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Перевод "Журнал «Ланцет" на английский. Журнал ланцет

Журнал «Ланцет - Перевод на английский - примеры русский

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Журнал «Ланцет» в сотрудничестве с ЮНЭЙДС выпустил серию из шести больших статей о будущем глобальной профилактики ВИЧ и 5 августа провел симпозиум «за обедом» с авторами во время Международной конференции по СПИДу, проходящей в Мехико.

The Lancet in conjunction with UNAIDS has produced a special series of six major articles on the future of global HIV prevention and held a lunchtime symposium with the authors and editors on 5 August during the International AIDS conference Mexico City.

Инициатива «Травма промис», с которой выступили Лондонская школа гигиены и тропической медицины, журнал «Ланцет» и Всемирная организация здравоохранения, является акцией по содействию использованию дешевых непатентованных лекарственных препаратов для уменьшения кровотечения при тяжелых травмах и тем самым спасения жизни потерпевших.

The Trauma Promise was launched by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, The Lancet and the World Health Organization as an initiative to promote the use of cheap generic medicines to reduce bleeding in severely injured patients and thereby save lives.

В подборке материалов, посвященных питанию матери и ребенка, журнал «Ланцет» опубликовал настоятельный призыв к правительствам поставить во главу угла новых целей в области развития обеспечение питания детей в первые тысячу дней жизни и питания всех женщин детородного возраста.

The Lancet series Maternal and Child Nutrition issued an urgent plea to governments to make nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life, and for all women of childbearing age, the center of the new development goals.

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Другие результаты

В 2007 году медицинский журнал "Ланцет" подтвердил, что такие результаты были достигнуты и в других районах Индии.

The medical journal The Lancet had verified those results in other regions of India in 2007.

Тем не менее, в 1956 году Элис Стюарт торопитсяопубликовать предварительные результаты в журнале«Ланцет».

Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish herpreliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956.

Совместно с правительством Норвегии и журналом «Ланцет» ЮНИСЕФ организовал симпозиум по проблеме выживания детей с участием глав государств Афганистана и Мадагаскара.

Together with the Government of Norway and The Lancet, UNICEF hosted a child survival symposium with the Heads of State of Afghanistan and Madagascar.

Тем не менее, по данным обследования журнала "Ланцет", был достигнут определенный прогресс в плане предупреждения смертных случаев среди беременных женщин.

But the study by The Lancet also finds that progress has been made in preventing pregnant women from dying.

Комиссия ЮНЭЙДС и журнала «Ланцет» «От борьбы со СПИДом к устойчивому здравоохранению»

UNAIDS and Lancet Commission: From AIDS to Sustainable Health

Выводы и рекомендации Комиссии будут представлены в начале 2014 года в специальном выпуске журнала «Ланцет», а также через социальные сети.

The findings and recommendations of the Commission will be presented in early 2014 in a special issue of The Lancet as well as through social media.

В 2008 году в журнале "Ланцет" было опубликовано исследование, в котором были приведены веские доказательства того, что если в первые 1000 дней жизни - от зачатия и до двух лет - ребенок не получал полноценное питание, его организму будут нанесены непоправимые повреждения.

In 2008, Lancet compiled all the research and put forward the compelling evidence that if a child in its first thousand days - from conception to two years old - does not have adequate nutrition, the damage is irreversible.

Совместно с медицинским журналом "Ланцет" секретариат ЮНЭЙДС созвал группу мировых экспертов высокого уровня для анализа позиции, занимаемой мерами борьбы с ВИЧ и проблемами мирового здравоохранения в повестке дня на период после 2015 года.

Joining with the medical journal The Lancet, the UNAIDS secretariat convened a panel of high-level global experts to analyse the place of the HIV response and global health in the post-2015 agenda.

По сообщению журнала "Ланцет", количественный показатель материнской смертности в мире в 2008 году составил 342900, а не 536000 случаев - число, которое в последние годы используется Всемирным банком, Всемирной организацией здравоохранения (ВОЗ) и Детским фондом Организации Объединенных Наций (ЮНИСЕФ).

