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Российский государственныйсоциальный университет. Ученые записки ргсу сайт журнала

Ученые записки РГСУ

Редакционная коллегия/Editorial Board

1. Ануфриева Наталья Ивановна, д-р пед. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры социологии и философии культуры, директор института Высшей школы музыки им. А. Шнитке (институт), и.о. декана факультета искусств и социокультурной деятельности, РГСУ / Anufrieva Natalia Ivanovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of sociology and philosophy of culture, director Higher school of music n.a. A. Schnittke (institute), acting dean of the faculty of arts and socio-cultural activity, RSSU.

2. Бабосов Евгений Михайлович, академик Национальной академии наук Беларуси / Babosov Evgeniy Mikhailovich, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

3. Басимов Михаил Михайлович, д-р психол. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры психологии труда и специальной психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Basimov Mikhail Mikhailovich, doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of labour psychology and special psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU.

4. Виткова Мари, д-р филос. наук, профессор кафедры специальной педагогики университета им. Масарика (Чешская Республика, г. Брно) / Vitkova Mari, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of the department of special pedagogy of Masaryk University (Czech Republic, Brno).

5. Денисенко Сергей Иванович, д-р пед. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры социальной, общей и клинической психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Denisenko Sergey Ivanovich, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of social, general and clinical psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU.

6. Карпов Владимир Юрьевич, д-р пед. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и методики физической культуры и спорта факультета физической культуры, РГСУ / Karpov Vladimir Yurievich, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of theory and methods of physical culture and sports of the faculty of physical culture, RSSU.

7. Кисляков Павел Александрович, д-р психол. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой психологии труда и специальной психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Kislyakov Pavel Alexandrovich, doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, head of the department of labour psychology and special psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU. 

8. Крылов Александр Николаевич, д-р философии, профессор Берлинского Вест-Ост института, директор, вице-президент Бременской школы экономики (Германия, Берлин) / Krylov Alexander Nikolaevich, doctor of philosophy, professor of Berlin West-OST Institute, director, vice-president of the Bremen School of Economics (Germany, Berlin).

9. Лукович Эржебет, профессор Института кондуктивной педагогики (Венгрия, Будапешт) / Lukovich Erzsebet, professor of the Institute of Conductive Pedagogy (Hungary, Budapest).

10. Миронова Оксана Ивановна, д-р психол. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры социальной, общей и клинической психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Mironova Oksana Ivanovna, doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of social, general and clinical psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU.

11. Сесёлкин Алексей Иванович, д-р пед. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры адаптивной физической культуры и рекреации факультета физической культуры, РГСУ / Sesyolkin Alexey Ivanovich, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of adaptive physical education and recreation of the faculty of physical culture, RSSU.

12. Сизикова Валерия Викторовна, д-р пед. наук, профессор, декан факультета социальной работы, РГСУ / Sizikova Valeria Viktorovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of social work, RSSU.

13. Стрелков Владимир Иванович, д-р психол. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры психологии труда и специальной психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Strelkov Vladimir Ivanovich, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, professor of the department of labour psychology and special psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU.

14. Цветкова Надежда Александровна, д-р психол. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры социальной, общей и клинической психологии факультета психологии, РГСУ / Tsvetkova Nadezhda Alexandrovna, doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of social, general and clinical psychology of the faculty of psychology, RSSU.

15. Янчук Владимир Александрович, д-р психол. наук, профессор (Республика Беларусь, Минск) / Yanchuk Vladimir Alexandrovich, doctor of psychological sciences, professor (Belarus, Minsk).


Научные журналы

Главный редактор Татьяна Николаевна Юдина – доктор социологических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой социология социальной сферы.

В 2003 году включен в перечень изданий, рекомендованных ВАК для публикации основных научных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук по философии, социологии и экономике.

Журнал включен в систему РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования)  и доступен на сайте: www.elibrary.ru

«Социальная политика и социология» освещает острые актуальные проблемы с акцентом на социологическую интерпретацию, направленную вместе с тем на поиск междисциплинарного синтеза в решении вопросов теоретико-методологического и прикладного характера.

Сектор научных изданий РГСУ предлагает Вам на страницах нашего издания поделиться результатами своих исследований, мыслями, опытом, информацией со всеми читателями, и надеется, что Вы пришлете нам не только свои статьи, но и отклики на ранее опубликованные материалы.

CHIEF EDITOR BOARD  Yudina Tatiana Nikolaevna, doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor, head of Department of sociology of the social sphere of the faculty of social administration and sociology RSSU

The journal is included in the RSCI (Russian science citation index) and is available on the website: www.elibrary.ru

The journal was established in 1999. The certificate of registration of mass media PI No. 77-14047 of 29 November 2002, the certificate of re-registration with the increasing of the number of characters, the renaming of the founder, changing of address editorial and legal address of the settlor PI № FS77-26247 from November 17, 2006. In 2003, included in the list of publications recommended by the higher attestation Commission for publication of basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of Sciences in sociology, Economics and philosophy sciences. Social policy and sociology lights sharp current problems with emphasis on sociological interpretation, aimed, however, at finding of interdisciplinary research in addressing the theoretical, methodological and applied nature. The editorial Board invites You to the pages of our publication to share the results of their research, thoughts, experiences and information with all the readers, and hopes that You will send us not only your articles, and responses to previously published materials.

Уважаемые читатели, авторы, партнёры!

Журнал учрежден в 1999 году. В 2003 году включен в перечень изданий, рекомендованных ВАК для публикации основных научных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук, с 2015 узко специализирован по социологии, экономике и политологии. (отрасли/специальности : 22.00.00 Социологические науки/22.00.04 Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы, 22.00.08 Социология управления,23.00.00; Политические науки/23.00.02 Политические институты, процессы, технологии ;08.00.00 Экономические науки/08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством, 08.00.10 Финансы, денежное обращение и кредит)

«Социальная политика и социология» освещает острые актуальные проблемы с акцентом на социологическую интерпретацию, направленную вместе с тем на поиск междисциплинарного синтеза в решении вопросов теоретико-методологического и прикладного характера.

Редакция предлагает Вам на страницах нашего издания поделиться результатами своих исследований, мыслями, опытом, информацией со всеми читателями, и надеется, что Вы пришлете нам не только свои статьи, но и отклики на ранее опубликованные материалы. Журнал носит научно-практический характер.

Решением международного регистрационного ISSN центра и по его инициативе научному печатному журналу «Социальная политика и социология» присвоен статус международного периодического научного издания и присвоен соответствующий номер ISSN 2071-3665.

Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере массовых коммуникаций, связи и охраны культурного наследия зарегистрировала научный журнал  в качестве СМИ, свидетельство о регистрации ПИ № ФС77-26247.

С 2015 года журнал включен в международную ассоциацию издателей CrossRef.

Публикациям журнала присваивается идентификатор DOI – индексируемая ссылка к постоянному местонахождению статьи для получения необходимой информации о ней.

