. Paid circulation allows for defined readership statistics and this means that there is no cover price and issues are given away, for example in street dispensers, airline, or included with other products or publications. Because this model involves giving issues away to unspecific populations, the statistics only entail the number of issues distributed and this is the model used by many trade magazines distributed only to qualifying readers, often for free and determined by some form of survey. This allows a level of certainty that advertisements will be received by the advertisers target audience. This latter model was used before the rise of the World Wide Web and is still employed by some titles. For example, in the United Kingdom, a number of computer-industry magazines use this model, including Computer Weekly and Computing, for the global media industry, an example would be VideoAge International. The earliest example of magazines was Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen, a literary and philosophy magazine, the Gentlemans Magazine, first published in 1731, in London was the first general-interest magazine. Edward Cave, who edited The Gentlemans Magazine under the pen name Sylvanus Urban, was the first to use the term magazine, founded by Herbert Ingram in 1842, The Illustrated London News was the first illustrated magazine
5. Дождь (телеканал) – Dozhd is a Russian independent television channel. It is owned by journalist Natalya Sindeyeva, Dozhd focuses on news, discussions, culture, politics, business reports, and documentaries. The channels motto is talk about important things with those who are important to us, most Dozhd shows are live broadcasts. By 10 December, it was showing a ribbon, a symbol of the protests. The stations owner, Sindeyeva, explained this as being a sign of sincerity, rather than propaganda, on 9 December 2011, Dozhd was asked to provide copies of its coverage of the protests to check if it had abided by Russian media laws. President Dmitry Medvedev was also noticed to have unfollowed Dozhd on Twitter, however, the channel was the first mass media outlet that he had chosen to follow on Twitter, according to an RIA Novosti report. In 30 minutes, Dozhd removed the poll and apologized for incorrect wording, the following days Dozhd was criticized by politicians, activists, State Duma members and Valentina Matvienko for an online poll on the Leningrad siege of World War II. Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putins press secretary, also criticized the channel, yuri Pripachkin, President of the Cable Television Association of Russia, said that he wants to take functions of censoring. In a resolution backed by St. ”On 29 January, the largest Russian TV providers disconnected the channel, Dozhd was forced to move to a private apartment in October 2014. Dozhd Website provides live broadcasting and archived programs, since March 2013 the channel is available in Israel as part of basic package of the Yes Israel satellite television provider. In January 2017 the channel was forced by the National Council on Television and it was shut down because channel content implied Crimea was Russian territory. According to Dozhd owner Natalya Sindeyeva Russian law requires that media use maps that show Crimea as a part of Russia, TV channel under fire for online poll on legendary Leningrad siege Russian liberal news channel Dozhd TV threatened with closure Should Russia have surrendered Leningrad
6. Эпиграф – In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a literary canon. The long quotation from Dantes Inferno that prefaces T. S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is part of a speech by one of the damned in Dantes Hell. Linking it to the monologue which forms Eliots poem adds a comment, the epigraph to Eliots Gerontion is a quotation from Shakespeares Measure for Measure. Eliots The Hollow Men uses the line Mistah Kurtz, he dead from Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness as one of its two epigraphs, the epigraph to Theodore Herzls Altneuland is If you will it, it is no dream. Which became a slogan of the Zionist movement, the epigraph to Fyodor Dostoyevskys The Brothers Karamazov is John 12,24. Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. The epigraphs to the preamble of Georges Perecs Life, A Users Manual and to the book as a whole warn the reader that tricks are going to be played and that all will not be what it seems. Jack London uses the first stanza of John Myers OHaras poem Atavism as the epigraph to The Call of the Wild, as an epigraph to The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway famously quotes Gertrude Stein, You are all a lost generation. The epigraph to E. L. Doctorows Ragtime quotes Scott Joplins instructions to those who play his music and it is never right to play Ragtime fast. This stands in contrast to the pace of American society at the turn of the 20th century. A Samuel Johnson quote is used as an epigraph in Hunter S. Thompsons novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, stephen King uses many epigraphs in his writing, usually to mark the beginning of another section in the novel. An unusual example is The Stand where he uses lyrics from songs to express the metaphor used in a particular part. J. K. Rowlings novels frequently begin with epigraphs relating to the themes explored, Harry Potter, some authors use fictional quotations that purport to be related to the fiction of the work itself. Examples include, John Greens The Fault in Our Stars has a quotation from a novel, An Imperial Affliction. F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby opens with a poem entitled Then Wear the Gold Hat, DInvilliers is a character in Fitzgeralds first novel, This Side of Paradise. This cliché is parodied by Diana Wynne Jones in The Tough Guide To Fantasyland, a poem at the beginning of J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings describes the Rings of Power, the central plot device of the trilogy. Fantasy literature may also include epigraphs, le Guins Earthsea series includes epigraphs supposedly quoted from the epic poetry of the Earthsea archipelago