The Lancet reports that maternal deaths worldwide in 2008 totalled 342,900 rather than the 536,000 figure used by the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in recent years.

Комиссия ЮНЭЙДС и журнала «Ланцет» - «От борьбы со СПИДом к устойчивому здравоохранению» - была учреждена в декабре 2012 года на совещании Совета ЮНЭЙДС.

The UNAIDS and Lancet Commission: From AIDS to Sustainable Health was launched at the December 2012 UNAIDS Board meeting.

Исполнительный директор ЮНЭЙДС д-р Питер Пиот принял участие в специальном заседании, под прендседательством Франсуазы Барр-Синусси, директора отдела регулирования ретровирусных инфекций Института Пастера, и Ричарда Хортона, главного редактора журнала "Ланцет".

Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS took part in a Special Session co-chaired by Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, Director, Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit, Institut Pasteur and Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet.

В опубликованном в марте 2009 года в известном британском медицинском журнале «Ланцет» исследовании сделан вывод о том, что израильские ограничения, введенные на передвижение людей и поставки товаров в Газу, способствовали возникновению проблемы задержки роста среди детей моложе 5 лет.

A study published in March 2009 by the prominent British medical journal The Lancet concluded that Israeli restrictions on the movement of people and supplies into Gaza contributed to a "stunting problem" among children less than five years of age.

Один из членов "Группы поддержки Гаити" (Великобритания), со своей стороны, поставил под сомнение объективность этого расследования и отмечал в журнале "Ланцет", что одна из исследовательниц, бывшая соавтором данной работы, является одной из близких соратниц Ж.-Б. Аристида.

A member of the Haiti Support Group (United Kingdom) has raised doubts about the objectivity of this inquiry by stating in The Lancet that one of the researchers and co-authors of the study was a friend of Jean-Bertrand Aristide.


The Lancet - Wikipedia

This article is about the journal. For other uses, see Lancet.

The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is one of the world's oldest and best known general medical journals.[1]

The Lancet was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley, an English surgeon who named it after the surgical instrument called a lancet, as well as after the architectural term "lancet arch",[2] a window with a sharp pointed arch, to indicate the "light of wisdom" or "to let in light".

The Lancet publishes original research articles, review articles ("seminars" and "reviews"), editorials, book reviews, correspondence, as well as news features and case reports. The Lancet has been owned by Elsevier since 1991. As of 2015[update], the editor-in-chief is Richard Horton.[3] The journal has editorial offices in London, New York, and Beijing.

In the 2014 Journal Citation Reports, The Lancet was ranked second among general medical journals, (with an impact factor of 45), after The New England Journal of Medicine (impact factor of 56).[4]

Specialty journals[edit]

The Lancet also publishes several specialty journals: The Lancet Neurology (neurology), The Lancet Oncology (oncology), The Lancet Infectious Diseases (infectious diseases), The Lancet Respiratory Medicine (respiratory medicine), The Lancet Psychiatry (psychiatry), The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology (endocrinology), and The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Gastroenterology) all of which publish original research and reviews. In 2013, The Lancet Global Health (global health) became the group's first fully open access journal. In 2014, The Lancet Haematology (haematology) and The Lancet HIV (infectious diseases) were launched, both as online only research titles. In 2017, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health (paediatrics) will launch. The three established specialty journals (The Lancet Neurology, The Lancet Oncology, and The Lancet Infectious Diseases) have built up strong reputations in their medical specialty. According to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters, The Lancet Neurology's impact factor is 22, The Lancet Oncology 25, and The Lancet Infectious Diseases 20.[5] There is also an online website for students entitled The Lancet Student in blog format, launched in 2007.