Журналу присвоен DOI: 10.17922/2071-3665

В связи со стремительными улучшениями качества статей и самого журнала, журнал изменил требования к предоставлению и публикации материалов. С новыми требованиями можно ознакомиться на страницах журнала, а также в разделе научные издания на официальном сайте РГСУ, требования стали «жестче». Но эти требования необходимы для обеспечения технической доступности представленной научной информации в библиографических системах.

Издание осуществляет рецензирование всех поступающих в редакцию материалов, соответствующих ее тематике, с целью их экспертной оценки. Все рецензенты должны являться признанными специалистами по тематике рецензируемых материалов и иметь в течение последних 3 лет публикации по тематике рецензируемой статьи. Рецензии хранятся в издательстве и в редакции издания в течение 5 лет.

Журнал имеет страницу на официальном сайте РГСУ в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет», где в открытом доступе на русском и английском языках размещается информация об издательстве, главном редакторе, составе редакционной коллегии и/или редакционного совета с указанием ученой степени, ученого звания всех его членов, контактная информация, описание тематики журнала, правила направления, рецензирования и опубликования научных статей, аннотации научных статей и ключевые слова для всех научных статей и обзоров, опубликованных изданием за последние 2 года.

В состав редакционной коллегии и/или редакционного совета должны входить не менее восьми специалистов - кандидатов наук или докторов наук (либо обладателей ученых степеней, полученных в иностранном государстве, внесших значительный вклад в развитие соответствующей области знаний) из числа научных, научно-педагогических работников.

Будем рады Вашим статьям. Надеемся на активное и плодотворное сотрудничество!

Dear readers, authors, partners!

The journal was established in 1999. In 2003, included in the list of publications recommended by the higher attestation Commission for publication of basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of Sciences, 2015 with narrowly specialized in sociology, Economics and political science. (industry/occupation : 22.00.00 Sociological science/22.00.04 social structure, Social institutes and processes, 22.00.08 Sociology of management,23.00.00; Political science/23.00.02 Political institutions, processes, technologies ;08.00.00 Economic Sciences/08.00.05 Economics and national economy management, 08.00.10 Finance, monetary circulation and credit)

"Social policy and sociology lights sharp current problems with emphasis on sociological interpretation, aimed, however, at finding of interdisciplinary research in addressing the theoretical, methodological and applied nature.

The editorial Board invites You to the pages of our publication to share the results of their research, thoughts, experiences and information with all the readers, and hopes that You will send us not only your articles, and responses to previously published materials. The journal is scientific-practical character.

The decision of the international registration ISSN centre and at the initiative of the scientific journal "Social policy and sociology" has the status of international scientific journals and has a corresponding number ISSN 2071-3665.

The Federal service for supervision in the sphere of mass communications, communication and protection of cultural heritage registered in the scientific journal as a media registration certificate PI № FS77-26247.

From 2015 the journal is included into the international Association of publishers CrossRef.

Publications of the journal is assigned an identifier DOI – indexable link to the permanent location of the article to obtain the necessary information about it.

The magazine has DOI: 10.17922/2071-3665

In connection with the rapid improvements in the quality of articles and the journal itself, the magazine changed the requirements for the issuance and publication of materials. With the new requirements can be found on the pages of the magazine and in the section of scientific publications on the official website of the University, the requirements were "tougher". But these requirements are necessary to ensure the technical availability presents scientific information in bibliographic systems.

The publication provides a review of all submitted material appropriate to its subject matter, for their expert evaluation. All reviewers should be recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed material and have in the past 3 years publications on the subject of peer-reviewed articles. Reviews are kept in the publishing house and the editorial office within 5 years.

The magazine has a page on the official website of the University in information and telecommunications network "Internet", where publicly available on Russian and English languages provides information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, the editorial Board and/or the editorial Board indicating an academic degree, academic title, contact information, description of the subject matter of the journal, rules of submitting, reviewing, and publishing scientific articles, abstracts of scientific articles and keywords for all articles and reviews published in the last 2 years.

The composition of the editorial Board and/or the editorial Board shall consist of at least eight experts - PhDs and doctors of science (or the holders of academic degrees obtained in foreign country, have made a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field) from among scientific, scientific-pedagogical workers.

We welcome Your articles. We hope for active and fruitful cooperation!


Ученые записки

Ученые записки РГСУ/Scientific notes of RSSU

ISSN 2071-5323

Главный редактор Елена Алексеевна Петрова – доктор психологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой социальной и общей психологии.

С 2003 года включен в перечень изданий, рекомендованных ВАК для публикации основных научных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук по педагогике и психологии.

Журналу присвоен DOI: 10.17922/2071-5323

Журнал включен в систему РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования)  и доступен на сайте: www.elibrary.ru

«Ученые записки РГСУ» – многопрофильный журнал. На его страницах публикуются оригинальные материалы, ставшие результатом исследований в различных отраслях научных знаний; различные точки зрения на важнейшие научные проблемы.

The journal was established in 2001. Certificate of registracii media PI No. 77-14048 of 29 November 2002, the certificate of re-registration with the increasing of the number of characters, the renaming of the founder, changing of address editorial and legal address of the settlor PI № FS 77-26246 from November 17, 2006. Since 2003, included in the list of publications recommended by the higher attestation Commission for publication of basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of Sciences in pedagogy and psychology.

Scientific notes of the Russian state social University is a specialized magazine. Its pages contain original materials resulting from research in psychology and pedagogy; the different points of view on important scientific problems.

Положение о Редакционно-издательском совете/The Statute of the Editorial Board

Редакционная коллегия/Editorial Board

Положение о рецензировании/The Statute about reviewing

Требования, предъявляемые к русскоязычной рукописи статьи, предоставляемой в научные журналы РГСУ/Requirements for the Russian manuscript included in scientific journals RSSU

Обращение главного редактора к авторам/From the editor to the authors

Лицензионный договор

Лицензионный договор (приложение 2)

Научные направления журнала/Scientific direction of the journal

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ/Certificate of registration of mass media


Ученые записки Архив 2015

1. Алиева З.К. Инклюзивное образование в России: перспективы развития // Социаль-

ное образование и социальная история России: опыт изучения и проблемы подготов-

ки кадров для социальной сферы: сб. матер. XIV Всерос. соц.-пед. конгресса. 2014.

С. 23–25.

2. Алиева З.К., Царева Г.Е. Особенности инклюзивного образования в России // Инклюзив-

ное образование: особенности восприятия современными студентами: сб. науч. трудов

по итогам выступлений студентов и преподавателей (19 ноября 2013 г.) М.: Перспектива,

2014. 87 с.

3. E-Learning: мифы, возможности, перспективы [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

http://www.towave.ru/pub/e-learning-mify-vozmozhnosti-perspektivy.html (дата обраще-

ния: 12.12.2015).

4. E-learning – обучение со скоростью мысли? [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

http://hr-portal.ru/article/e-learning-obuchenie-so-skorostyu-mysli (дата обращения:


5. Инновационная деятельность в системе столичного образования [Электронный ресурс].