7. Сократ – Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. He is a figure known chiefly through the accounts of classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato and Xenophon. Platos dialogues are among the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity, though it is unclear the degree to which Socrates himself is hidden behind his best disciple, nothing written by Socrates remains extant. As a result, information about him and his philosophies depends upon secondary sources, furthermore, close comparison between the contents of these sources reveals contradictions, thus creating concerns about the possibility of knowing in-depth the real Socrates. This issue is known as the Socratic problem, or the Socratic question, to understand Socrates and his thought, one must turn primarily to the works of Plato, whose dialogues are thought the most informative source about Socrates life and philosophy, and also Xenophon. These writings are the Sokratikoi logoi, or Socratic dialogues, which consist of reports of conversations apparently involving Socrates, as for discovering the real-life Socrates, the difficulty is that ancient sources are mostly philosophical or dramatic texts, apart from Xenophon. There are no straightforward histories, contemporary with Socrates, that dealt with his own time, a corollary of this is that sources that do mention Socrates do not necessarily claim to be historically accurate, and are often partisan. For instance, those who prosecuted and convicted Socrates have left no testament, historians therefore face the challenge of reconciling the various evidence from the extant texts in order to attempt an accurate and consistent account of Socrates life and work. The result of such an effort is not necessarily realistic, even if consistent, amid all the disagreement resulting from differences within sources, two factors emerge from all sources pertaining to Socrates. It would seem, therefore, that he was ugly, also, Xenophon, being an historian, is a more reliable witness to the historical Socrates. It is a matter of debate over which Socrates it is whom Plato is describing at any given point—the historical figure. As British philosopher Martin Cohen has put it, Plato, the idealist, offers an idol, a Saint, a prophet of the Sun-God, a teacher condemned for his teachings as a heretic. It is also clear from other writings and historical artefacts, that Socrates was not simply a character, nor an invention, the testimony of Xenophon and Aristotle, alongside some of Aristophanes work, is useful in fleshing out a perception of Socrates beyond Platos work. The problem with discerning Socrates philosophical views stems from the perception of contradictions in statements made by the Socrates in the different dialogues of Plato and these contradictions produce doubt as to the actual philosophical doctrines of Socrates, within his milieu and as recorded by other individuals. Aristotle, in his Magna Moralia, refers to Socrates in words which make it patent that the virtue is knowledge was held by Socrates. Within the Metaphysics, he states Socrates was occupied with the search for moral virtues, however, in The Clouds, Aristophanes portrays Socrates as accepting payment for teaching and running a sophist school with Chaerephon. Also, in Platos Apology and Symposium, as well as in Xenophons accounts, more specifically, in the Apology, Socrates cites his poverty as proof that he is not a teacher. Two fragments are extant of the writings by Timon of Phlius pertaining to Socrates, although Timon is known to have written to ridicule, details about the life of Socrates can be derived from three contemporary sources, the dialogues of Plato and Xenophon, and the plays of Aristophanes
8. Альманах – An almanac is an annual publication that includes information such as weather forecasts, farmers planting dates, tide tables, and tabular information often arranged according to the calendar. Astronomical data and various statistics are found in almanacs, such as the times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, church festivals, and so on. The etymology of the word is unclear, but there are several theories, however, that word appears only once in antiquity, by Eusebius who quotes Porphyry as to the Coptic Egyptian use of astrological charts. The earliest almanacs were calendars that included agricultural, astronomical, or meteorological data, however, the earliest documented use of the word in any language is in Latin in 1267 by Roger Bacon, where it meant a set of tables detailing movements of heavenly bodies including the moon. One etymology report says, The ultimate source of the word is obscure and its first syllable, al-, and its general relevance to medieval science and technology, strongly suggest an Arabic origin, but no convincing candidate has been found. Another report similarly says of almanac, First seen in Roger Bacon, apparently from Spanish Arabic, al-manakh, but this is not an Arabic word. The word remains a puzzle. The OED similarly says the word has no etymon in Arabic, the reason why the proposed Arabic word is speculatively spelled al-manākh is that the spelling occurred as almanach, as well as almanac. The earliest use of the word was in the context of astronomy calendars, at that time in the West, it would have been prestigious to attach an Arabic appellation to a set of