Volume renumbering[edit]

Prior to 1990, The Lancet had volume numbering that reset every year. Issues in January to June were in volume i, with the rest in volume ii. In 1990, the journal moved to a sequential volume numbering scheme, with two volumes per year. Volumes were retro-actively assigned to the years prior to 1990, with the first issue of 1990 being assigned volume 335, and the last issue of 1989 assigned volume 334. The table of contents listing on ScienceDirect uses this new numbering scheme.[6]


The Lancet has taken a political stand on several important medical and non-medical issues. Recent examples include criticism of the World Health Organization (WHO), rejection of the WHO's claims of the efficacy of homoeopathy as a therapeutic option,[7] disapproval during the time Reed Exhibitions (a division of Reed Elsevier) hosted arms industry fairs, a call in 2003 for tobacco to be made illegal,[8] and a call for an independent investigation into the American bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan in 2015.[9]

Autism and vaccine controversy (1998)[edit]

The Lancet was criticized after it published a paper in 1998 in which the authors suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[10] In February 2004, The Lancet published a statement by 10 of the paper's 13 coauthors repudiating the possibility that MMR could cause autism.[11] The editor-in-chief, Richard Horton, went on the record to say the paper had "fatal conflicts of interest" because the study's lead author, Andrew Wakefield, had a serious conflict of interest that he had not declared to The Lancet.[12] The journal completely retracted the paper on 2 February 2010, after Wakefield was found to have acted unethically in conducting the research.[13]

The Lancet's six editors, including the editor-in-chief, were also criticized in 2011 because they had "covered up" the "Wakefield concocted fear of MMR" with an "avalanche of denials" in 2004.[14]

Tobacco control (2003)[edit]

A December 2003 editorial by the journal, titled "How do you sleep at night, Mr Blair?", called for tobacco use to be completely banned in the UK. The Royal College of Physicians rejected their argument. John Britton, chairman of the college's tobacco advisory group, praised the journal for discussing the health problem, but he concluded that a "ban on tobacco would be a nightmare." Amanda Sandford, spokesperson for the anti-tobacco group Action on Smoking and Health, stated that criminalizing a behaviour 26% of the population commit "is ludicrous." She also said: "We can't turn the clock back. If tobacco were banned we would have 13 million people desperately craving a drug that they would not be able to get." The deputy editor of The Lancet responded to the criticism by arguing that no other measures besides a total ban would likely be able to reduce tobacco use.[15]

The smokers rights group FOREST stated that the editorial gave them "amusement and disbelief". Director Simon Clark called the journal "fascist" and argued that it is hypocritical to ban tobacco while allowing unhealthy junk foods, alcohol consumption, and participation in extreme sports. Health Secretary John Reid reiterated that his government is committed to helping people give up smoking. He added: "Despite the fact that this is a serious problem, it is a little bit extreme for us in Britain to start locking people up because they have an ounce of tobacco somewhere."[16]

Iraq War death toll controversy (2004)[edit]

The Lancet also published a controversial estimate of the Iraq War's Iraqi death toll—around 100,000—in 2004. In 2006, a follow-up study by the same team suggested that the violent death rate in Iraq was not only consistent with the earlier estimate, but had increased considerably in the intervening period (see Lancet surveys of casualties of the Iraq War). The second survey estimated that there had been 654,965 excess Iraqi deaths as a consequence of the war. The 95% confidence interval was 392,979 to 942,636. 1,849 households that contained 12,801 people were surveyed.[17]

The estimates provided in the second article are much higher than those published in other surveys from the same time. Most notably, the "Iraq Family Health Survey" published in the New England Journal of Medicine surveyed 9,345 households across Iraq and estimated 151,000 deaths due to violence (95% uncertainty range, 104,000 to 223,000) over the same period covered in the second Lancet survey by Burnham et al. The NEJM article stated that the second Lancet survey "considerably overestimated the number of violent deaths" and said the Lancet results were "highly improbable, given the internal and external consistency of the data and the much larger sample size and quality-control measures taken in the implementation of the IFHS."