Режим доступа: http://mcin.dogm.mos.ru/activities/innovative-activity/ (дата обраще-

ния: 12.12.2015).

6. Kurs22: портал про образование [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://kurs22.spb.


obrazovaniya-distancionnym.html (дата обращения: 12.12.2015).

7. Кодексы и законы РФ – правовая навигационная система. Реализация образовательных

программ с применением электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных тех-

нологий. Федеральный закон от 29 декабря 2012 г. № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Рос-

сийской Федерации» (гл. 2, ст. 16) [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.

zakonrf.info/zakon-ob-obrazovanii-v-rf/16/ (дата обращения: 12.12.2015).

8. Косырева О. За виртуальной партой [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.elearning.

by/Article/Za-virtualjnoj-partoj/ELearning.html (дата обращения: 12.12.2015).

9. Крюкова Е.М., Макеева Д.Р. Роль экспертов в оценке и сертификации квалификаций пер-

сонала сферы сервиса // Вестник Ассоциации вузов туризма и сервиса. 2013. № 1. С.


10. Крюкова Е.М. Оптимизация управления корпорацией с использованием веб-технологий

// Сервис plus. 2011. № 4. С. 102–108.

11. Лига М.Б. Образование и качество жизни: грани взаимодействия [Электронный ресурс].

Режим доступа: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/ (дата обращения: 12.11.2015).

12. Малолетко А.Н. Система высшего профессионального образования: управление экономи-

ческой безопасностью // Проблемы теории и практики управления. 2009. № 9. С. 80–83.

13. Малолетко А.Н., Каурова О.В., Крюкова Е.М., Юхин К.Е. Роль и значение современных

медиасредств в маркетинговых коммуникациях // Ученые записки Российского государ-

ственного социального университета. 2014. № 3 (125). С. 96–103.

14. Малолетко А.Н., Малолетко Н.Е. Проблемы обеспечения экономической безопасности

предприятий гостиничного бизнеса в условиях внедрения инноваций // Инновационное

развитие экономики. 2013. № 4-5 (16). С. 155–158.

15. Малолетко А.Н. Теоретические основы оценки состояния обеспечения и обслуживания

государственных образовательных учреждений высшего профессионального образова-

ния: монография. М.: Изд-во РГУТиС, 2008. 227 с.

16. Малолетко А.Н. Оценка современного состояния и прогнозов обеспечения экономиче-

ской безопасности системы высшего и послевузовского профессионального образова-

ния: монография. М.: Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса, 2009.

361 с.

17. Можаева Г.В. Электронное обучение в вузе: Современные тенденции развития [Электрон-

ный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://ido.tsu.ru/files/pub2013/12-mozhaeva.pdf (дата об-

ращения: 15.12.2015).

18. Московский университет им. С. Витте. E-Learning, или дистанционное обучение [Элек-

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19. О сообществе. Ассоциация e-Learning специалистов [Электронный ресурс]. Режим досту-

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20. Тихомирова Е. Верим, что в России можно сделать качественное электронное обучение

в вузах [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:http://education-events.ru/2015/11/10/

elearning-conference/ (дата обращения: 12.11.2015).

21. Федеральный закон от 29 декабря 2012 г. № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской

Федерации» [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.zakonrf.info/zakonobobrazovanii/

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22. Федеральный закон от 28.02.2012 № 11-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в Закон Российской

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ных образовательных технологий» [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.

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23. Штомпка П. Социология социальных изменений / пер. с англ. М., 1996. 416 с.

24. Электронное обучение в вузе – через Интернет [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

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25. Maloletko A.N., Kaurova O.V., Kryukova E.M., Pochinok N.B., Gladko Е.А. Analysis of Key

Indicators of Tourism Industry in Russia // Modern Applied Science. 2015. Vol. 9. No. 3. P.


26. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki.


1. Alieva Z.K. Inklyuzivnoe obrazovanie v Rossii: perspektivy razvitiya. V sbornike: Social’noe

obrazovanie i social’naya istoriya Rossii: opyt izucheniya i problemy podgotovki kadrov

dlya social’noj sfery. Sbornik materialov XIV Vserossijskogo social’no-pedagogicheskogo

kongressa. 2014. S. 23–25.

2. Alieva Z.K., Careva G.E. Osobennosti inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya v Rossii. Inklyuzivnoe

obrazovanie: osobennosti vospriyatiya sovremennymi studentami: sb. nauch. trudov po

itogam vystuplenij studentov i prepodavatelej (19 noyabrya 2013 g.) M.: Perspektiva, 2014.

87 s.

3. E-Learning: mify, vozmozhnosti, perspektivy [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://

www.towave.ru/pub/e-learning-mify-vozmozhnosti-perspektivy.html (data obrashcheniya:


4. E-learning – obuchenie so skorost’yu mysli? [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

http://hr-portal.ru/article/e-learning-obuchenie-so-skorostyu-mysli (data obrashcheniya:


5. Innovacionnaya deyatel’nost’ v sisteme stolichnogo obrazovaniya [EHlektronnyj resurs].

Rezhim dostupa: http://mcin.dogm.mos.ru/activities/innovative-activity/ (data

obrashcheniya: 12.12.2015).

6. Kurs22: portal pro obrazovanie [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://kurs22.spb.


obrazovaniya-distancionnym.html (data obrashcheniya: 12.12.2015).

7. Kodeksy i zakony RF – pravovaya navigacionnaya sistema. Realizaciya obrazovatel’nyh

programm s primeneniem ehlektronnogo obucheniya i distancionnyh obrazovatel’nyh

tekhnologij Federal’nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. N 273-FZ “Ob

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8. Kosyreva O. Za virtual’noj partoj. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.elearning.

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9. Kryukova E.M., Makeeva D.R. Rol’ ehkspertov v ocenke i sertifikacii kvalifikacij personala sfery

servisa // Vestnik Associacii vuzov turizma i servisa. 2013. № 1. S. 9–14.

10. Kryukova E.M. Optimizaciya upravleniya korporaciej s ispol’zovaniem veb-tekhnologij //

Servis plus. 2011. № 4. S. 102–108.

11. Liga M.B. Obrazovanie i kachestvo zhizni: grani vzaimodejstviya. [EHlektronnyj resurs].

Rezhim dostupa: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 12.11.2015).

12. Maloletko A.N. Sistema vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya: upravlenie

ehkonomicheskoj bezopasnost’yu // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2009. № 9. S.


13. Maloletko A.N., Kaurova O.V., Kryukova E.M., YUhin K.E. Rol’ i znachenie sovremennyh

mediasredstv v marketingovyh kommunikaciyah // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo

gosudarstvennogo social’nogo universiteta. 2014. № 3 (125). S. 96–103.

14. Maloletko A.N., Maloletko N.E. Problemy obespecheniya ehkonomicheskoj bezopasnosti

predpriyatij gostinichnogo biznesa v usloviyah vnedreniya innovacij // Innovacionnoe

razvitie ehkonomiki. 2013. № 4-5 (16). S. 155–158.