astronomical tables. Also around that time, prompted by that motive, the Latin writer Pseudo-Geber wrote under an Arabic pseudonym, an almanac is a text listing a set of events forthcoming in the next year. The set of events noted in an almanac are selected in view of a more or less specific group of readers e. g. farmers, sailors, astronomers or others. The earlier texts considered to be almanacs have been found in the Near East and they have been called generally hemerologies, from the Greek hēmerā, meaning day. Among them is the so-called Babylonian Almanac, which lists favorable and unfavorable days with advice on what to do on each of them, successive variants and versions aimed at different readership have been found. Egyptians lists for good and bad moments, three each day, have also been found. Many of these prognostics were connected with celestial events, the first heliacal rising of Sirius was used for its prediction and this practice, the observation of some star and its connecting to some event apparently spread. The Greek almanac, known as parapegma, has existed in the form a stone on which the days of the month were indicated by movable pegs inserted into bored holes. There were also written texts and according to Diogenes Laërtius, Parapegma was the title of a book by Democritus, with the astronomical computations were expected weather phenomena, composed as a digest of observations made by various authorities of the past. Parapegmata had been composed for centuries, hence for him, weather prediction was a special division of astrology. The origins of the almanac can be connected to ancient Babylonian astronomy, similar treatises called Zij were later composed in medieval Islamic astronomy
9. Венедиктов, Алексей Алексеевич – Alexei Alexeyevich Venediktov is a Russian journalist, editor-in-chief, host and co-owner of the Echo of Moscow radio station, as well as the president of Echo TV Russia. His father Alexei Nikolaevich Venediktov was a submarine officer killed in a storm shortly before Alexeis birth. His mother Eleonora Abramovna Dykhovichnaya was a doctor of Jewish origin, in 1983 she along with Alexeis sister emigrated to America. One of her cousins was a film director Ivan Dykhovichny, a popular musician Andrey Makarevich also happens to be Alexeis distant relative. Venediktov graduated from the division of Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1978. After graduation, he worked as a postman for some time, since 1990 he has been working for Echo of Moscow. He started as an observer and reporter, then headed the news division. Since 1998 he has working as the editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow. Since 2002 Venedictov has been serving as the president of Echo TV Russia. In 2006 he co-hosted a short-living TV show In the Light Circle with Svetlana Sorokina at the Domashny TV channel. It was shut down in just two weeks, supposedly for its harsh critics of the Judiciary of Russia, although the producer Alexander Rodnyansky denied it had anything to do with politics. On February,2012 Venediktov resigned from the board of directors in protest against the Gazprom-Media announcement to change the board and he later said that it was Vladimir Putin who personally saved him and his station from closer by Mikhail Lesin. According to Venediktov, this happened at least twice during the Dmitry Medvedevs presidency, but in 2015 the Russian State Duma passed a new law forbidding foreign citizens to own more than 20% of all shares in a national media company. In order to bypass it, a Russian-based company named Echo of Moscow Holding Company was registered, as of 2016, it owns 13. 10% of total shares, while the American company controls 19. 92% of shares. Venediktov described his views as conservative and himself — as a reactionary, with Ronald Reagan. He is a member of the Public Board of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Civic Chamber of Moscow since 2016
10. Быков, Дмитрий Львович – Dmitry Lvovich Bykov is a Russian writer, poet and journalist. He is also known as biographer of Boris Pasternak, Bulat Okudzhava, being one of the most prolific modern Russian writers, in recent years he has gained additional recognition for his biography of Boris Pasternak, published in 2005. The biography earned Bykov the 2006 National Bestseller and Great Book awards and he later wrote biographies of Maxim Gorky and Bulat Okudzhava. Bykov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University, as a journalist and critic, Bykov has been writing for the magazine Ogoniok since 1993. He has also hosted a show on the radio station Echo of Moscow. Earlier, he was one of the hosts of an influential TV show Vremechko, in 2008 a documentary called Virginity was released in which Bykov was a co-writer. In 2009, Bykov was named assistant editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Profile and he is also the editor-in-chief of the monthly literature-focused magazine What to read. Together with actor Mikhail Yefremov, he created project Citizen Poet, Yefremov reads poems, written by Bykov, which are usually satirical comments on the contemporary Russian society, politics and culture. Each poems parodies the style of a poet of the past, e. g. Pushkin, Nekrasov. It was originally broadcast on Dozhd TV channel, but the project was closed because the poems were too critical towards Russian government, currently, the show is hosted in audio format by Echo of Moscow radio station. Bulat Okudzhava The Debauchery of Work Chronicles of Immediate War In Place of Life In a Void Thinking the World And Practically Everybody The Calendar, speaking of Essential Things The Calendar 2. Debating the Undebatable The Secret Russian Calendar, most important dates The Short Course of Soviet Literature