Fabricated articles withdrawn (2006)[edit]

In January 2006, it was revealed that data had been fabricated in an article[18] by the Norwegian cancer researcher Jon Sudbø and 13 co-authors published in The Lancet in October 2005.[19][20] Several articles in other scientific journals were withdrawn following the withdrawal in The Lancet. Within a week, the New England Journal of Medicine published an expression of editorial concern regarding its published research papers by the same author, and in November 2006 the journal withdrew two oral cancer studies led by the Norwegian researcher.[21]

Dispute with the Vatican about condoms and AIDS prevention (2009)[edit]

In a 2009 editorial, the journal accused Pope Benedict XVI of publicly distorting scientific evidence on condoms to promote Catholic doctrine on chastity in AIDS prevention.[22] The Vatican defended itself by pointing to an earlier Lancet article published in 2000 which asserted that condoms could not possibly be sufficient in solving the AIDS crisis.[23]

India and superbugs (2010)[edit]

In August 2010, The Lancet Infectious Diseases published an article about an enzyme conferring multi-drug-resistance properties in bacteria,[24] which had previously been named New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase or NDM-1 based on the assumed origin of the mechanism.[25][26] The article reported 44 clinical isolates of bacteria positive for NDM-1 from Chennai, 26 from Haryana, 37 (from 29 patients) from the UK, and 73 from other sites in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Of the 29 UK patients, 17 had a history of travel to India or Pakistan within 1 year, and 14 had been admitted to hospital in these countries. The authors of the article cited medical tourism to India for the spread of bacteria carrying NDM-1, which the Indian government denied.[27][28]

Health impact of alcohol (2010)[edit]

A December 2010 article determined that alcohol had the worst medical and social effects compared to other recreational substances such as heroin and crack cocaine. The drugs marijuana, ecstasy, and LSD scored far lower in terms of related harms. The authors did not advocate alcohol prohibition, but they suggested that the government raise the price of alcohol until it was no longer widely available.[29] Gavin Partington, spokesman of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, responded to the report by saying that alcohol abuse affects "a minority" who needs "education, treatment and enforcement". He also remarked that millions of British citizens enjoy alcohol as "a regular and enjoyable social drink".[30]

PACE study (2011)[edit]

In 2011, The Lancet published a study by the UK-based "PACE trial management group", which reported success with graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome;[31] a follow-up study was published in Lancet Psychiatry in 2015.[32] The studies attracted criticism from some patients and researchers, especially with regard to data analysis that was different from that described in the original protocol.[33] In a 2015 Slate article biostatistician Bruce Levin of Columbia University was quoted saying “The Lancet needs to stop circling the wagons and be open”, and that “one of the tenets of good science is transparency”; while Ronald Davis of Stanford University said that “the Lancet should step up to the plate and pull that paper".[33] Horton defended the Lancet's publication of the trial and called the critics "a fairly small, but highly organized, very vocal and very damaging group of individuals who have, I would say, actually hijacked this agenda and distorted the debate so that it actually harms the overwhelming majority of patients."[33]

Starting in 2011, critics of the studies filed Freedom of Information Act requests to get access to the authors' primary data, in order to learn what the trial’s results would have been under the original protocol. In 2016 some of the data was released, which allowed calculation of results based on the original protocol and found that additional treatment led to no significant improvement in recovery rates over the control condition.[34][35]

Open Letter for the People of Gaza (2014)[edit]

In August 2014, The Lancet published an "Open letter for the people of Gaza" in their correspondence section.[36] As reported in the Daily Telegraph, the letter "condemned Israel in the strongest possible terms, but strikingly made no mention of Hamas' atrocities."[37] The authors of the letter include doctors who "are apparently sympathetic to the views of David Duke, a white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard."[38] One of the doctors responded by saying: "I legitimately use my right of freedom of opinion and do not agree or value the politics of the government of Israel, nor of many others, including Jews in and out of Israel." A second one responded with: "I didn't know who David Duke was, or that he was connected to the Ku Klux Klan. I am concerned that if there is any truth in the video, that Jews control the media, politics and banking, what on earth is going on? I was worried."[37]

The editor of the Lancet, Richard Horton, said: "I have no plans to retract the letter, and I would not retract the letter even if it was found to be substantiated.”[38] However, Horton subsequently came to Israel's Rambam Hospital for a visit and said that he "deeply, deeply regrets"[39][40][41] publishing the letter.