15. Maloletko A.N. Teoreticheskie osnovy ocenki sostoyaniya obespecheniya i obsluzhivaniya

gosudarstvennyh obrazovatel’nyh uchrezhdenij vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya:

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16. Maloletko A.N. Ocenka sovremennogo sostoyaniya i prognozov obespecheniya

ehkonomicheskoj bezopasnosti sistemy vysshego i poslevuzovskogo professional’nogo

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2009. 361 s.

17. Mozhaeva G.V. EHlektronnoe obuchenie v vuze: Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya

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18. Moskovskij universitet im. S. Vitte. e-Learning ili distancionnoe obuchenie [EHlektronnyj

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19. O soobshchestve. Associaciya e-Learning specialistov [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

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20. Tihomirova E. Verim, chto v Rossii mozhno sdelat’ kachestvennoe ehlektronnoe obuchenie

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elearning-conference/ (data obrashcheniya: 12.11.2015).

21. Federal’nyj zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii»

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22. Federal’nyj zakon ot 28.02.2012 № 11-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Zakon Rossijskoj

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23. SHtompka P. Sociologiya social’nyh izmenenij / per. s angl. M., 1996. 416 s.

24. EHlektronnoe obuchenie v vuze – cherez Internet [EHlektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

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25. Maloletko A.N., Kaurova O.V., Kryukova E.M., Pochinok N.B., Gladko E.A. Analysis of Key

Indicators of Tourism Industry in Russia // Modern Applied Science. 2015. Vol. 9. No. 3. P.


26. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki.


Ученые записки Архив 2016

1. Бабич Е.Г. Работа с семьей, воспитывающей ребенка с ограниченными возможностями

здоровья, на различных жизненных циклах семьи // Адаптационно-реабилитационные

технологии работы с семьями, воспитывающими детей с ограниченными возможностями

здоровья: матер. Всерос. науч.-практ. конф.: сб. / под ред. Е.А. Петровой, Т.И. Бонкало.

2015. С. 23–25.

2. Бабич Е.Г., Заварзина О.О., Савченко Д.В. Психологические характеристики семьи как де-

терминант профессиональной готовности старшеклассников с ограниченными возмож-

ностями здоровья // Ученые записки Российского государственного социального универ-

ситета. Т. 14. 2015. № 4 (131). С. 45–52.

3. Бабич Е.Г. Социально-психологическая работа по вопросам трудоустройства инвалидов

// Стратегии социального развития современного общества: российские и мировые трен-

ды: матер. XIV Междунар. соц. конгресса: сб. 2015. С. 48–50.

4. Бикбулатова А.А. Мода без границ: уникальные практики социокультурной адаптации лю-

дей с инвалидностью // Инклюзивное профессиональное образование: матер. Междунар.

науч.-практ. конф.: сб. науч. ст. М.: Изд-во РГСУ, 2015.

5. Бикбулатова А.А., Петрова Е.А., Козьяков Р.В. Трудоустройство инвалидов: мировой опыт

и современное состояние // Ученые записки Российского государственного социального

университета. Т. 15. 2016. № 4 (137).

6. Евдокимова Е.В. Социально-ролевое моделирование как метод исследования в социаль-

ной психологии и метод психокоррекционной работы // Ученые записки Российского

государственного социального университета. Т. 14. 2015. № 4 (131). С. 34–44.

7. Количество инвалидов в России на 2014 год: статистика. URL: http://www.timenews24.ru/


8. Количество инвалидов в России составляет свыше 13 млн. URL: http://er.ru/news/73433/.

9. Петрова Е.А., Пчелинова В.В., Козьяков Р.В. Специфика профессионального консультиро-

вания учащихся в инклюзивной общеобразовательной среде // Ученые записки Россий-

ского государственного социального университета. Т. 15. 2016. № 5 (138).

10. Починок Н.Б., Петрова Е.А., Комаров В.В. Работа с инвалидами и инклюзивное образова-

ние в Российском государственном социальном университете // Инклюзивное професси-

ональное образование: матер. Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. Челябинск, 2014. С. 211–216.

11. Пчелинова В.В. О построении национального регистра психологов-специалистов: матер.

юбилейной конф. МПО. М.: РПО, 2005. С. 142–143.

12. Пчелинова В.В. Четырехъярусная классификация профессий как основание сравнитель-

ного психологического профессиоведения // Прикладная психология как ресурс соци-

ально-экономического развития России в условиях преодоления глобального кризиса:

матер. II межрегион. науч.-практ. конф. (11–13 ноября 2010 г.). Кн. 1. С. 76–79. М.: Изд-

во Моск. гос. ун-та, 2010.

13. Савченко Д.В. Особенности профориентационной работы с подростками, страдаю-

щими детским церебральным параличом // Социальная политика и социология. 2013.

№ 3-2 (95). С. 227–233.

14. Савченко Д.В. Социально-психологическая адаптация подростков с ограниченными воз-

можностями здоровья в специальной образовательной среде (на примере командно-

игровых видов спорта): дис. ... канд. психол. наук. М., 2011.

15. Dratcher W.E. The Influence of the Family on Career Selection: A Family Systems Perspective

// Personnel and Guidance Journal. 1982.

16. O’Rourke J. (2015). Inclusive Schooling: If It’s So Good – Why is It So Hard to Sell? //

International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19:5. Р. 530–546.

17. Petrova E.A., Volodarskaya E.A., Kozyakov R.V. Ideas of L.S. Vygotskiy and Psychological

Problems of Employment for Disabled People // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 2016.

Is. 3.

18. Pochinok N., Petrova E., Seselkin A., Komarov M. Problems of the Hidden Neglect Correction

by Family Tourism // Social Work with Families and Children: International Workshop. Ho Shi

Min, 16.08.2016.

19. Strelkov V.I., Zavarzina O.O., Shmeleva S.V., Kartashev V.P., Savchenko D.V. Psychological

Barriers in College Teacher’s Career «Helping Professions» // Research Journal of

Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol. 7. 2016. No. 1. P. 1938–1945.

20. West E.A. Initial Teacher Training to Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities Who Are

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse // Teacher Education for Inclusion. Changing Paradigms

and Innovative Approaches / Ed. by C. Forlin. N.Y., 2010.

21. URL: http://government.ru/docs/22872/.

22. URL:http://government.ru/docs/22870/.


1. Babich E.G. Rabota s sem’ej, vospityvayushchej rebenka s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami

zdorov’ya, na razlichnykh zhiznennykh ciklakh sem’i // Adaptacionno-reabilitacionnye

tekhnologii raboty s sem’yami, vospityvayushchimi detej s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami

zdorov’ya: mater. Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf.: sb. / pod red. E.A. Petrovoj, T.I. Bonkalo. 2015.

S. 23–25.

2. Babich E.G., Zavarzina O.O., Savchenko D.V. Psikhologicheskie kharakteristiki sem’i

kak determinant professional’noj gotovnosti starsheklassnikov s ogranichennymi

vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo social’nogo

universiteta. T. 14. 2015. № 4 (131). S. 45–52.