Mark Pepys wrote: “The failure of the Menduca et al authors to disclose their extraordinary conflicts of interest… are the most serious, unprofessional and unethical errors. The transparent effort to conceal this vicious and substantially mendacious partisan political diatribe as an innocent humanitarian appeal has no place in any serious publication, let alone a professional medical journal, and would disgrace even the lowest of the gutter press.” In addition, Pepys accuses Horton personally saying that “Horton’s behavior in this case is consistent with his longstanding and wholly inappropriate use of The Lancet as a vehicle for his own extreme political views. It has greatly detracted from the former high standing of the journal.” In response, Horton said: “How can you separate politics and health? The two go hand-in-hand.”[42]

List of editors[edit]

The following persons have been editors-in-chief of the journal:

  • 1823: Thomas Wakley
  • 1862: James Wakley
  • 1886: T. H. Wakley and Thomas Wakley (junior)
  • 1907: Thomas Wakley (junior)
  • 1909: Samuel Squire Sprigge
  • 1937: Egbert Morland
  • 1944: Theodore Fox
  • 1965: Ian Douglas-Wilson
  • 1976: Ian Munro
  • 1988: Gordon Reeves
  • 1990: Robin Fox
  • 1995: Richard Horton

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "Prestigious Medical Journal, The Lancet, Issues Family Planning Series". Population Media Center. 13 July 2012. Retrieved 4 March 2014. 
  2. ^ "About the Lancet Medical Journal". 
  3. ^ "The Lancet, About". 7 November 2015. 
  4. ^ 2014 Journal Citation Report Science Edition, Thomson Reuters, 2015.
  5. ^ 2013 Journal Citation Report Science Edition, Thomson Reuters, 2014.
  6. ^ The Lancet. Science Direct.
  7. ^ "Homoeopathy's benefit questioned". BBC News. 26 August 2005. 
  8. ^ Ferriman A (2003). "Lancet calls for tobacco to be made illegal". BMJ. 327 (7428): 1364. doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7428.1364-b. 
  9. ^ What are the Geneva Conventions for?, editorial, The Lancet, vol. 386, no. 10003, p. 1510, 17 October 2015
  10. ^ Lyall J (2004). "Editor in the eye of a storm". British Medical Journal. 328 (7438): 528. doi:10.1136/bmj.328.7438.528. PMC 351866 . PMID 15164721. 
  11. ^ Murch SH, Anthony A, Casson DH, Malik M, Berelowitz M, Dhillon AP, Thomson MA, Valentine A, Davies SE, Walker-Smith JA (March 2004). "Retraction of an interpretation". Lancet. 363 (9411): 750. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)15715-2. PMID 15016483. 
  12. ^ "MMR researchers issue retraction". BBC News. 4 March 2004. 
  13. ^ "Medical journal retracts study linking autism to vaccine". CNN. 2 February 2010. 
  14. ^ Deer, Brian (19 January 2011). "The Lancet's two days to bury bad news". Brian Deer. Retrieved 18 November 2014.  "Were it not for the GMC case, which cost a rumored £6m (€7m; $9m), the fraud by which Wakefield concocted fear of MMR would forever have been denied and covered up."
  15. ^ Laurance, Jeremy (5 December 2003). "Lancet calls for tobacco ban to save thousands of lives". The Independent. Retrieved 18 January 2010. 
  16. ^ "UK ministers urged to ban tobacco". BBC News. 5 December 2003. Retrieved 18 January 2010. 
  17. ^ Coghlan B (30 October 2006). "Gut reaction aside, those on the ground know Iraq reality". Eureka Street. 
  18. ^ Sudbø J, Lee JJ, Lippman SM, et al. (2005). "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of oral cancer: a nested case-control study". The Lancet. 366 (9494): 1359–66. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67488-0. PMID 16226613.  (Retracted)
  19. ^ "Cancer study patients 'made up'". BBC News. 16 January 2006. 
  20. ^ Hafstad A (17 January 2006). "Største svindel verden har sett". Aftenposten. 
  21. ^ Cortez MF (1 November 2006). "Medical Journal Retracts Oral Cancer Studies Linked to Fraud". Bloomberg.com. 