3. Babich E.G. Social’no-psikhologicheskaya rabota po voprosam trudoustrojstva invalidov //

Strategii social’nogo razvitiya sovremennogo obshchestva: rossijskie i mirovye trendy: mater.

XIV Mezhdunar. soc. kongr.: sb. 2015. S. 48–50.

4. Bikbulatova A.A. Moda bez granic: unikal’nye praktiki sociokul’turnoj adaptacii lyudej s

invalidnost’yu // Inklyuzivnoe professional’noe obrazovanie: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-

prakt. konf.: sb. nauch. st. M.: Izd-vo RGSU, 2015.

5. Bikbulatova A.A., Petrova E.A., Koz’yakov R.V. Trudoustrojstvo invalidov: mirovoj opyt i

sovremennoe sostoyanie // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo social’nogo

universiteta. T. 15. 2016. № 4 (137).

6. Evdokimova E.V. Social’no-rolevoe modelirovanie kak metod issledovaniya v social’noj

psikhologii i metod psikhokorrekcionnoj raboty // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo

gosudarstvennogo social’nogo universiteta. T. 14. 2015. № 4 (131). S. 34–44.

7. Kolichestvo invalidov v Rossii na 2014 god: statistika. URL: http://www.timenews24.ru/


8. Kolichestvo invalidov v Rossii sostavlyaet svyshe 13 mln. URL: http://er.ru/news/73433/.

9. Petrova E.A., Pchelinova V.V., Koz’yakov R.V. Specifika professional’nogo konsul’tirovaniya

uchashchikhsya v inklyuzivnoj obshcheobrazovatel’noj srede // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo

gosudarstvennogo social’nogo universiteta. T. 15. 2016. № 5 (138).

10. Pochinok N.B., Petrova E.A., Komarov V.V. Rabota s invalidami i inklyuzivnoe obrazovanie

v Rossijskom gosudarstvennom social’nom universitete// Inklyuzivnoe professional’noe

obrazovanie: mater. Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. Chelyabinsk, 2014. S. 211–216.

11. Pchelinova V.V. O postroenii nacional’nogo registra psikhologov-specialistov: mater. yubil.

konf. MPO. M.: RPO, 2005. S. 142–143.

12. Pchelinova V.V. Chetyrekh”yarusnaya klassifikaciya professij kak osnovanie sravnitel’nogo

psikhologicheskogo professiovedeniya // Prikladnaya psikhologiya kak resurs social’noekonomicheskogo

razvitiya Rossii v usloviyakh preodoleniya global’nogo krizisa: mater. II

mezhregion. nauch.-prakt. konf. (11–13 noyabrya 2010 g.). Kn. 1. S. 76–79. M.: Izd-vo Mosk.

gos. un-ta, 2010.

13. Savchenko D.V. Osobennosti proforientacionnoj raboty s podrostkami, stradayushchimi

detskim cerebral’nym paralichom // Social’naya politika i sociologiya. 2013. № 3-2 (95).

S. 227–233.

14. Savchenko D.V. Social’no-psikhologicheskaya adaptaciya podrostkov s ogranichennymi

vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya v special’noj obrazovatel’noj srede (na primere komandnoigrovykh

vidov sporta): dis. ... kand. psikhol. nauk. M., 2011.

15. Dratcher W.E. The Influence of the Family on Career Selection: A Family Systems Perspective

// Personnel and Guidance Journal. 1982.

16. O’Rourke J. (2015). Inclusive Schooling: If It’s So Good – Why is It So Hard to Sell? //

International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19:5. R. 530–546.

17. Petrova E.A., Volodarskaya E.A., Kozyakov R.V. Ideas of L.S. Vygotskiy and Psychological

Problems of Employment for Disabled People // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 2016.

Is. 3.

18. Pochinok N., Petrova E., Seselkin A., Komarov M. Problems of the Hidden Neglect Correction

by Family Tourism // Social Work with Families and Children: International Workshop. Ho Shi

Min, 16.08.2016.

19. Strelkov V.I., Zavarzina O.O., Shmeleva S.V., Kartashev V.P., Savchenko D.V. Psychological

Barriers in College Teacher’s Career «Helping Professions» // Research Journal of

Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol. 7. 2016. No. 1. P. 1938–1945.

20. West E.A. Initial Teacher Training to Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities Who Are

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse // Teacher Education for Inclusion. Changing Paradigms

and Innovative Approaches / Ed. by C. Forlin. N.Y., 2010.

21. URL: http://government.ru/docs/22872/.

22. URL:http://government.ru/docs/22870/.


Ученые записки Архив 2014

1. Асмолов А.Г., Асмолов Г.А. От мы-медиа к я-медиа: трансформации идентичности в виртуальном мире //

Вестник Моск. ун-та. – Серия 14. Психология. – 2010. – № 1. – С. 3–22.

2. Балкунова А.С. Роль сетевого имени (никнейма) во взаимодействии субъектов виртуальной коммуникации:

автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. – М., 2012. – 24 с.

3. Балкунова А.С. Языковые факторы, влияющие на формирование образа носителя никнейма // Теория

и практика общественного развития [Электронный ресурс]. – 2012. – № 1. – URL: http://www.teoriapractica.

ru/-1-2012/philology/balkunova.pdf (дата обращения: 17.09.2014).

4. Баринова Д.С. Методологические аспекты исследования виртуального пространства Интернета // Социаль-

ные сети и виртуальные сетевые сообщества. – М.: РАН ИНИОН, 2013. – С. 19–35.

5. Барышев Р.А., Румянцев М.В. Киберпространство как зона отчуждения // Вестник НГУ. – Серия Филосо-

фия. – 2008. – № 1. – С. 36–44.

6. Бехманн Г. Концепции информационного общества и социальная роль информации // Политическая на-

ука. – 2008. – № 2. – С. 10–28.

7. Бобкова И.А. Риски пользования социальными сетями // Искусственные общества (Ежеквартальный жур-

нал). – 2012. – Т. 7. – № 1–4. – С. 14–33.

8. Войскунский А.Е. Психологические исследования феномена интернет-аддикции // 2-я Российская конфе-

ренция по экологической психологии: Тезисы (Москва, 12–14 апреля 2000 г.). – М.: Экопсицентр РОСС. –

С. 251–253.

9. Войскунский А.Е. Интернет – новая область исследований в психологической науке // Ученые записки

кафедры общей психологии МГУ. – Вып. 1. – М.: Смысл, 2002. – С. 82–101.

10. Гронский И.А. Социально-философские основания активности Интернет-аудитории в сетевой коммуника

ции: автореф. дис. … канд. фил. наук. – Нижний Новгород, 2011. – 31 с.

11. Дмитриев К.Г. Психологические детерминанты интернет-зависимости в юношеском возрасте: автореф. дис.

… канд. псих. наук. – М., 2013. – 21 с.

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25. Черняева К.О. Культурная идентификация в условиях глобализации: случай социальных сетей: автореф.

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28. Эпштейн М.Н. К философии возраста. Фрактальность жизни и периодическая таблица возрастов // Звез-

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31. Wallace P. The Psychology of the Internet // Cambridge University Press, 1999. – URL: http://ebooks.cambridge.

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4. Barinova D.S. Metodologicheskie aspekty issledovanija virtual’nogo prostranstva Interneta // Social’nye seti

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6. Behmann G. Koncepcii informacionnogo obshhestva i social’naja rol’ informacii // Politicheskaja nauka. – 2008.

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7. Bobkova I.A. Riski pol’zovanija social’nymi setjami // Iskusstvennye obshhestva (Ezhekvartal’nyj zhurnal). –

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11. Dmitriev K.G. Psihologicheskie determinanty internet-zavisimosti v junosheskom vozraste: avtoref. dis. …

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12. Efremenko D.V. Setevoe obshhestvo: Ot metafory k real’nosti // Social’nye seti i virtual’nye setevye

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Ученые записки Архив 2012





V. I. Zhukov,

Academician of RAS, honored scientist of Russia, Laureate of the State Award after Marshal Georgy Zhukov, Laure­ate of the Russian Federation Government Award in the field of education, rector of Russian State Social University.

Main publications: «The World Crisis: Economics and Sociology of Global Processes», «Big ethnological diction-ary», «Social tocsin».

Interethnic relations in the historic policies of states

Annotation: one of the requirements for the historical policy — the promotion of national interests in the global competition of the world. This rule applies whenever the government of a country's national interests are absolute and unconditional priority. The mission of historical science and historical education is to promote social cohesion of the Russian society, the formation of historical culture, worldview with a stable civil national identity.

Key words: interethnic relations, historic policy, mutual relations.

L. V. Fedyakina,

doctor of pedagogical science, professor of the constitutional and administrative department of the jurisprudence juvenal law of the legal faculty of the Russian State Social University.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Anticrisis reengineering is as a foundation of healthing and restructualiza-tion of the enterprise». Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «The differentiation of continuous professional-legal preparation in university complex of social profile».

Main publications: «The efficiency of differentiation of continuous professional-legal preparation in university complex of social profile» (2010), «Management of the quality of the socio-professional education» (2009), «So-cio-cultural deviation in transforming Russian society» (2011),

Sphere of scientific interests: sociality-legal aspect of corruption, youth culture, legal socialization.

e-mail: [email protected]



E. F. Shimorina,

doctor of sociological science, professor the of social Work and social law department of The Russian State Social University branch in Naro-Fominsk.

Basic education: Moscow State University, geology department.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Petrographic peculiarities of rock and coal at the fault zones» Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «Reproduction and renewal of knowledge».

Main publications: «Motivation, self-actualization of the Russian High schools students (2008), «Socio-cultural deviations in Transforming Russian society» (2011).

Sphere of scientific interests: sociality-legal aspect of corruption, youth culture, legal.

e-mail: [email protected]

 The law reflection of professional elite in the situation of modernization of Russian society

Annotation: the authors analyze the role of professional self-determination in the structure of legal culture. The reasons of corruption in education are considered.

Key words: law, corruption, legal culture, identification.


O. A. Rozhnov,

candidate of sociology, doctoral student, assistant professor of sociology, social work RSSU, Deputy Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy.

Basic education: History Department of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Management of youth policy in modern Russia».

Main publications: «On strengthening the role of youth in the implementation of youth policy: improving gover­nance and infrastructure» (2010), «Social engineering as a technology of youth policy» (2011). Sphere of scientific interests: sociology of youth, sociology, law, sociology of crime. e-mail: [email protected]

Development of cooperation with youth organizations of law enforcement agencies

in combating drug trafficking

Annotation: on a specific practical material analyzes the effective areas of cooperation with youth organizations of law enforcement agencies in drug prevention, substance abuse and combating drug trafficking. Offered for the implementation of youth projects aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Key words: youth associations, prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse, illegal drug trafficking, promoting a healthy lifestyle.


E. A. Pitukhin

doctor of technical sciences, professor of the chair of mathematical modeling of control systems in Petrozavodsk state university.

Basic education: Baltic state technical university, «Control systems» department.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Probabilistic-statistical methods and models for estimation of security for optimal engineering of inertial objects control systems». Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «Mathematical model­ing of upper level organizational and engineering systems».

Main publications: «Labour market and educational services market in Russian regions» (co-authors, 2007), «Modeling economy's demand for labour with vocational education» (co-authors, 2007), «Forecasting labour mar­ket demand dynamics on different stages of crisis process development in Russian economy» (co-authors, 2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: system analysis in managing of «soft» systems, modeling of upper level organiza­tional and engineering systems, mathematical modeling of socioeconomic dynamics, development of mathematical models for forecasting of educational and economical systems evolution, modeling university's workforce capacity, formalization of labour market and educational services market models, creation of software for those, who make managierial decisions, development of algorithms of supervising control of upper level organizational and engineer­ing systems, design of algorithms of engineering and technological systems optimal control, numerical and analyti­cal methods of solving systems of differential equations.

e-mail: [email protected]

A. A. Iakovleva,

post-graduate student of department of mathematical modelling, control systems, Petrozavodsk State University. Basic education: physics and technology faculty of Petrozavodsk State University.

Main publications: «Tuition and budget places vacant in universities» (co-authored, 2009), «Predicting the num-berof school leavers 9th and 11th grades» (co-authored, 2010), «Accounting for grading schools in the forecasting model of the dynamics distribution of school leavers» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: mathematical modeling of socio-economic dynamics, development and creation of mathematical models to predict the development of educational and economic systems, the formalization of mod­els of labor market and educational services.

e-mail: [email protected]

  Impact of human capital on labour productivity in sectors of economy,

corresponding to priority directions of science, technique and technology development

Annotation: up-to-date approaches to estimation of human capital level in developed economies and Russian regions were analyzed. Main factors, influencing the amount of human capital accumulated, were detected. An approach to development of a methodology of measuring the influence of human capital on important economic factors (such as labour productivity) was suggested.

Key words: human capital, labour productivity, mathematical modeling, production functions.


А. V. Ostrovskiy,

doctor of economical science, deputy director of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, the head of the Centre for Economic and Social Research of China Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Studies.

 Chinese migration to Russia in the XXI century

Annotation: labor migration of foreign workers into the territory of the Russian Federation, the Russian enterprises with the migration services, is divided into three types: 1) constant associated with the move to permanent residence in the country of entry, and 2) temporary — on labor contracts, time-limited 3) seasonal — border migration of workers to work in agriculture or construction.

Key words: Chinese labor migration and adaptation of migrants, the Russian economy.


Е. Yu. Egorova,

candidate of law science, deputy director of the Federal Migration Service.

Adaptation and integration of migrantsin Russia

Annotation: the historical experience of Russia in the construction of international relations continues to play a factor approaching to different cultures and nationalities. That is why the work competently built on the integration of migrants and would be a way to solve this important problem of the convergence of nations. Russian Federal Migration Service is implementing a new line of activity - the promotion of social adaptation and integration of immigrants into Russian society, as well as the development of tolerance in relations between local people and migrants.