  22. ^ "Redemption for the Pope?". The Lancet. 373 (9669): 1054. 2009. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60627-9. PMID 19328984. 
  23. ^ "Radio Vatican article". [permanent dead link]
  24. ^ Kumarasamy KK, Toleman MA, Walsh TR, et al. (2010). "Emergence of a new antibiotic resistance mechanism in India, Pakistan, and the UK: a molecular, biological, and epidemiological study". The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 10 (9): 597–602. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70143-2. PMC 2933358 . PMID 20705517. 
  25. ^ Yong D, Giske CG, Toleman M, Walsh TR (October 25–28, 2008). "A novel subgroup metallo-B-lactamase (MBL), NDM-1 emerges in Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPN) from India". 48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. pp. C1–105. 
  26. ^ Yong D, Toleman MA, Giske CG, et al. (2009). "Characterization of a New Metallo-β-Lactamase Gene, blaNDM-1, and a Novel Erythromycin Esterase Gene Carried on a Unique Genetic Structure in Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 14 from India". Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 53 (12): 5046–5054. doi:10.1128/AAC.00774-09. PMC 2786356 . PMID 19770275. 
  27. ^ MNCs behind superbug propaganda: Ahluwalia - Hindustan Times
  28. ^ "Researchers dismiss superbug controversy". SIFY News. 14 August 2010. Retrieved 18 November 2014. 
  29. ^ Cheng, Maria (1 November 2010). "Study: Alcohol more lethal than heroin, cocaine". The Boston Globe. 
  30. ^ "Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt". BBC News. 1 November 2010. 
  31. ^ White PD, et al. (2011). "Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial". The Lancet. 377 (9768): 823–836. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60096-2. PMC 3065633 . PMID 21334061. 
  32. ^ Sharpe, M; Goldsmith, KA; Johnson, AL; Chalder, T; Walker, J; White, PD (December 2015). "Rehabilitative treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome: long-term follow-up from the PACE trial". The Lancet Psychiatry. 2 (12): 1067–74. doi:10.1016/s2215-0366(15)00317-x. PMID 26521770. 
  33. ^ a b c Julie Rehmeyer (13 November 2015). "Hope for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The debate over this mysterious disease is suddenly shifting". 
  34. ^ Wilshire, C; Kindlon, T; Matthees, A; McGrath, S (2016). "Can patients with chronic fatigue syndrome really recover after graded exercise or cognitive behavioural therapy? A critical commentary and preliminary re-analysis of the PACE trial". Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. 5 (1). doi:10.1080/21641846.2017.1259724. 
  35. ^ Julie Rehmeyer and David Tuller (18 March 2017). "Getting It Wrong on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". 
  36. ^ Manduca, Paolo; et al. "An open letter for the people in Gaza". The Lancet. Retrieved 1 February 2017. 
  37. ^ a b "Lancet 'hijacked in anti-Israel campaign'". The Telegraph. 22 September 2014. Retrieved 2 October 2014. 
  38. ^ a b "British medical journal refuses to retract 'letter to Gaza' by anti-Semitic activists". Haaretz. 22 September 2014. Retrieved 2 October 2014. 
  39. ^ Lazareva, Inna (3 October 2014). "Lancet editor apologises for Gaza article by scientists who promoted Ku Klux Klan". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 5 October 2014. 
  40. ^ "In Israel, Lancet editor regrets publishing open letter on Gaza". Haaretz. 3 October 2014. Retrieved 5 October 2014. 
  41. ^ Siegel-Itzkovich, Judy (2 October 2014). "The Lancet editor relents on medical journal's unbalanced attacks on Israel". Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 5 October 2014. 
  42. ^ Wallis Simons, Jake (22 September 2014). "Lancet 'hijacked in anti-Israel campaign'". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2 October 2014. 