Key words: migrants, culture, adaptation of migrants, the state policy in the ethnic area.


А. G. Philipova,

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of social work of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University. Basic education: Faculty of Social Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Government policy on social protection of children without parental care: a regional perspective on the materials of the Khabarovsk Kray (80-90s of the twentieth century)». Theme of the doctoral dissertation:b «Social protection of childhood: an institutional analysis».

Main publications: {{Reproductive and socio-cultural setting the value of Childhood» (2010), «The crisis in the social realization of childhood (on materials of the Khabarovsk Territory of the late XX - early XXI centuries)» (2010), «The ontological status of the child and the specifics of its Institute of Social Protection» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: sociology of the family, sociology of childhood, sociology, social services, sociology of deviance, sociology of youth.

e-mail: [email protected]

The problem of preserving the health of children: the institutional risks and resources

Annotation: the deterioration of children's health is a threat to national security. On the physical, mental and social health of children affected by social institutions — family, health, education and media. These institutions provide resources — informational, financial, technological and human — to maintain the capacity of childhood. However, they reproduce the health risks of children who are divided into three groups — institutional (related to the structuring of the Institute, the internal hierarchy of applicable technologies, integration processes), socio-psychological factors (related to adaptation to the social environment, institutional, psychological climate, maintaining the institutional patterns), professional(defined personnel structure, clarity and achievable).

Key words: children, child health, social institution, risks and resources.


ZH. O. Shishova,

postgraduate student of RSSU, adviser to the State Civil Service in Moscow 3rd class.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The professional competence of a social worker. A sociological analysis». e-mail:[email protected]

 The professional competence of a social worker as a subject of sociological analysis

Annotation: paper presents a sociological analysis ofprofessional competence, social worker, as a representative of the actual and specific occupations such as «man-man», identified the author to develop a model of formation of professional competence.


К. N. Kostrikov,

doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of social philosophy of RSSU, dean of the faculty of arts and socio-cultural activities, honored worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. e-mail: [email protected]

 The image of the Grand Duchess Olga in the history of ancient

 Key words: christianity, faith, history, philosophy, a new religion.


А. А. Yakovlev,

candidate of philosophical sciences, assistant professor of cultural and socio-cultural activities of of RSSU. e-mail: [email protected]

The political culture of Russia in the XXI Century

Annotation: this article from the system of social relations marked with political relations and political culture of Russia in XXI century.

Key words: political attitudes, political culture, political course. Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev.



A. M. Bagautdinov,

candidate of philosophical science, an associate professor of philosophy and methodology of science of the Bash­kir State University.

Basic education: faculty of history, Bashkir State University.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The moral culture of students».

Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «The spirituality in the information-oriented society».

Main publications: «The role of the transcendent in the spirituality» (2010), «The transcendence of the spiritual culture» (2009), «The problem of the relation of the spiritual and the emotional» (2011).

Sphere of scientific interests: social philosophy, spirituality of a man and of the society.

e-mail: [email protected]

 Universal values of the information-oriented society

Annotation: this article contains the information about the basic factors and conditions of forming and functioning of the information-oriented society such as democratic social order, individual freedom, scientific knowledge and civil society. The information-oriented society is poly-variant, its content is various for different societies and historical periods, but all of them as a universal value imply some degree of implementation of real individual freedom.

Key words: objective reality, spirituality, individual, the information-oriented society, scientific knowledge, power, civil society.


G. I. Shevtsova,

candidate of historical sciences, adviser of International Congress of Industrialists and Enterprises (ICIE). Basic education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Vladimir Lenin, specialising in history with additional specialisation Soviet law.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The role of charity foundations in solving Russia's foreign policy problems: history and contemporaneity».

Main publications: «The activities in the territory of Serbia and the return from the captivity of epidemio-logical unit of the Alexander community Rocco (N. Spassky unit) during the First World War» (2010), «Russia and Serbia. From the history of Russian-Serbian relations during World War II (humanitarian aspect)» (monograph, 2010), «Russian volunteer assistance to Serbia in the wars 1912-1917» (monograph, 2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: activity of the Russian Society and State in organization of help to Serbia organisa­tion in the beginning of the XX century, history of sanitary groups in Serbia during the Balkan and the First World wars, the role of charity foundations in solving of the Russian foreign policy problems in the beginning of the XX century, Russian-Serbian humanitarian relations.

email: [email protected]

 Aid of Russian Public Organizations and Individuals to Serbia during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913)

Annotation: the foreign policy guidelines of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century (after the defeat in the Russian-Japanese War and the end of the Revolution in 1905) did not allow to actively interfere with the events in the Balkan region during the Balkan Wars. But it was also impossible to leave allies without support, especially under the pressure of public opinion, which estimated the coming war as a liberation war. At the time wide-scale humanitarian activity was launched on behalf of the Russian community.

The article focuses on the main lines of aid and the organizations providing it. It also touches upon the issue of whether or not the government had the opportunity to control and direct this activity.

The author comes to the conclusion that the main lines of humanitarian activity in Serbia consisted in medical assistance to citizens and the army, support of the poorest population, aid to orphans and recovery of cathedrals. These lines corresponded with the burning social problems of Serbia and increased the authority of the Russian Empire in the country. The volume of such aid proved not only the sincere sympathy of the Russian society, but also the support of the government. Among individuals the most essential support came from members of the Imperial Family, several wealthy families loyal to the regime, as well as representatives of the diplomatic service, both acting and retired. The participation of such organizations as the Russian Red Cross Society (RRCS) and the Saint Petersburg Slavic Benevolent Society bear convincing evidence of a certain control of Russian authorities over the activities of the community in the region.

Key words: Balkan Wars, RRCS, Saint Petersburg Slavic Benevolent Society, Tchernyaev Committee, A. P. Hartwig, V. N. Strandman, «Kolo Srpski Sestara».


Yu. D. Anchabadze,

senior fellow of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Basic education: History and philology of the SukhumiState Pedagogical Institute of A. M. Gorky.

Main publications: «Old Tbilisi city and the citizens in the XIX century» (a book co-authored), «Ethnic history of the peoples of the Caucasus»

     (monograph, co-author).

Sphere of scientific interests: ethno-cultural and ethno-political history of the peoples of the Caucasus, contem­porary socio-cultural processes in the region.

e-mail: [email protected]

  The old and the new authorities in the social life of the adygs aul (1920-ies).

Annotation: the traditional hierarchy of public authorities of circassian village was abruptly broken in the first revolution decade. Suppressing politically and economically social groups, public leadership which was based on the statuses of the noble origin, economic status, age, seniority, etc., the soviet government administrative and ideological methods introduced in the public consciousness of the new authorities, group properties of which were correlated with poverty, youth, membership in the Communist party and others. The conflict interaction of old and new authorities was a distinctive feature of social life of circassian village to the first revolution decade.

Key words: adygs, power, politics, ideology, public consciousness and social status.


J. V. Korneeva,

post-graduate student of the Moscow humanitarian university.

Basic education: faculty of social technologies and design of the Tolyatti state academy of service.

Main publications: «Modern tendencies of cultural-political revival of the people of the Samara region» (2006), «City culture and petty bourgeoisies» (2007), «The Ethno cultural originality as a nutrient medium for formation of traditional culture of small cities of the Average Volga region» (2009).

Sphere of scientific interests: cultural history of small cities of the Average Volga region.

e-mail: [email protected]

  Culture of small cities of the Average Volga region in second half of XIX-th  century

Annotation: in article features of development of small cities of the Samara province of second half of XIX-th century are considered and investigated, specific features of city culture of region taking into account dynamics of interrelation of various indicators are revealed: a population, an industry level of development, development of craft manufacture and trade relations

Key words: culture, small city, city culture, the Average Volga region.



K. N. Novikova,

doctor of sociology, the senior lecturer of chair of sociology of social work of RSSU. e-mail: [email protected]


 Indicative management of resources in the social protection system

 Annotation: resource saving — one of the basic directions of management of system of social protection of the population on rational use of all resource in interaction, including economic (the electric power, thermal energy, all kinds of material resources, financial resources), information, labor, administrative (a control system of branch), is standard-methodological, innovative, intellektual ths, socio-cultural and other resources. Management resource saving covers all range of the problems, concerning strategy of development of branch, at all levels of administration managerial control: the authorized regional executive office of management of population social protection - territorial bodies of social protection - establishment of social service.

In work the attention is focused that the branch control system resource saving is applied only to those aspects resource saving which can be supervised in system at all levels of management and which it is possible to influence really with use of indicators of direct result.

Key words: a resource, the mechanism resource saving, division of powers, branch system, branch programs, target indicators.


T. O. Nazarova,

candidate of economic science, head of the department of finance and loan branch of RSSU in Pyatigorsk. Basic education: faculty of economics of the Stavropol State University.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Priorities for creating an attractive investment climate in the health and recreation area».

Main publications: «Priorities for creating an attractive investment climate in the area of health and recreation» (monograph, 2008), «A short course of lectures and problems on Finance Statistics» (textbook for students of eco­nomic specialties, 2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: economics, investment, health resort sector, economic analysis, statistics. J. V. Kulpina

candidate of economic science, senior lecturer, department of finance and loan branch RSSU in Pyatigorsk. Basic education: Pyatigorsk State Technological University, department of finance and economics. Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The formation and development of internal marketing — an audit in the health resort area».

Main publications: «Features of the organization of internal audit in the health resort area» (monograph, 2006), «A short course of lectures and problems on Finance Statistics» (textbook for students of economic specialties, 2010), «Evaluating the effectiveness of internal marketing audit» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: economic analysis, statistics, accounting, auditing.

e-mail: [email protected]


Inner marketing — audit phases and procedures in health resorts

Annotation: phases and procedures of inner marketing-audit in health resorts are described in this article. Inner marketing-audit is a part of a permanent marketing control which is done by an independent special service by means of overall analysis of marketing sphere, aims, strategy and functions of an organization (enterprise) in order to reveal problems, mistakes and future opportunities. And also to give recommendations to the strategy plan of marketing activity improvement for the sake of owners.

Key words: marketing, inner audit, evidential matter, automated data processing, health resort business.


Z. I. Cechoeva,

post-graduate student, of department of history of the Fatherland RSSU. Basic Education: Faculty of social work pedagogic and juvenology RSSU.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The historical experience of attracting foreign capital into Russia. End of XIX-early XX centuries».

Main publications: «The economic system», «Witte in agriculture as an object of scientific knowledge» (2008), «Principles of state policy in the field of migration» (2008), «The policy of the Russian government in the regula­tion of foreign capital» (2010)

Sphere of scientific interests: social history of Russia, economic and social reform in the Russian Empire.

e-mail: [email protected]


Foreign Capital: the sphere of application and operating conditions in Russia, the end of XlX-early XX centuries.

Annotation: thanks to sound policies of the Government of the Russian Empire from the late 80s of the XIX century the influx of foreign capital has a fast growth industry. Many businesses have opened not only their business, but always remained in Russia. He created a ripple effect in the economy. Currently, foreign capital was in the form of long-term loan and is not conducive to the emergence of new enterprises. The dominance of imports inhibits the development of its own production in the country, although there are resources and purchasing power of the population. Russian society is coming to an understanding of the need to restrict imports and replacing it with its own production. In order to attract foreign capital may contribute to high customs duties on foreign goods and the state of the resettlement program in Russia. For many foreign companies on the Russian market is a very important market for their products. Consequently, in view of maximizing profits, they will seek to open a business in Russia. Key words: history of the Russian Empire, the foreign capital.


L. B. Filonov,

doctor of psychological sciences, the professor of the Moscow State University, included in dissertational council RSSU. Basic education: faculty of psychology of the Leningrad State University.

Sphere of scientific interests: psychology of individuality, the person, psychology of perception, dialogue, contact interaction, communications.

I. V . Bystrova,

post-graduate student of RSSU.

Basic education: faculty of psychology of University of the Russian Academy of Education. Sphere of scientific interests: perception psychology, contact interaction, dialogue psychology. e-mail: [email protected]


Factors affecting the contact interaction in the primary perception

Annotation: in given article it is informed that groups of factors which influence formation of primary perception of the person by the person at contact interaction are revealed and established.

Key words: contact, contact interaction, factors, primary perception, perception of the person the person.


N. I. Anufrieva,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, the sociology and philosophy of culture faculty senior lecturer of the Russian State Social University.

Basic education: Kishinev state institute of arts, performance department.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Pedagogical conditions of development of cognitive activity of pupils dur­ing primary professional musical education». Theme of the doctoral dissertation: « Music education as personal and public value of national art culture».

Main publications: «Development of cognitive activity of pupils in music education» (2008), «The system ap­proach to preparation of the teacher — musician» (monograph, 2009). «Innovative processes in music education. Socio-cultural aspect» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: philosophy of culture, sociology of music, musical pedagogic, musical psychology, national musical creativity.

e-mail: [email protected]

 Music education as a phenomenon of national art culture

Annotation: the music education, as well as any another, answers the need determined socially caused, it has purpose in concrete historical conditions. In article problems of modern system of professional music education are considered on the basis of a deepening of self-knowledge, a reflection of historical and cultural roots, a social determinant, internal mechanisms of development, the purposes and values of national art culture.

Key words: culture, art culture, education, professional music education, innovations, traditions.


N. V. Korneev,

doctor of technical science, managing chair «Information safety and program engineering» the Russian State Social University.

Basic education: engineering faculty of the Tolyatti state university.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Methods of perfecting of low-frequency equalization of high-velocity sys-tems». Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «Methods of prediction and decrease of chattering of flexible systems of turbosets».

Main publications: «Principles of build-up of up-to-date engineering systems with artificial intellect units» (2008), « Intellectual management system of transport facilities taking into account personal singularities of the motor-man» (2008), «Concept of development and making of intellectual human-machine management systems on a carrier» (2009).

Sphere of scientific interests: automatic management systems in a power engineering, control informational and telecommunication systems, management sy


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