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медицинский журнал "Ланцет - Перевод на английский - примеры русский

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В 2007 году медицинский журнал "Ланцет" подтвердил, что такие результаты были достигнуты и в других районах Индии.

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Другие результаты

Совместно с медицинским журналом "Ланцет" секретариат ЮНЭЙДС созвал группу мировых экспертов высокого уровня для анализа позиции, занимаемой мерами борьбы с ВИЧ и проблемами мирового здравоохранения в повестке дня на период после 2015 года.

Joining with the medical journal The Lancet, the UNAIDS secretariat convened a panel of high-level global experts to analyse the place of the HIV response and global health in the post-2015 agenda.

В опубликованном в марте 2009 года в известном британском медицинском журнале «Ланцет» исследовании сделан вывод о том, что израильские ограничения, введенные на передвижение людей и поставки товаров в Газу, способствовали возникновению проблемы задержки роста среди детей моложе 5 лет.

A study published in March 2009 by the prominent British medical journal The Lancet concluded that Israeli restrictions on the movement of people and supplies into Gaza contributed to a "stunting problem" among children less than five years of age.

Регулярно печатается в "Ланцете" и "Британском Медицинском Журнале" по вопросам оказания скорой помощи.

Они описали это в "Новом Английском Медицинском Журнале".

Также в феврале он выступил перед сотрудниками ведущего медицинского журнала «Лансет».

Тем не менее, в 1956 году Элис Стюарт торопитсяопубликовать предварительные результаты в журнале«Ланцет».

Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish herpreliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956.

Совместно с правительством Норвегии и журналом «Ланцет» ЮНИСЕФ организовал симпозиум по проблеме выживания детей с участием глав государств Афганистана и Мадагаскара.

Together with the Government of Norway and The Lancet, UNICEF hosted a child survival symposium with the Heads of State of Afghanistan and Madagascar.

Тем не менее, по данным обследования журнала "Ланцет", был достигнут определенный прогресс в плане предупреждения смертных случаев среди беременных женщин.

But the study by The Lancet also finds that progress has been made in preventing pregnant women from dying.

Комиссия ЮНЭЙДС и журнала «Ланцет» «От борьбы со СПИДом к устойчивому здравоохранению»

UNAIDS and Lancet Commission: From AIDS to Sustainable Health

Выводы и рекомендации Комиссии будут представлены в начале 2014 года в специальном выпуске журнала «Ланцет», а также через социальные сети.

The findings and recommendations of the Commission will be presented in early 2014 in a special issue of The Lancet as well as through social media.

Я нашел огромную коробку со старыми номерами "Английского медицинского журнала".

В «Китайском медицинском журнале» за 1998 год было опубликовано обстоятельное исследование, доказывающее эффективность этого метода.

The Chinese Medical Journal in 1998 published a huge study showing the efficacy of the method.

В 2008 году в журнале "Ланцет" было опубликовано исследование, в котором были приведены веские доказательства того, что если в первые 1000 дней жизни - от зачатия и до двух лет - ребенок не получал полноценное питание, его организму будут нанесены непоправимые повреждения.

In 2008, Lancet compiled all the research and put forward the compelling evidence that if a child in its first thousand days - from conception to two years old - does not have adequate nutrition, the damage is irreversible.

Журнал «Ланцет» в сотрудничестве с ЮНЭЙДС выпустил серию из шести больших статей о будущем глобальной профилактики ВИЧ и 5 августа провел симпозиум «за обедом» с авторами во время Международной конференции по СПИДу, проходящей в Мехико.

The Lancet in conjunction with UNAIDS has produced a special series of six major articles on the future of global HIV prevention and held a lunchtime symposium with the authors and editors on 5 August during the International AIDS conference Mexico City.

По сообщению журнала "Ланцет", количественный показатель материнской смертности в мире в 2008 году составил 342900, а не 536000 случаев - число, которое в последние годы используется Всемирным банком, Всемирной организацией здравоохранения (ВОЗ) и Детским фондом Организации Объединенных Наций (ЮНИСЕФ).

The Lancet reports that maternal deaths worldwide in 2008 totalled 342,900 rather than the 536,000 figure used by the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in recent years.


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The medical journal The Lancet had verified those results in other regions of India in 2007.

В 2007 году медицинский журнал "Ланцет" подтвердил, что такие результаты были достигнуты и в других районах Индии.

A study published in March 2009 by the prominent British medical journal The Lancet concluded that Israeli restrictions on the movement of people and supplies into Gaza contributed to a "stunting problem" among children less than five years of age.

В опубликованном в марте 2009 года в известном британском медицинском журнале «Ланцет» исследовании сделан вывод о том, что израильские ограничения, введенные на передвижение людей и поставки товаров в Газу, способствовали возникновению проблемы задержки роста среди детей моложе 5 лет.

According to the British medical journal The Lancet, the vaccine managed to reduce risk by about 30 per cent and cut cases of severe malaria by more than half.

Согласно данным британского медицинского журнала «The Lancet», новая вакцина снижает риск заболеваний более чем на 30 процентов, а случаи заболевания тяжелой формой малярии более чем на 50 процентов.

Joining with the medical journal The Lancet, the UNAIDS secretariat convened a panel of high-level global experts to analyse the place of the HIV response and global health in the post-2015 agenda.

Совместно с медицинским журналом "Ланцет" секретариат ЮНЭЙДС созвал группу мировых экспертов высокого уровня для анализа позиции, занимаемой мерами борьбы с ВИЧ и проблемами мирового здравоохранения в повестке дня на период после 2015 года.

c) The highly regarded British medical journal The Lancet published a scientific medical study carried out by a French team led by Evelyn Depoortère, head of the French medical survey group Epicentre and experts of Médecins sans frontières.

с) Популярный британский медицинский журнал «Лансет» опубликовал научное медицинское исследование, проведенное группой французов во главе с Эвелин Депортер, руководителем французской медицинской инспекторской группы «Эпицентр» и экспертом организации «Врачи без границ».

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Другие результаты

Also in February, he spoke to the staff of the leading medical journal, The Lancet.

Также в феврале он выступил перед сотрудниками ведущего медицинского журнала «Лансет».

A recent article on maternal and child undernutrition that appeared in a leading medical journal, The Lancet, was used to update the set of interventions for the framework of the accelerated effort.

Недавно в ведущем медицинском журнале «Лансет» была опубликована статья по проблемам распространения недоедания среди матерей и детей, в которой был обозначен комплекс мер, направленных на ускорение прогресса в этой области.

"According to a study published by British journal Lancet two Australian researchers have identified neurological side effects of TW Pharma's anti-hypertension medication Antril including impaired hearing and ataxia."

"Согласно расследованию проведённому британским журналом"Скальпель" два австралийских исследователя идентифицировали неврологические побочные эффекты антигипертонического препарата "Антрил" компании "Фарма" включающие ухудшение слуха и атаксию."

Regular contributor to the Lancet and British Medical Journal on emergency medicine.

Регулярно печатается в "Ланцете" и "Британском Медицинском Журнале" по вопросам оказания скорой помощи.

Moesgaard read his article in The Lancet.

It was a randomized control study published in The Lancet.

Это было рандомизированное контрольное исследование, опубликованное в "Ланцете".

Call the Lancet, because that's one bizarre allergic reaction.

Ну я сомневаюсь, потому что это какая-то невероятная аллергическая реакция.

The lancet holes of the castle were like this.

Бойницы замка были вот такого размера.

You should have submitted it to the Lancet...

Тебе нужно отправить статью в Ланцет.


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